
作者&投稿:和仁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【近义词】adv.1、习惯地,经常地,常规地,长期 usual、often、frequently、customarily、routinely、habitually、repeatedly、inveterately、times、most、many、often、conventionally、as 2、通常地,一般地,主要地 main、rule、on、generally、gularly、innormally、mostly、mainly、speaking、commonly、ordinarily ...


汽车定期维修 无论你是一个汽车拥有者还是一个技术人员,掌握一些汽车定期维修知识都是很必要的。检查你的火花塞插件,不定期工作的火花塞会消耗更多燃料和金钱。其他需要维护的部分包括电力系统和冷却系统。检查你的皮带和软管,它们很容易被弄脏。显示白色或粗糙边缘的皮带或软管可能在任何时候破裂,仅仅需要...

in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor. It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens. From then on the games are held every four years rugularly. The Olympics have become the world's most important athletic ...

stay healthy,you should not eat too much fried food.You should eat some vegetables instead.And you should go to bed early and get up early.The most important ting is to exercise rugularly.But I don't have enough exercise,so I should exercise every day.In this way,I can stay healthy....

CRISPR Cas9知识储备第一弹:简介
CRISPR Cas9 -- C lustered R egularly I nterspaced S hort P alindromic R epeats CRISPR- A ssociated P roteins 9 Crispr-CAS9系统最初在细菌和古生菌中观察到,作为一种适应性微生物免疫系统,提供对外来病毒和质粒的获得性免疫;已测序物种中,40%的细菌和90%的古生菌可观察到CRISPR基因座,且细菌...

九年级 上册 单词表 全部
1 helmet n. 头盔 p.6 1 2 robot n. 机器人 p.7 1 3 pill n. 片剂;药片 p.7 1 4 net n. 网;网络 p.7 1 5 guitar n. 吉他 p.7 1 6 sunglasses n. 太阳镜 p.7 1 7 tent n. 帐篷 p.7 1 8 imagine vi.&vt. 想像;设想 p.8 1 9 planet n. 行星 p.8 1 10 ...

草,你说翻就翻 劳资时间不要钱?一分钱悬赏也没有 弄这一大堆 去你吗的 天上不会掉馅饼 先学学做人吧

in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor.It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens. From then on the games are held every four years rugularly. The Olympics have become the world's most important athletic events...

地震英语作文和奥运英语作文 80字带翻译初三的
in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor.It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens. From then on the games are held every four years rugularly. The Olympics have become the world's most important athletic events...

邱印15366556304问: singularly是什么意思
新沂市阿托回答: singularly 奇 双语对照 词典结果:singularly[英][ˈsɪŋgjələli][美][ˈsɪŋgjələrli] adv.非常地; 格外地; 奇怪地; 异常地; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Today's situation is singularly dire, but it won't last. 现今的形势格外的严峻,但是这种情况不会持久.

邱印15366556304问: singular的意思 -
新沂市阿托回答: singular [ˈsiŋɡjulə] adj. 〈语〉单数的 The noun “mouse” is the singular form of “mice”. 名词mouse是mice的单数形式. 〈正〉突出的, 卓越的, 非凡的 The young man has a singular ear for music. 这个年轻人对音乐有非凡的欣...

邱印15366556304问: 英语论文常用连接词怎么写英语议论文呢?常用的连接词怎么表达呢,比如,一方面另一方面,总的来说,首先,接着,最后等等之类的…… -
新沂市阿托回答:[答案] 写英文论文,你可以看一下网上的例子. 比如:for example 总的来说:generally 首先,接着,最后:first,next,finally 以下我... 强调 above all,chiefly,with attention to,especially,particularly,singularly 对比(相同): comparatively,coupled with,...

邱印15366556304问: luky是什么意思?求解答 -
新沂市阿托回答: lucky 是Luck 的形容词,意思是”幸运的“,作定语或表语. lucky 英 ['lʌkɪ] 美 ['lʌki] adj. 幸运的;侥幸的 短语lucky number 幸运数字;幸运数 good lucky 祝你好运 lucky charm 幸运符;护身符 lucky kiss 幸运之吻 例句 1、For myself I do not ...

邱印15366556304问: 英语写作中表示转折、过渡、转变的词语 -
新沂市阿托回答: Addition(在原有的东西上增加更多的信息啊,之类的时候用的): also, again, as well as, besides, coupled with, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly Consequence(前面说了一堆的时候总结用的): accordingly, as a result, ...

邱印15366556304问: 奇幻怎么用英语拼写?(各位英语高手多多指教!!) -
新沂市阿托回答: miracle.奇迹.奇幻.这个词挺不错的.

邱印15366556304问: luky是什么意思?求解答 -
新沂市阿托回答: lake or sea湖或海双语例句1Shore suggests the limits of a lake or sea, or a narrow strip of land next to thewatershore指湖或海的边缘或水边的狭长的陆地2Almost every city have river, lake or sea which has connection with it. Theywitness the city in the past, present and future.几乎每座城市都有与它息息相关的河流、湖泊或是海洋,见证着城市的过去、现在和未来.

邱印15366556304问: the headmaster and l obviously had singularly little in common 什么意思 -
新沂市阿托回答: the headmaster and l obviously had singularly little in common 很明显.校长和我之间几乎没有共同点 双语对照 例句:1.The headmaster and I obviously had very little in common. 这个(校的)长显然与我不是同一类人.2.Chinese has nothing in common with english and china had little contact with thewestern world in modem history. 汉字和英语这两种文字毫无共同之处,并且中国和西方世界在近代史上很少接触

邱印15366556304问: 有谁有《简爱》中经典选段的中英文对照么? -
新沂市阿托回答: “那么,”我耐不住终于问,“难道里德太太不是一个冷酷无情的坏女人吗?” “毫无疑问,她对你不客气.因为你瞧,她讨厌你的性格,就像斯卡查德小姐不喜欢我的性格一样,但是,你把她对你说的和做过的记得那么清楚!她的不公好像已...

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