
作者&投稿:笪红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


east 名词“东,东方,东部”seat 名词“座位,座席”目前就想到这几个,望采纳

east 东,东方; 东方国家 eats 食物(不包括酒类),饭食; eat的第三人称单数

这句话写作my most precious dream,或者用瑞典语写作min mest värdefulla dröm。瑞典语的形容词也有最高级,一般在形容词的原级前面加上-ast,但原级以-a结尾,或一些单音节的形容词的比较级,只需加-st,其中单音节的形容词有o、å、u这样的元音的,要发生变音现象,分别变成...

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the orld. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut do n and aste ater is being poured continuously into ...

lovely 可爱的 beautiful 美丽的 cute 可爱的 elegant 优雅的 eyeful 养眼的 foxy 古灵精怪的 attractive 迷人的 pretty 漂亮的 charming 魅力四射的 sexy 性感的 hot 火辣的 comely 清秀的 delicate 纤弱的 dreamboat 梦中情人 pulchritudinous 貌美如花的 asteful 品位高雅的 ...

8. 【don'astewater的作文给一篇啊】 Don't Waste WaterA man is washing his clothes ,regardless of the notice above “Save the Water Please.”As we see ,water is the source of life.But there is very limited available water resources in our world.So we shouldn't waste it....

Dear friends:I am very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today.As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink....

step provide quickly show 填进句子里面 My parents always a_ppear___ in my mind when I feel sad Please t_aste___ the cake to see if you like it.Congratulations!You have taken the first s_tep___ towards success They will try thrie best to p__rovide___ the best service...

don't wquit aste time

於褚18416474524问: 英语taste怎么读 -
碑林区瑞合回答: taste英音:[teist]美音:[test]

於褚18416474524问: taste怎么读?用中文谐音 -
碑林区瑞合回答: tèi斯特

於褚18416474524问: 葡萄的英语怎么读语音 -
碑林区瑞合回答: 葡萄 英文:grape 英[ɡreɪp] 美[ɡrep] n.葡萄;深紫色,葡萄紫 名词复数:grapes [例句]Stink bugs have destroyed her entire grape harvest. 臭虫已经摧毁了她整个果实累累的葡萄园. 中文谐音:读“革瑞普”,普发轻音

於褚18416474524问: tasted 应该如何读音taste 变成过去式后 e是否发音 -
碑林区瑞合回答:[答案] 发 “ti”的音. taste 以t结尾,故……

於褚18416474524问: 英文咸的怎么读 -
碑林区瑞合回答: “咸” 的英文是 salty,字母组合 al 发长元音 [ɔ:],应该是 [' sɔ:lti],可近似谐音为 “思奥了太”,为了好记,也可以用趣味谐音 “扫了它哎”.

於褚18416474524问: 牛奶的英文单词怎么读 -
碑林区瑞合回答: “牛奶”的英文写法:milk 读法:英 [mɪlk] 美 [mɪlk] 释义: 1、n. 牛奶;乳状物 2、vt. 榨取;挤…的奶 3、vi. 挤奶 4、n. (Milk)人名;(英)米尔克 例句: 1、The dog quickly lapped up the milk in the saucer. 狗很快就将碟子里的牛奶舔光了. ...

於褚18416474524问: 怎样看到英语单词就能知道英语发音? -
碑林区瑞合回答: 某些字母的发音是一定的.见多了可以自己总结. 也有这方面的教程. (1)wake [ weik] paper['peipE] 但要记住一个例外:have读做[hQv]而不是[heiv].(2)在-ange组合中读[ei]. 例如:change[tSeindZ] strange[streindZ] arrange [ E'reind3 ] ...

於褚18416474524问: 英语单词taste怎么造句?简单要翻译! -
碑林区瑞合回答: The cake tastes good. 这块蛋糕尝起来不错.

於褚18416474524问: /telsts/这个音标是什么单词? -
碑林区瑞合回答: /teists/这个音标是,tastesn. [食品] 味道,品味(taste的复数形式); v. 体会,尝(taste的三单形式)

於褚18416474524问: 莲藕英文的读音
碑林区瑞合回答: 莲藕lotus root的读音:英[ˈləutəs ru:t] 美[ˈlotəs rut] 一、lotus root的相关信息 1、释义:n. 莲藕 2、例句: In addition to taste comfortable, the lotus root has good medicinal value and nutritional value. 除了口感舒适之外,莲藕还有很好的药用...

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