
作者&投稿:历陆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


额。我以前也是4S店的。说实话,保值4S店的投资和运作都很吓人,但是价格也很夸张。因为大多都是换件。大多可以修复的也换。这也是很好的门路。不知道你是售后服务的经理?还是顾问?还是保险的 ?总之。在保险定审员来之前把工作做好。应该你了 ⊿urvey)等。它拥有统一的外观形象,统一的标识,...


Sales Director From: Jane, Regional Sales Manager Date: 23 April 2004 Subject: SurveyAs requested by the Managing Director, i have done a consumer research urveyconcerning our products. The survey showed that the market potential for our own brand shirts could be negligible....

刚绣的眉毛都掉完了?是怎么回事?是不是下手太轻了 绣的是那种一根一根的...

survey n. 调查;测量;审视;纵览 | vt. 调查;... serve vt. 招待,供应;为…服务;对…有用;可... servey 网络释义 be alright with you » 你可以吗 servey »

Sales Director From: Jane, Regional Sales Manager Date: 23 April 2004 Subject: SurveyAs requested by the Managing Director, i have done a consumer research urveyconcerning our products. The survey showed that the market potential for our own brand shirts could be negligible....

Sales Director From: Jane, Regional Sales Manager Date: 23 April 2004 Subject: SurveyAs requested by the Managing Director, i have done a consumer research urveyconcerning our products. The survey showed that the market potential for our own brand shirts could be negligible....

Sales Director From: Jane, Regional Sales Manager Date: 23 April 2004 Subject: SurveyAs requested by the Managing Director, i have done a consumer research urveyconcerning our products. The survey showed that the market potential for our own brand shirts could be negligible....

Sales Director From: Jane, Regional Sales Manager Date: 23 April 2004 Subject: SurveyAs requested by the Managing Director, i have done a consumer research urveyconcerning our products. The survey showed that the market potential for our own brand shirts could be negligible....

臧所18996551769问: survey怎么读 -
天门市如意回答:[答案] survey 英[səˈvei] 美[sɚˈve,ˈsɚˌve] 过去式:surveyed 过去分词:surveyed 现在分词:surveying 复数:surveys vt. 1.眺望; 纵览 2.测量; 勘察 3.检查,鉴定 4.通盘考虑,回顾 5.调查,向…调查;考察;检验 6.查看;审视;审察 7.总体研究;...

臧所18996551769问: survey的音标和意思 -
天门市如意回答: survey [英]['sɜ:veɪ] [美][sɜː(r)veɪ] vi.测量土地; vt.调查; 勘测; 俯瞰; n.调查(表),调查所,测量,测量部,测量图; 概观,检查,鉴定书; 环顾; 第三人称单数:surveys过去分词:surveyed复数:surveys现在进行时:surveying过去式:surveyed

臧所18996551769问: survey有几个读音? -
天门市如意回答:[答案] 你是说音节吗?音节看元音 [sə:'vei] 一个[ə]一个[ei],共2个元音,2个音节

臧所18996551769问: 英语SURVEY的音标是什么? -
天门市如意回答: [ s :'vei ]

臧所18996551769问: survey(调查)怎么读? -
天门市如意回答: [sə:'vei, 'sə:vei, sə-] 按中文读瑟维

臧所18996551769问: survey 怎么读 -
天门市如意回答: 英[s ve ; s ve ] 美[s r ve ; s r ve ]

臧所18996551769问: survey中ey的音标 急! -
天门市如意回答: survey 音标: 英[ˈsɜ:veɪ]美[ˈsɜ:rveɪ] vi. 测量土地; vt. 调查; 勘测; 俯瞰; n. 调查(表),调查所,测量,测量部,测量图; 概观,检查,鉴定书; 环顾; “ey”音标:“eɪ”

臧所18996551769问: survey什么时候重音读在前,什么时候读在后? -
天门市如意回答: survey,contact,等又是动词又是名词的单词,请记住:名前动后 即发音时,是名词的重音在前,动词时重音在后

臧所18996551769问: 测绘的英语怎么写读 -
天门市如意回答: survey and draw survey: 读音:[ˈsə:vei] draw: [英] [drɔ:] [美] [drɔ]

臧所18996551769问: Sale、Sparepart、Service、Survey 这几个单词怎么读,什么意思?谢谢!
天门市如意回答: Sale: [ seil ] n. 销售,削价出售 {塞欧} spare[speə(r)] part[pa:t] n.备件 {丝配饿}{怕特} Service: [ 'sə:vis ] n. 服务,公务部门,服役 vt. 维护,保养 {瑟儿为丝} Survey: [ sə:'vei ] n. 纵览,视察,测量 v. 审视,视察,通盘考虑,调查 {瑟儿位}

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