
作者&投稿:厉雷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

et al.是什么意思?
et al.是拉丁文,意思是:以及其他人、等人。是et alia("and others; and co-workers":等它人)的缩写。它几乎都是在列文献作者时使用,即把主要作者列出后,其它作者全放在et al. 里面。例句:These results agree with the ones published by Pelon et al. (2002).翻译:这些结果与Pelon等人...

et al.是什么意思?
et al.是拉丁文,意思是:以及其他人、等人。是et alia("and others; and co-workers":等它人)的缩写。它几乎都是在列文献作者时使用,即把主要作者列出后,其它作者全放在et al. 里面。例句:These results agree with the ones published by Pelon et al. (2002).翻译:这些结果与Pelon等人...

et al.是什么意思?
et al.是拉丁文,意思是:以及其他人、等人。是et alia("and others; and co-workers":等它人)的缩写。它几乎都是在列文献作者时使用,即把主要作者列出后,其它作者全放在et al. 里面。例句:These results agree with the ones published by Pelon et al. (2002).翻译:这些结果与Pelon等人...

英文文献中et al.是什么意思?
et al.是拉丁文,意思是:以及其他人、等人。是et alia("and others; and co-workers":等它人)的缩写。它几乎都是在列文献作者时使用,即把主要作者列出后,其它作者全放在et al. 里面。例句:These results agree with the ones published by Pelon et al. (2002).翻译:这些结果与Pelon等人...

乱世佳人(飘)——第 38 章(英文原版)-2
Aunt Pitty had made her a pretty green mantelet which hid her figure and a green pancake hat...All the men of that description, barring the badly maimed ones, have already got something to

1. Caledonia - 卡尔迪诺尼亚 2. Caledonica - 卡尔迪诺尼亚 3. Dal_Raida - 达尔雷达 4. Tribus_Saxones - 撒克逊部落 5. Barbaricorum - 野蛮人 6. Vicus_Saxones - 撒克逊村庄 7. Locus_Barbaricum - 野蛮人地区 8. Barbaricorum - 野蛮人 9. Campus_Barbaricum - 野蛮人营地 10....

T.I 和juslin tinmberlake在51届格莱美合美的歌叫什么?
Or did the ones With the good sense Not use it Usually niggas Don't kno what to do When their back Against the wall So they just start shootin For red or for blue Or for blo I guess,From Bankhead Or from your projects No more stress,Now I'm straight,Now I get it now...

洪秋14793184213问: set one's mind 可以接 to do 吗? -
东坡区哥台回答: 初中课本上是to do .

洪秋14793184213问: set on one's mind -
东坡区哥台回答: 下决心做某事....后面接on doing sth./on sth./to do sth. 都可以哦 不对 set one's mind 才是 我上面说的那个样子set on one's mind 没有这个东西...set on有 袭击 的意思 跟mind 不怎么搭啊

洪秋14793184213问: decide 和make up one's mind有什么区别 -
东坡区哥台回答: decide,make up one's mind的区别: ①decide 指“经过询问、研讨和考虑之后, 在几种可能的选择之中作出决定”,后跟宾语从句时,有时是“断定”之意. ②make up one's mind是与“踌躇、动摇、困惑”等相对的说法,其含义是“下定决心、拿定主意”的意思.

洪秋14793184213问: set one's mind 的用法 -
东坡区哥台回答: set sb mind at rest/ease to stop someone from worrying about something Chris phoned to say they'd arrived safely, so that really put my mind at rest.set sb mind to sth to decide you are going to do something and to put a lot of effort into doing it If you'd just put your mind to it, I'm sure you could do it.

洪秋14793184213问: 英语短语问题
东坡区哥台回答: +to do 或+on sth.

洪秋14793184213问: mind的用法 -
东坡区哥台回答: 原发布者:XMMS2011 Do[Would]youmind…用法归纳一、基本用法Do[Would]youmind…?最通常的用法是表示请求允许或征求对方意见(后接动名词或if从句,其中Do也可换成Would,语气更委婉),意为“劳驾”“你可否……?”“请你做…...

洪秋14793184213问: 在某人心中是on one's mind还是in one's mind -
东坡区哥台回答: 在某人心中是in one's mind. onone'smind表示现在正在想的,比如,There'ssomethingonmymind即,我现在心里有点事. inone'smind有两种意思 一,“在我看来”:Inmymindheisonlyaclown在我看来他不过是个小丑;二,“在我心里”:...

洪秋14793184213问: set one's mind 可以接 to do 字典上是set one's mind to doing,可我又见到了set one's mind to do -
东坡区哥台回答:[答案] 初中课本上是to do .

洪秋14793184213问: lost oneslf和drown oneself以及set one's mind的区别 -
东坡区哥台回答: lost那个是指沉迷于什么,D那个是全身心投入到工作学习等,S那个是下决心.例子he lost himself in the pc games.she draws herself in her homework.i set my mind to watch tv.妈呀累死了,我用手机打的,加分~~

洪秋14793184213问: 在什么情况下to后用动词ing形式 -
东坡区哥台回答:[答案] 1.动词+介词to+动名词 (1) admit to doing sth.承认做了某事(2) apply to doing sth.适用于做某事(3) object to doing ... 反对(反感)做某事(6) pay attention to doing sth.注意做某事(7) set one's mind to doing sth.决心做某事形容词...

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