
作者&投稿:锺天 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As much as if not more so than women 如何理解 最好一个字一个字分...
As m (父亲们的陪产假)至少应该和女人们的产假时间一样长,父亲们力争让人们正视他们关于灵活安排假期的要求。As much as 和……一样多 if not more (so) than women 即使不必女人多 其中so可以忽略不译,只是让语体显得更加正式。uch as if not more so than women是整句的状语,状语提前必定...

Secnd, we shuld read as uch as pssible. Be sure t chse tpics r bs u are interested in. Third, we can tal with friends and teachers as ften as pssible s that we will iprve ur speaing sills. Last, we shuld eep an English diar t iprve ur writing sills. I hpe I can help...

In the current world, college students become morally more tolerant to the phenomena such as exam...u shuldn’t eat t uch un fd, lie chclate. Gd rest is als gd fr ur health. S u shu

Besides, I used t have s uch free tie that I culd d anthing I lie. Hwever, the life at present has changed. As a Grade 9 student, I have less tie t pla but re tie t stud fr the final exa. M biggest prble is that I have truble getting gd grades in English. But I will ...


如何掌握好定语从句 关系代词的选择 关系代词的选择,主要是指who和that,that和 which,as和which这三对关系代词的选择。 一、关系代词who和that的选择 关系代词who和that都可以指人,有时使用场合有区别。 (一)关系代词who的使用场合 1.who可以代表人、人格化了的动物、神话故事中的人物或有生命的事物。如: 1)...

2、I uch。 我有一种想法,但是我的这种想法不是我曾经想到的那种想法。如果这种想法是我曾经想到的想法,我就不会想那么多了。 9、Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗? 10、 Badmin was able tobeat Bill at billiards, but Bill always beat Badmin badly...

Besides, I used t have s uch free tie that I culd d anthing I lie. Hwever, the life at present has changed. As a Grade 9 student, I have less tie t pla but re tie t stud fr the final exa. M biggest prble is that I have truble getting gd grades in English. But I will ...

u shuldn’t eat t uch un fd, lie chclate. Gd rest is als gd fr ur health. S u shuld sleep nine hurs ever night. Health lifestle ...Therefore, the mass media, such as television, Internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should ...

搜索引擎的地址栏不支持直接输入中文,需要转化成UTF8的编码才可以,用下面的代码试试:Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory...

伏腾18478571664问: such as 后面能跟and so on 吗
彭州市断血回答: 哪可以啊!那是犯重复罗嗦的语病.such as 是用来举例说明的,习惯上只需要列举实例就行了. 关于这种习惯上的用法还是入乡随俗吧,such as 后连用and so on, 老外也会觉得别扭的.

伏腾18478571664问: such as 可以和 and so on 连用吗 -
彭州市断血回答: such as后面可以跟and so on.such as意思是例如.and so on意思是等等.例句:1、We live in the many bad habits, such as spitting and so on. 我们在生活中的很多不良习惯,如随地吐痰等.2、There are colorful festivals in Spain, such as ...

伏腾18478571664问: such as后能否接and so on -
彭州市断血回答: 举例时可以, 例如, " I like fruits, such as apples, oranges, pears, and so on." 不过这种文笔不好, 尽量用“etc.” 来代替.

伏腾18478571664问: 用了such as 后面还要不要加and so on -
彭州市断血回答: 不需zd要加回and soon.可以说答:I have a lot of hobbies,such as reading and singing.I have a lot of hobbies;I like reading,singing and so on.

伏腾18478571664问: such as 后面还能跟 and so on 吗? -
彭州市断血回答: 都不行.

伏腾18478571664问: such as 可以和and so on连用吗? -
彭州市断血回答: 当然可以, 不过, 一般列举三个以上才用so on. There many countries in the Europe: The UK, France, Germany and so on.

伏腾18478571664问: such as后面可以接and so on吗? 别乱答, -
彭州市断血回答: such as 加 sth 再加and so on 不能直接加

伏腾18478571664问: such as 后面必须跟and so on吗? -
彭州市断血回答: 当然不是必须 so on就是“等等” 你都举完了,没有“等等”,就不用加了呗

伏腾18478571664问: such as···and so on···什么意思?
彭州市断血回答: 例如:such as 后可跟举例的名词或动名词 诸如此类:and so on ,现举例,再用它来结尾,用在句末.

伏腾18478571664问: such与as的不同 -
彭州市断血回答: such与so的区别与用法 such与so的意思都是“如此,这样”.但两者用法根本不同,与what和how引导的感叹句相类似.1、such后面主要是修饰名词.即:such+a/an+adj.+n.或a/an+such+adj.+n..如果名词是不可数名词或复数名词,则不可以...

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