
作者&投稿:豆卢海 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The boy in the garden___be him.must; mustn’t B.can ;can’t C. must; can’t D.can; mustn’t ( A )19.He ___his wallet on the ground. A.dropped B.f ell C. felt D.forgot ( B)20. Some of the books belong to you, while the rest are___.A.hi...

Machines will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hands or even your *** ell! We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark made by your fingers. Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes don’t change as ...


when we don't have to turn up the heat in the morning when we get up;but also when we ...the *** ell of a garden an hour before moonrise.Summer is silk itself,a giant geranium and...Beside him, there was a cow carriage. My uncle told us that he followed my grandpa and 4....

Give him an inch ___he 'll take an ell. B.and C.or D.but...
Give him an inch ___he 'll take an B.and C.or D.but 选B!直接翻译就是:给他一英寸,他会要一尺。通俗翻译就是:得寸进尺!根据句意,ACD的意思都与整个句意不符!希望对你有帮助!祝学习进步!

My God! I don’t know the good word. I’ve studied English for years, but no one told ...him nothing;he is a bad egg。别信,他是个坏蛋。 2.crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲 someone an inch and he will take an ell 得寸进尺If give those people an inch,they...

得寸进尺:得了一寸,还想再进一尺。 指贪心不足,有了小的,又要大的。比喻贪得无厌。the avarice that can be satisfied 参考资料:百度知道

happy birthday to him !!!啥意思
he him 他she her 她it it 它they them 他\/她\/它们 我举个例子:1祝他们生日快乐。Happy birthday to them.2我很高兴。I am very happy.3我的...2013-09-22 15:02sh_ell|四级 意思是祝他生日快乐 评论| 2013-09-22 14:132392121026| 来自手机知道|四级 祝他生日快乐 评论| 2013-09-22 18:...

What to us is an empty plate, is covered with the *** ell of chicken to a hungry dog. 4. 描写动物英语作文带翻译,200字 I have a big dog ane I love him very much . he has o round black eyes and his sense of hearing is sensitive . His claws are like four plum blossoms . His...

He can *** ell very well. He is quite *** all. He weighs about o kilograms. Peter's favorite food is meat. He also likes bones.Peter is very friendly. I feed him every day. He never barks or bites. Peter likes lots of exercise. It is necessary to walk the dog in the park ...

聂眨18253712503问: 将句子改为被动语态 I shall tell him the truth. -
甘谷县炎立回答:[答案] The truth shall be told to him by me.

聂眨18253712503问: to tell the truth和telling the truth怎么用 -
甘谷县炎立回答: to tell the truth是惯用的评注性状语,意思是“说实话”或“老实说”; To tell the truth一般用于句首,表示“事实上”. 例如:To tell the truth,I don't like him. 老实说,我不喜欢他. telling the truth是动名词短语,可做主语、宾补、伴随状语等等,意思同上, 例如:Telling the truth is a very good habit.说实话是个好习惯.

聂眨18253712503问: i think - --right to tell him the truth -
甘谷县炎立回答: 答案 D 解析 这里 it作形式宾语 真正的宾语是后面的 to tell him the truth 又如 I find it difficult to work late.语法上规定只有it可作形式宾语

聂眨18253712503问: i'm telling him the truth i'll tell him the truth -
甘谷县炎立回答: I am telling 趋向于 我即将,马上,或在很短的时间内tell him the truth.而 I will tell 则是 我会告诉他the truth ,重点是"会告诉", 但没强调时间

聂眨18253712503问: You'd rather tell him the truth before it is too late.为什么用rather? -
甘谷县炎立回答:[答案] would rather do something 是一个固定搭配 这个词组的意思是 最好做某事 这句话的意思是 你最好告诉他真相否则就太晚了

聂眨18253712503问: tell the truth 为什么tell后加the呢?
甘谷县炎立回答: the[定冠词] 用于形容词、副词最高级前, 有时也用于形容词比较级前,(也有点像动词)如下: truth 前加 the 的习惯用语: arrive at the truth 获知真相, 明白底细 entrench upon the truth 违背真理 say [speak, tell] the truth and shame the devil 说...

聂眨18253712503问: 为什么 tell the truth,用the? 而 tell a lie,tell a story,用a? 固定搭配吗? -
甘谷县炎立回答: to tell you the truth,一般是单独成句的,都是固定的.另外 真相是不可数名词 ,加上a 或者an是不可能的.所以只能加the.希望对你有帮助

聂眨18253712503问: To tell you the truth.为什么要加to呢?不加可以吗 -
甘谷县炎立回答: To tell you the truth属于评注性状语,用以表明说话人所持的态度.只有非谓语动词(不定式或分词)才可以用作状语,因此不能省略. To tell you the truth 读音:英 [tel ju ðə truːθ] 美 [tel jə ðə truːθ]释义:告诉你实话. 语法:truth的基本意...

聂眨18253712503问: to tell you the truth, I don't believe him.中的不定式做什么成分 -
甘谷县炎立回答: 嗯,上面几位说的都不是很清楚到位,还是我来帮你一把吧~!【人工参考分析】 to tell you the truth 这这边是“前置定语”,用于修饰整句句子的作用.【注意】 句子的组成形式:前置定语,(形容词)主语+(副词)谓语动词+宾语(宾语补主语)(后置定语) 上面几位在句子构成上学习的不是很精深.楼主你自己可以去看看“前置定语”.O(∩_∩)O哈哈~,记得采纳哟~!

聂眨18253712503问: 英语翻译tell sb.the truth告诉某人真相.那个the truth可以不加 the,lie to sb.会等于tell a lie to sb.意思是一样的吗? -
甘谷县炎立回答:[答案] 不能省略the. lie to sb = tell a lie to sb

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