
作者&投稿:甘俩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

含take的词组短语 1. take away ①带走;拿走;夺走:Take away the glasses and the tray. 把这些玻璃杯和托盘拿走。 ②拆去;移去;拿掉:I suggest you take the front porch away. 我建议你把前门廊拆掉。 ③除去;使消失;解除(病痛等):Can these tablets take the pain away? 这些药...

ake one,s breath away 令人惊异 take one`s chance 碰运气 take one`s time 慢慢来 take pains 费尽力气 take trouble 下功夫 take part in 参加 take pity on\/upon 可怜 take place 发生,举行 ake pride in 感到骄傲,自豪 take one`s place 代替某人 take the opportunity 利用机会 take turns 轮流做...

take away拿走; 夺走; 拆去使离开; 带走使消失, 消除(病痛等)减去把...买回家食用take back收回(前言), 承认说错了话; 取消(诺言)同意退回, 收回(商品); 接回, 带回使回到某一起点; 使回想起take down拿下, 取下记[录]下来挫其气焰拆掉吞下, 咽下病倒[口]欺骗(某人)take five[美口]休息五分钟[...

ake-kaze(明日风)2003年1月22日※松下牌电饭煲电视广告 歌 (2003年3月19日)母※TBS音乐节目“COUNT DOWN TV”片头曲 小さきもの/燕になりたい(小小的我\/我愿做一只小燕) (2003年7月9日) ※电影“神奇宝贝2003剧场版 七夜的许愿星 基拉祁”(ポケットモンスターアドバンスジェネレー...

arashi 歌颂爱 罗马音和歌词!!!急求!!!
kono yoru ga ake tara nani ka ugokidasu mōsugu Sail away tōku e Sail away haruka haruka tōku e Stay , stay nan do mo Stay , stay yoru to asa o mukae te Yo – ho hate naki umi o mae ni mae ni kōshin kitto kore koso watashi no kibō no michi kōki na hokori ...

Whether 'tis Nobler in the minde to suffer The Slings and Arrowes of outragious Fortune; Or to take Armes against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing end them: to dye, to sleepe No more; and by a sleepe, to say we end The Heart-ake, and the thousand Naturall shockes That Fles...

(梦幻的马车将黑暗分割开) mabaroshi no bashya ha yami wo ake 光のある方へ(光线射入) hikari no aru hohe 梦という罠が仆たちを 焔へ诱う(我们落入像火焰般的梦想圈套) yume to iuwana ga bokutachi wo homura he izanau 空の上の无慈悲な神々には(天空上冷酷无情的众神啊) sora no ue no ...

everything's gonna be alright个歌词
gonna be alight Can you take my breath away Can you change my life today Is everything gonna be okay Everything gonna be alight Everything gonna be okay Everything gonna be alight Can you take my breath away Can you change my life today Is everything gonna be okay ...

chuckie ake的you were my everything歌词
And you pushed me awayLike you never even knew meI love you with my heart, really and trulyI guess you forgot all the times that we shared When i would run my fingers through your hairLate nights, just holding you in my armsI don't know how I could do you so wrongI really wanna...

1、《Orange》try to touch all in the sky try to love snow white u fade my hand grow snow away change my life they are love think so touch our soul touch our skin in the night i can say goodbye at a middle night i fly you can back then after trying say in the under...

卜罗17566383741问: take me away怎么读 -
茌平县布洛回答:[答案] 英语音标:[teik][mi:][ə'wei] 意思是:带我走吧 用发音相近的汉字表示读音:忒克 密 额未

卜罗17566383741问: take me away怎么读
茌平县布洛回答: 英语音标:[teik][mi:][ə'wei] 意思是:带我走吧 用发音相近的汉字表示读音:忒克 密 额未

卜罗17566383741问: take away 是什么意思 -
茌平县布洛回答: take away 英[teik əˈwei] 美[tek əˈwe] 剥夺;拿开;减去;使停止 [例句]No one can take away your freedom.没有人能拿走你的自由.

卜罗17566383741问: take my breath away中文怎么读用拼音或者声音相近的汉子 -
茌平县布洛回答:[答案] tei(四声)可 卖,博热四 哦喂 第一个确实找不到与之匹配的中问读音.现用拼音全部在标志一下. tei(四声)ke(二声)mai(四声)bo(二声)re(一声)si(一声)e(二声)wei(四声)

卜罗17566383741问: 拿走英文怎么读 -
茌平县布洛回答: 单词用 take 词组用 take away

卜罗17566383741问: “把 带走”用英文怎么说 -
茌平县布洛回答: take away. take away 英 [teɪk əˈweɪ] 美 [teɪk əˈweɪ] 拿走;夺走;从…中减去;从…中扣除;带走,抓走(送去监狱、医院等) If you don't take away all your things from the desk, there won't be enough room for mystationery. 如果你不...

卜罗17566383741问: takeaway什么意思啊 -
茌平县布洛回答: takeaway 英 [ˈteɪkəweɪ] 美 [ˈtekəˌwe] n. 外卖餐馆,外卖食品; 复数: takeaways Let's have a takeaway tonight. 咱们今晚吃一顿外卖的饭菜吧. There's a Chinese takeaway in the centre of town. 在市中心有一家中国菜的外卖餐馆. He never cooks and always eats out or has a takeaway. 他从不烹调而且总是在外面吃饭或者有一个外卖饭菜.take away 剥夺; 拿开; 减去; 使停止

卜罗17566383741问: away 这个单词怎么读? -
茌平县布洛回答: away : [ �0�5'wei ] ad. 远离,离开例句与用法: 1. I hope to get away early in the morning.我希望一早就动身离开. 2. He lives 3 miles away from here.他住在离这里三哩的地方. 3. He cut away a dead branch.他砍掉一根枯干的树枝

卜罗17566383741问: take - away什么意思? -
茌平县布洛回答: take-away的意思:外带的(饭食),外卖. take-away 英 ['teɪkə'weɪ] 美 ['teɪkə'weɪ] adj.<主英>(饭食)外带的,(餐厅)供应外带食物的,外卖. 重点词汇: 1、take 英 [teɪk] 美 [tek] vt.采取;拿,取;接受(礼物等);耗费(时间等...

卜罗17566383741问: take - away什么意思?
茌平县布洛回答: take-away ['teikə'wei] n. 熟食 adj. 供应外带的;可带走的 eg:Quick lunch to take-away? 快速午餐外卖? 希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

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