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Dear friends:I am very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today.As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink....

wouldn’t be able to buy the dictionary. But if I bought the dictionary, I fe lt that I was too selfish. After a hard struggle in my mind, I decided to donate the mone y, because I can wait to buy a dictionary, but can’t wait to help the people in the disaste r...

3, en la secundaria a que club perteneias tu?在某段时间经常做的,不是很明确,用未完成 4. cuando tu eras nino\/a, cual comida te gustarias 5. cuando tu eras nino, me gustaria jugar con mis amigos 这和上题同解 6. cuando tu empezaste a aprender ignles, cuandotos anos ...

6. Don'asteanymore作文 Food is important to us. It's everyone's duty to save food. But at school not everyone can realize this. Many students waste much food. For example, some students buy more food than they need. They leave much on the plate and then pour it into ...

1. source 水源 2. With 随着 3. contacted 接触 4. unpolluted 未被污染的 5. used used to do 曾经 6. difficult 困难的 7. walk 走路 8. their 他们的 9. gaining 得到 10. much 多少 这道题还是有一定难度的,要好好想想才能完成,需要译成中文告诉我 ...

...Jason Mraz 这首歌中文注音怎么唱?不会唱英文,求助!!
ande yite teikes sangme fiers tu meike yiu chiwuaste yite teikes zousi tiers tu meike yite ruast yite teikes ze dasite tu haive yite puaolishide yite yisi sou...yite teikes sangme sailinsi tu meike sangde ande yite teikes e laosi bifuao yiu fuangde yite yite ...

...protect our environment?”为题的70词左右的英语作文条件1禁止乱扔...
Protecting the Environment-保护环境 Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the orld. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut do n and aste ater is...

3. 英语作文don'asteanymore Food is important to us. It's everyone's duty to save food. But at school not everyone can realize this. Many students waste much food. For example, some students buy more food than they need. They leave much on the plate and then pour it into the rubbish...

lovely 可爱的 beautiful 美丽的 cute 可爱的 elegant 优雅的 eyeful 养眼的 foxy 古灵精怪的 attractive 迷人的 pretty 漂亮的 charming 魅力四射的 sexy 性感的 hot 火辣的 comely 清秀的 delicate 纤弱的 dreamboat 梦中情人 pulchritudinous 貌美如花的 asteful 品位高雅的 ...

Protecting the Environment-保护环境 Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the orld. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut do n and aste ater is...

师闹19247997892问: 英语taste怎么读 -
安图县立静回答: taste英音:[teist]美音:[test]

师闹19247997892问: taste怎么读 -
安图县立静回答: taste 英[teɪst] 美[test] n. 体验;滋味;味觉;风味 vt.& vi. 尝,品尝 vt. 吃;喝;浅尝 [例句]But ming has stepped up his taste buds. 但是姚明自己对酒的品味已经大步提升.

师闹19247997892问: taste的复数怎么读,复数读法分不清, -
安图县立静回答:[答案] taste[英][teɪst][美][test]n.体验; 滋味; 味觉; 风味; vt.& vi.尝,品尝; vt.吃; 喝; 浅尝; vi.尝味; 略进(饮食); (少量地)吃; 有某种味道; 第三人称单数:tastes过去分词:tasted复数:tastes现在进行时:...

师闹19247997892问: taste的音标 -
安图县立静回答: 英音:[teist]美音:[test]

师闹19247997892问: 品尝英语单词怎么念(taste?品尝英语单词怎么念(taste)
安图县立静回答: “泰死特.”

师闹19247997892问: tastes怎么读呢,希望标出音标,谢谢 -
安图县立静回答: 读音音标:英 [teists],美 [teists]. 名词意思:味觉;爱好;滋味;味道. 动词意思:体验;品尝. taste的其他形式: 过去分词:tasted 第三人称单数:tastes 现在分词:tasting 过去式:tasted 例句:By current tastes the text is dry. 以现在的品...

师闹19247997892问: 英语味道和酸的怎么读 -
安图县立静回答:[答案] 味道:taste[teɪst] 酸的:acid['æsɪd]

师闹19247997892问: 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.1.taste    ... -
安图县立静回答:[答案]1---5 ACDBA 略

师闹19247997892问: tasted 应该如何读音taste 变成过去式后 e是否发音 -
安图县立静回答:[答案] 发 “ti”的音. taste 以t结尾,故……

师闹19247997892问: tasted 应该如何读音 -
安图县立静回答: 发 “ti”的音. taste 以t结尾,故……

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