
作者&投稿:闫荆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

be surprised at 对……感到惊奇 表示某种情绪、心情的起因时,常用at…这一介词短语,表示“听到…”或“看到…”而…We were surprised at his arrival(到达).

surprise:英 [sə'praɪz],美 [sər'praɪz]n. 惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然 vt. 使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现 surprise例句 1、John turned around and looked at me in surprise.约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着我。2、It was a great surprise to learn of her ...

一、动词 双语例句:1、Marlborough led his armies across the Rhine and surprised the French and Bavarian armies near the village of Blenheim.马尔伯勒带领他的部队穿过莱茵河,在离布莱尼姆村不远的地方向法国和巴伐利亚联军发动了突袭。2、They couldn't conceal their surprise at seeing us ...

surprise attack:突然袭击;big surprise:令人大吃一惊(或大为惊喜)的事(或人);complete surprise:彻底出乎意料(或给人惊喜)的事(或人)。surprise的例句:1、The surprise party was Jane's idea.那次惊喜聚会是简的主意。2、Sometimes people seem deliberately to forget the birthday of ...

n.惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然 vt.使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现 单词音标 英式:[səˈpraɪz]美式:[sɚˈpraɪz]单词例句 用作名词 (n.)John turned around and looked at me in surprise. 约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着我。It was a great surprise to ...

surprise 是什么意思
surprise的意思是惊奇、使惊奇。surprise 英 [sə'praɪz] 美 [sər'praɪz]n. 惊奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然 vt. 使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现 1、surprise的基本意思是“使惊奇”,指未曾预料的或空前的事物使人产生某种惊讶感或诧异感,强调始料不及或缺乏准备,...

二、短语 1、surprise sb 使某人吃惊 ; 令某人吃惊的事 ; 使某人惊奇 ; 令某人吃惊 2、earning surprise 盈利预期 ; 盈余惊喜 ; 意外盈余 ; 业绩惊喜 3、surprise Ramadan 他发动了斋月战争 4、Surprise Corner 惊奇角 ; 惊喜角 三、例句 1、It may come as a surprise to some that a ...

surprise surprised surprising的区别
He gasped with surprise at her strength.发现她有这么大的力气,他大吃一惊。A successful campaign should have an element of surprise .成功的宣传活动需有出奇制胜之处。2、作为动词,意为使惊奇;使诧异;使感到意外;出其不意地攻击;使措手不及;无意中发现。例句:It wouldn't surprise me ...

2 . 使人惊讶的事,意外的事 The incident came as quite a surprise to them. 这一事件完全出乎他们的意料。3 . 突然袭击 vt.1 . 使吃惊,使感到意外 I was surprised to learn that he was taking drugs. 听说他在吸毒,我很吃惊。2 . 乘不备时设法得到;出其不意地使(某人)做......

一、词性与释义不一样 1、surprise 英 [sə'praɪz] 美 [sɚ'praɪz]名词:n. 惊奇,诧异;突然袭击 动词:v. 使惊奇;奇袭 2、surprised 英 [səˈpraɪzd] 美 [sərˈpraɪzd]形容词:adj.惊奇的;惊讶的;觉得奇怪的;...

嬴肺13453597980问: 关于surprise的句型 -
龙南县羚翘回答: surprising和surprised都是由surprise变换而来的,前者有主动含义,后者有被动含义,surprising的主语通常是物,而surprised的主语通常是人.Be surprised at + n. (v. + ing) 对……感到惊讶,be surprised后还可接不定式和that引导的从句.例如...

嬴肺13453597980问: surprise 5种词性或5种用法 -
龙南县羚翘回答: n. 惊奇, 诧异, 惊人之事, 奇袭 例子:You really give me a surprise!你确实让我大吃一惊. vt. 使惊奇, 奇袭 We surprise him by presenting him a bundle of flower.我们用献花来给他以惊喜. adj. 令人惊讶的 I am very surprise ou your arrival.我对你的到来感到吃惊. 不好意思,我只知道三个词性. 不过个人认为是用surprise造句吧?

嬴肺13453597980问: be surprised that 造句 -
龙南县羚翘回答: I'm surprise that you are too lazy!

嬴肺13453597980问: 06专四真题:I am surprised that you should think this city is a dull place to live inI am surprised that you should think this city is a dull place to live in.这句中的... -
龙南县羚翘回答:[答案] 对 两个从句结构 为了不和前面的that 重复 所以此处省略 that

嬴肺13453597980问: surprise 有ing形式吗,那surprise是怎么用啊 -
龙南县羚翘回答: 有的,是surprising,令人惊奇的意思,如 :The news is surprising.surprise即可做名词,也可做动词.做名词时如:give you a surprise.做动词时如:what surprised me is that he failed the examination. 问题补充:可以there is a surprising book 吗 谢谢 语法上没错,但一般不这样表达.

嬴肺13453597980问: 英语句子中的主语 -
龙南县羚翘回答: 英语句子中的主语 主语就是是一个句子的主题,它的位置一般在一句之首,可用做主语的有单词,短语,从句乃至句子.如: The man (主语)grasped the boy(宾语) by the hand.那男人抓住那个男孩的手. Is would be nice to see her again .如果可以再见她一面,那将是一件令人开心的事.(句子做主语)

嬴肺13453597980问: be surprised that +从句什么意思 -
龙南县羚翘回答: 对... 从句的意思感到惊讶、惊奇、震惊.

嬴肺13453597980问: 英语语法:主语从句 书上说不可省略that 但有个句子:you get want you want is not a surprise. -
龙南县羚翘回答: you get what you want is not a surprise.主语是 you get what you want 如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

嬴肺13453597980问: be surprised that+从句请问这里从句是什么从句 -
龙南县羚翘回答: 宾语从句.因为前面的surprised是动词

嬴肺13453597980问: 求surprised的用法区别和举一些例句,不要太深的例句.be surprised at sth 和 be surprised that+从句,和be surprised to do sth说明他们的用法区别 -
龙南县羚翘回答:[答案] surprise [sə'praiz] 基本释义 n. 惊奇,诧异;突然袭击 vt. 使惊奇;奇袭 adj. 令人惊讶的 Surprise!时时给她惊喜;给你一个惊喜 Biggest Surprise大事件;大事务 They can surprise the little animals they eat. 它们能偷袭它们吃的小动物. Japan ...

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