
作者&投稿:丰龚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、定义不同 habit指一个人经常规律性地重复做某件事。例句:When she reads the newspaper, Jane makes it a habit to look at the weather first.简读报纸时,养成了先看天气的习惯。custom则指一个民族或一个社会在发展过程中长期沿袭下来的礼节、风俗和习惯。例句:In the American workplace,...

oft文件怎么打开?outelook express 怎么设置?
http:\/\/\/\/into \/ at \/of,如无需填任何介词,请填1.-|||-He oft?_百度...
1. into 短语 turn into 撞到...上 2. to 动词不定式 3. To 动词不定式,插入语 4. to... go to ... 去到某地 5. at 短语 have a look at ... 看...一下 6. 不需要任何介词 7. of 短语 the number of your telephone 你的电话号码 ...

急求:赢过诗人 John Keats 的On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer...
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise- Silent, upon a peak in Darien.

How oft can we enjoy a fine mid-autumn night? Where shall we view next year silver moon so bright.。 5.中秋节的佳句用英语翻译 【原文】每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。 【译文】Annually lunar calendar August 15th, is a traditional Mid-Autumn joyful festival.【原文】这时是一年秋季的中期...

2 Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find Thee sitting careless on a granary floor, Thy hair sort-lifted by the winnowing wind; Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep, Dows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook Spares the next swath ...


sea, look graciously. Emily Dickinson我是一条朝你奔流而去的小溪,蓝色的大海啊,你愿意接纳我吗?优雅的大海啊,小溪正在等待你的回答。 All it took was one glance.Now all I ask is one chance,To try to win your heart.Just give me a chance to start.I'll show you it was meant to be诗.To...

We shall first look brieflyat the historical antecedents of this theory.我们首先简要地回顾一下该理论历史上的先例。314. aplombaplomb \/əˈplɒm\/N-UNCOUNT If you do somethingwith aplomb, you do it with confidence in a relaxed way. 沉着; 镇定 [正式] [usu 'with' N]315. aproposapropos...

some time ago Since then my love for you did only grow You are my sweetheart day by day I would like to meet you without delayI hope we make it, I hope it will be fast Together, at long last I look forward to our next moment together With you, life cannot become any better 第四...

孔清17323055882问: shftlook是什么意思 -
林西县悦南回答: soft look 网络 眼神的柔和; 柔弱的表情 双语例句1 She gave him a soft appealing look that would have melted solid ice.她恳求地看了他一眼,温柔的眼神足以融化坚冰.

孔清17323055882问: 感官动词的用法 -
林西县悦南回答: feel:1) sth feel + adj.某物摸上去给人的感觉. 如: Silk feels soft. 2) sb. feel +adj. 某人感到... 如; We feel happy. smell: sth smell + adj.某物闻起来... sound: sth sound + adj/like(a) +n.某物听起来... taste; sth taste + adj.某物尝起来... look: sb look +adj/like (a) +n.某人看上去... sth look adj/like(a)+n.某物看上去...

孔清17323055882问: 感官动词有有哪些顺便说说它的用法 嘻嘻 -
林西县悦南回答: 感官动词 (A)感官动词(及物动词)有: see/notice/look at/watch/observe/listen to/hear/feel(Vt)/taste(Vt)/smell(Vt) (B)连缀动词(含感官不及物动词) be/get/become/feel/look/sound/smell/taste/seem/ appear/grow/turn/prove/go/run 编辑本段用...

孔清17323055882问: look well和look gond 的区别 -
林西县悦南回答: well作形容词的时候只有身体好,good可指成绩好等

孔清17323055882问: 连系动词和感官动词的区别 -
林西县悦南回答: 比如look:做联系动词是指“看上去”,后面必须接形容词或有形容词功能的词.eg. He looks sad.他看上去很悲伤.做感官动词指“看”,实实在在是感官上的动作,eg. He looked at me sadly.

孔清17323055882问: 木马病毒有什么好的软件来杀么??? -
林西县悦南回答: ①机器配置比较高的 推荐: 卡巴司机+LOOK, 两个世界排名第一的软件,杀毒 防火墙都是NO.1, 没得话讲的. 顺便加上个 买咖啡或KV进行实时监控, 买咖啡实时监控世界NO.1 平常用买咖啡进行实时监控. 注:McAfee8.0i可以自由安装组件,...

孔清17323055882问: 像feel sound look 这些系动词有没有被动啊 -
林西县悦南回答: 没有被动 感官动词没有被动,直接用主动式表被动 如,cotton feels soft

孔清17323055882问: 奇虎360安全卫士 是否管用
林西县悦南回答: 推荐给你一套组合装,我用的就是这种组合,这三种防毒软件相互配合,各有特点,互不冲突.我都已经好久没中病毒了. 1、瑞星杀毒软件 2、360安全卫士 http://www.greendown....

孔清17323055882问: 英语翻译The gift is beautiful.I prefer to receive it(定语从句)Soft lighting makes people look good(被动语态)When I was twelve years old,Ilearnt how to ... -
林西县悦南回答:[答案] The gift is beautiful.I prefer to receive it(定语从句)The gift (that/which) I prefer to receive is beautifulSoft lighting makes people look good(被动语态)People are made to look good by soft lightin...

孔清17323055882问: 急求一首英文诗
林西县悦南回答:Who has seen the wind?Neither I nor you; But when the leaves hang trembling,The wind is passing through. Who has seen the wind?Neither you nor I; But when the trees bow down their heads,The wind is passing by. ——Christina Rossetti有...

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