
作者&投稿:莫侍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

丢lose[lu:z]6.ome读[m]词义联想:由close关闭联想 一些some[sm]closed(关着的)。来come[km]5.字母o读作[u:]欢迎welcome[welkm]做do[du:] ▲家home[hum]到to[tu:] 合成联想:由home(家)联想鞋读shoe[u:] homework[humw:k]到…里into[intu:] (家庭作业)。(到…)上onto[ntu] ove读[v]词义联...

1.May I take your ()?order我能为你点菜吗?2.Wait a m(),please,I'm coming.minute或moment皆可 请等一下,我马上就来了 3.Would you like s() to drink?something你愿意喝点什么吗?4.What would you like for b()?breakfast 你早餐想吃什么?5.I usually have rice and v() ...

Lisa often goes to this clothes shop.Let‘s go to the cineam.\/Let’s go to see a movie.Do you want to go there?Many Chinese like Beijing Opera.Do you want to see thrillers\/a thriller?What (kind of) sports does your brother like?Guo Wei's sister wants to watch TV.Tom...

The Right Kind Of Wrong这首歌的歌名如何翻译?
这里的right不是"对"的 意思.the right kind of是 合适的,的确的,确实的 We must get the right kind of frame to set off the picture.我们得找个合适的镜框把这幅画衬得更加好看。

以what Kind of person am I?为题写一篇英语作文
I am a person that is always happy beca use any time I do something wrong or s omething goes wrong in my life I always set my mind that what has been done in the past are things from the past and th ere is nothing that can be done to revers e time to fix t ...

9、This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime.这样确定无疑的爱,一生只有一次 10、Love means never having to say you're sorry.爱情意味着你永远不需要说"对不起"11、Don't be deceived by appearances,for beauty is founded within.不要被外表所欺骗,美存在于内心 12、May it ...

56.It's very kind ___ you to help me ___ my Chinese. a. of,with b. to,with c. of,in d. to,in 57.When James ___ last night,we ___ supper. a. comes,have, b. came,were having c. came,had d. comes,had 58.Beijing is ___ ___ temperature from 10 to 15. a. cloud...

俟启18572288956问: 请英语高手tell我 Some kind of joke什么意思
蒲城县了哥回答: 意思是:一些玩笑、 呃、举个例子好了:如果朋友说了一件让你吃惊的事情或是、呃、生气的事情、然后她说 just some kind of joke 、就是意思:开个玩笑、让你别当真、、、可以和it's a joke 划等号

俟启18572288956问: If this is your idea of some kind of joke...这句中前一个of是什么意思?整句话的结构帮忙梳理一下 -
蒲城县了哥回答:[答案] 前面的of就是“的”意思,后面的of some kind of joke修饰idea,做定语

俟启18572288956问: some kind of 和some kinds of 的区别 顺便说一下这个题吧 at first i thought it was------- -
蒲城县了哥回答:[选项] A. some kinds of joke B. a type of jokes C. some kind of joke D. joke of a kind

俟启18572288956问: some kind of 后面都可以接什么词我见到的就有 a jacket ,tests,wonderful,blue,meat,jokes等.怎么翻译这些词组? -
蒲城县了哥回答:[答案] 名词,表示某类···

俟启18572288956问: 1:This was some kind of joke.为什么不是some kinds of j
蒲城县了哥回答: 1 was 后面单数,joke2 whom 指代people,复数 are

俟启18572288956问: some kind of 的用法 kindof 和sort of的区别 -
蒲城县了哥回答: Kind of和sort of 最常见的含义是:“种类”.除此之外,它们还有副词性的用法,意思相当于to some extent,in a certain way,rather(有几分,有点儿,相当)等含义.一般情况下,sort of和kind of 可以相互替换,现就其用法进行分类说明. 一...

俟启18572288956问: some type of 是固定搭配吗 -
蒲城县了哥回答:[答案] 不是.some 接单数名词意为“某一” 此为“某种类型的...” 请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )

俟启18572288956问: some kind of 和some kinds of 的区别 -
蒲城县了哥回答: 某一种类的... 某些种类的... 应选C,因为主语是单数,不能选A

俟启18572288956问: some kind of 后接不可数名词时的谓语用单数还是复数 -
蒲城县了哥回答: 用单数 makes.cloth做布料讲,是不可数名词

俟启18572288956问: some kind of还是some kinds of -
蒲城县了哥回答: of 后面的是复数就加s.,不是复数不加.比如说 some kind of creature, creature以为是各位所以是kind some kinds of sales, sales是复数所以加s.

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