
作者&投稿:寇曼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1) tanD=4\/4=1 所以绝对值k=1 k<0 所以k=-1 因为A(0,4) 所以b=4 所以y1=-x+4 (2)令y1=y2 -x+4=x+1 所以x=3\/2 y=5\/2 所以B(3\/2,5,2)(3)令y=0分别代入 算出C(-1,0) D(4,0) 所以CD=5 因为OA=4 所以三角形ACD面积=1\/2*5*4=10 减去CDB面积...

雨中登泰山 李健吾Yus Zhong Dengz Taibr Shan Lim Jianrk Wuw_百度知...
Yooude shittou xiangr leanhuac banc, yooude xiangr daaxiangw tou, yooude xiangr laaoren, yooude xiangr woohuf, yooude cuooluo cheng qiao, yooude wuulip ru zhum, yooude ceeshen tand hais, yooude nuumu xiangxiangl. Yooude srenme y buxiangr, heihuhu d, yidong budong, duvzhur ...

然后,在一个单一的考绩制度' tbrongb 52 , eaclJ整数po'itionj大关,开始' _tuple , 〜 ' th.t代码' tojc河,丁,李从tbe ,吨 标有B ; '指针CIjc ) ,一个读,经常tbe大埔, ition ,所有 ' _tuple '在司的配合〜 ,复吹转炉, peed与tlle'tuple matche ' oo...

地磁场水平分量Hh、垂直分量HZ、东向分量HY、北向分量HX及总强度Ht统称为地磁要素。处在地球上任意一点的地球磁场各个要素是随时间和空间的不同而不断变化的。地磁要素之间具有如下关系:HX=HhcosD,Hh2=HX2+HY2,HY=HhsinD,Ht2=HX2X+HZ2,HZ=HhtanI,tanD=HY\/HX,Ht=HhsecI=HXcscI ...

Day2: But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadlly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty ...

设抛物线方程为y=ax�0�5(a>0)A(x1,y1)B(x2,y2),tanD=1\/2 把y=1\/2x+2代入上式得ax�0�5-1\/2x-2=0,得x2-x1=√( (x1+x2)�0�5-4x1x2) )=√(1+32a)\/2a 因为tanD=1\/2,所以cosD=2\/√5,所以x2-x1=|AB|*...

由图可知,圆在区域D的弧是由两条直线所夹得的y轴右侧的扇形的弧长,而扇形的圆心角是两直线的夹角.∵两直线的斜率分别为1\/2和-1\/3,由直线夹角公式tanθ=|(k2-k1)\/(1+k2k1)|可得,tanθ=1,θ=π\/4,∴扇形的圆心角为π\/4,弧长为(π\/4) ×半径长=(π\/4) ×2=π\/2,∴所求...

故抛物线方程是:x^2=4y 2. A1(x1,-m), O(0,0), B(x2, x2^2\/4)k(OB)=x2\/4 k(OA1)=-m\/x1=(x1x2\/4)\/x1=x2\/4 k(OB)=k(OA1)故:A1,O,B三点共线 3. 设M(x0,-m)当x0=0时, cotE=0,tanD=k(MA)=(y1+m)\/x1=(x1^2+4m)\/4x1,tanF=k(MB)=(y2+m)\/...

sin15度cos15度tan15度和sin75度cos75度tan75度怎样求 要详细过程 不...
=√6\/4-√2\/4 =(√6-√2)\/4 cos15=(√6+√2)\/4 这个是常用公式 如果用几何方法来求:画一个直角三角形ABC,使∠C=90°,∠ABC=30°,不妨设AC=1,则AB=2,BC=√3.延长CB到D,使BD=AB=2,连结AD,易得∠D=15°。在直角△ADC中,易得DC=2+√3 ∴tanD=AC\/DC=1\/(2...

解tan∠A=BC\/AB=3Y\/2X tan∠D=EF\/DE=4Y\/3X tan∠C=AB\/BC=2X\/ 3Y tan∠F=DE\/EF=3X\/ 4Y tan(A-D)=(tanA-tanD) \/(1+tanA ·tanD) =(3Y\/2X -4Y\/3X )\/(1+3Y\/2X×4Y\/3X )=Y\/6X÷(6X^2+12Y^2)6X^2=XY\/(6X^2+12Y^2)tan(C+F)=(tanC+tanF)\/(1-tanC...

一屠19499619900问: stand by your man翻译成中文是什么意思 -
鹿邑县涵雪回答: 一直陪在你身边的那个人

一屠19499619900问: Stand By Your Man 歌词 -
鹿邑县涵雪回答: 歌曲名:Stand By Your Man 歌手:Wanda Jackson 专辑:Country ClassicsSometimes its hard to be a woman Giving all your love to just one man You'll have bad times And he'll have good times Doing things that you don't understand But if you ...

一屠19499619900问: stand by you man 是什么意思 -
鹿邑县涵雪回答: stand by you, man 街头口语 我会给你殿后的,哥们

一屠19499619900问: 翻译求助 -
鹿邑县涵雪回答: stand by 站在……旁边,引申为帮助,支持,也有袖手旁观的意思你站在我这边么?或者 你支持我么?站在你的人那边 或者 支持你的人man不一定就翻译成 男人

一屠19499619900问: 律师风云插曲 -
鹿邑县涵雪回答: 阳台上D和A交谈时的背景歌曲 Tammy Wynette的"Stand By Your Man". 歌词: Sometimes it's hard to be a woman Giving all your love to just one man You'll have bad times And he'll have good times Doin things that you don't understand But if ...

一屠19499619900问: 求:Tammy Wynette stand by your man歌词 -
鹿邑县涵雪回答: Some times it's hard to be a womanGiving all your love to just one manYou'll have sad times and he'll have good timesDoing things that you don't...

一屠19499619900问: I`am you man,stand by me 是什么意思? -
鹿邑县涵雪回答: stand by me 请守护我

一屠19499619900问: 求英文新歌 -
鹿邑县涵雪回答:You can trust in me Fly to your heart My love will get you home Raise today Quiza Dreams come ture you are beautiful let me show you the way I'd like to teach the world to sing When a man loves a woman Raindrops falling on my head Rhythm of the ...

一屠19499619900问: Stand by Yourself什么意思?兼请翻译下面一段 -
鹿邑县涵雪回答: stand by yoursely,依靠自己,支持

一屠19499619900问: 有什么好听的歌?介绍一下,越多越好 -
鹿邑县涵雪回答: 这些是广告歌,很好听哦!! 1.when you know——芝华士广告歌 2.everything gonna be alright——兰蔻香水广告's over now——鳄鱼t恤广告歌 4.a thousand miles——nba广告歌 5.why can't i—— nba广告歌 6.the game of love——nba广告歌 ...

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