
作者&投稿:独孤叶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高二英语作文3 Nwadas,we,high schl Students ,are faced with se ental prbles .Se are suffering fr stress. Se have a high level f anxiet ,Se lac enugh sleep. N dubt, thse d har t ur health .But what can we d t ae a change?First f all ,in pinin , we shuld...

All ships sailing n the ceans call fr help b radi in it. It has been said that 60 percent f the wrld's radi brad casts and 70 percent f the wrld's ail uses English. At internatinal sprts eets, and internatinal f scientists English is the language st cnl used and the st widel ...

1983BEYOND into the military this year, was formed to take part in a music competition, BEYOND also live up to expectations, performing his works won the title, then members of Wong Ka Kui, Yip Sai Wing and Lin Wu. BEYOND the time has not yet been formed, and they also ...

惠柿19380033063问: unnecessarily是什么意思 -
华亭县尼群回答: unnecessarily [ʌn'nɛsə,sɛrɪli] adv. 不必要地;多余地 [例句]The silence lengthened as Thorne unnecessarily shuffled some papers.索恩毫无必要地来回摆弄一些文件,沉默的时间因此拉长了.

惠柿19380033063问: not necessarily 与 unnecessarily 一样吗 -
华亭县尼群回答: not necessarily 未必,不一定 unnecessarily adv. 不必要地;多余地

惠柿19380033063问: ...ring B.being watched;ringing C.watched;ring D.having watched;ringing3.I didn't like his plan,which seemed_____to me.A.unnecessary complicating B.... -
华亭县尼群回答:[答案] 1.D moved 多表状态,可译为感到感动的 moving 多表特征,可译为令人感动的 2.A watch 的逻辑主语的是we ,是主动关系,所以用现在分词 hear sb/sth do 3.D seem complicated to me 对我来说复杂,unnecessarily 作状语修饰 complicated

惠柿19380033063问: 帮忙找几个6音节的英语单词? -
华亭县尼群回答: 6音节的英语单词有,例如: internationally unnecessarily participational

惠柿19380033063问: necessary的反义词可以是inecessary吗可以是innecessary吗 -
华亭县尼群回答:[答案] unnecessary adj 没必要的 unnecessarily adv 没必要地;

惠柿19380033063问: 愚蠢的单词怎么读和用法 -
华亭县尼群回答: foolish[英][ˈfu:lɪʃ] [美][ˈfulɪʃ]1.ADJ-GRADED(举止或行为)愚蠢的,傻的,笨的If someone's behaviour or action is foolish, it is not sensible and shows a lack of good judgment. It would be foolish to raise hopes unnecessarily...无谓地燃起人们的希望是愚蠢的.It is foolish to risk skin cancer.冒患上皮肤癌的风险是愚蠢的.

惠柿19380033063问: 什么叫语法~ -
华亭县尼群回答: 语言是由语音形式、语义内容、结构关系三个方面构成的统一体,三个方面缺一不可,互相作用,构成了语言.语音是语言的形式部分,词汇是语言的意义部分,语法是语言单位的关系部分,说的是符号与符号怎样组合的问题.三个部分在语言...

惠柿19380033063问: 何为奥坎式简化论? -
华亭县尼群回答: 奥坎氏简化论"又称"奥卡姆剃刀" -( Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor ) 奥卡姆剃刀(Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor)是由14世纪逻辑学家、圣方济各会修士奥卡姆的威廉(William of Occam)提出的一个原理.奥卡姆(Ockham)在英格...

惠柿19380033063问: buy things unnecessarily的最后一词应该是unnecessary,形容词作后置定语,或者定语从句省that is -
华亭县尼群回答: 应该是形容词作后置定语吧……

惠柿19380033063问: adams出现 this constraint:unnecessarily removes this dof:是什么意思 -
华亭县尼群回答: this constraint:unnecessarily removes this dof 这个约束:不必要地去掉这个自由度.重点词汇constraint约束; 限制; 强制unnecessarily不必要地,多余地,不需要地dofdegree of freedom 自由度 希望对你有帮助

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