
作者&投稿:闵凝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

晋盾19194038545问: socio - political什么意思 -
宾县多康回答: socio-political 英[səʊsi':əʊpəl'ɪtɪkl]美[soʊsi':oʊpəl'ɪtɪkl] adj.社会政治的 网络 社会政治; 经济政治; 社会政治学 双语例句 The sentiments expressed in the suggestion of “ Fat, rude arrogant, racist, selfish ” are put into a more ...

晋盾19194038545问: 英文的合成形容词是怎么构成的?请举例 -
宾县多康回答: 合成词的规则:①名词+形容词,如:oil-rich, duty-free, praiseworthy, life-long, carefree, worldwide, skin-deep, sea-sick, cock-sure, word-perfect 等. ②形容词+形容词,如:bitter-sweet, red-hot, Afro-Asian, socio-political, dead-alive, blue-...

晋盾19194038545问: 英文合成词 类似time - consuming 与heart - shaped -
宾县多康回答: -ing与-ed的用法主要是看被修饰词与动词的关系了,主动用-ing,被动则用-ed. 合成词的规则:①名词+形容词,如:oil-rich, duty-free, praiseworthy, life-long, carefree, worldwide, skin-deep, sea-sick, cock-sure, word-perfect 等. ②形容词+...

晋盾19194038545问: 英文的合成形容词是怎么构成的?请举例 -
宾县多康回答:[答案] 合成词的规则: ①名词+形容词,如: oil-rich,duty-free,praiseworthy,life-long,carefree,worldwide,skin-deep,sea-sick,cock-sure,word-perfect 等. ②形容词+形容词,如: bitter-sweet,red-hot,Afro-Asian,socio-political,dead-alive,blue-black 等. ③名词+现...

晋盾19194038545问: 我想学习英语,但不知道如何下手,求指教,学习英语要从那几个方面入手 -
宾县多康回答: 一、学好英文必须静下心来,日积月累,切不可急功近利.必须静下心来,从一词一句开始积累,多听、多说、多读,长年坚持,必有收获.因为学习外语的时间和对其掌握的熟练程度成正比,也可以说任何一门外语听说读写译的熟练运用都...

晋盾19194038545问: 希望英语天才指教,指教 -
宾县多康回答: 和其他合成词一样,合成形容词(compound adjectives)也是由两个或两个以上的字合组而成的.由于现代英语结构尽量从繁入简,合成词,特别是合成形容词的运用,就越来越普遍,报章杂志更是如此. 合成形容词的构成方法,主要有下列...

晋盾19194038545问: 阿拉丁神灯的作者Judith Deam的英文简介 -
宾县多康回答: Judith Dean completed an Art Foundation Course at North Essex School of Art (1984-85) before studying Fine Art at Wimbledon School of Art (1985-88), and then continuing her studies at the Rijksacademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam ...

晋盾19194038545问: 阿拉丁神灯简介用3.4句话简单的介绍阿拉丁神灯的内容,只要3.4句话就够了.. -
宾县多康回答:[答案] Judith Dean completed an Art Foundation Course at North Essex School of Art (1984-85) before studying Fine Art at ... She is a re-active artist who responds to whatever situation or context she finds herself in. She will form a view of the socio political ...

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