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over for since 区别
区别如下:_or强调一段时间。如:for a year_ince表从...开始。如:since last year_ver 指超过。如:over ten minutes

since 和 for
前两个问题考的是现在完成进行时。这个时态后面如果接时间的话,可以用for或since.它们的区别是:for后面要接一个时间段,也就是多久;而since后面要接一个时间点,表示从那个时间点开始,一直到现在。1。 选择for half an hour 如果 half an hour ago 前面有since的话,是正确的。2。选择 since ...

c语言 如何从键盘中输入若干个数保存到数组中
1、首先在电脑中打开编译器(vc++6.0),新建一个将1到100保存到数组中项目,如图所示。2、添加一个 assignment.c 文件,如图所示。3、包含stdio.h和stdlib.h头文件,如图所示。4、输入main函数主体及返回值,如图所示。5、定义一个char数组,长度为100,最后使用while循环进行赋值,如图所示,就完成...

戴维的船员在英格兰队到我们的权利……目标很难适应这里的……球队颜色的变化我看着白色的短裤和思考他们的英国球员,但他们不是。这场比赛是德国人的人都穿着白色。我希望英国球员不也有同样的问题,我们不想让他们把球传给德国人。现在,加斯科因为英格兰通过麦克马纳曼第一次……麦克马纳曼立即 包围三...

语法标注解释 incredible英音:[in'kredəbl]美音:[ɪn'krɛdəb!]incredible的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 形容词 a.1.不能相信的,不可信的[Z]The plot of the book is incredible.这本书的情节叫人难以相信。2.【口】难以置信的;惊人的;极妙的 For such ...

Business For Zealous You.

And David Seaman is in goal for the England team down to our right...
good effort by Ince, aims at the goal! … and Kopke, the German goalkeeper pushes the ball over the top of the goal. So a corner kick for England.在我们的右方,大卫·希曼镇守着英格兰队的大门。今天比赛的球衣颜色让人很难辨认...我看着白色的球衣就总觉得他们是英格兰的球员,但是...

Glory, glory, Man United,光荣属于曼联,And the reds go marching on on on.红色军团勇往直前。Just like the Busby babies in days gone by,就像曾经那些“巴斯比的孩子们”一样,We'll keep the Red Flags flying high,我们要让红魔的旗帜高高地飞扬,You've got to see yourself from far...

我相信我能成功!I know that I don’t have enough work experiences for just graduating for a few days, but I will make up them by modest studying and hard working. I hope your company can give me a chance to work at your company. I believe I can make it....

sequence—sequaince, secuence; jewelry(jewellery)—jewellry, jewelly pilots—piolets, pirots knives———nives。 2)标点符号、大小写的错误: 一when When; To solve this problem,the—To solve this problem the。(逗号漏写) World War I—world war one; to the normal—To the normal;, and then...

弋矿17386513405问: for和since的用法 -
开鲁县小儿回答:[答案] for +一段时间 since +句子 since +一段时间+ ago since +时间点 例如 he has been dead for three years he has been dead since three years ago He has studied English since 2003 He has studied English since he was ten years old

弋矿17386513405问: for和since的用法和区别 -
开鲁县小儿回答: for和since 用于完成时态中的话,for 后接一段时间 for 3 weeks, since后接时间点 since 3weeks ago

弋矿17386513405问: for和since的用法区别for用在什么时候 since用在什么时候 -
开鲁县小儿回答:[答案] since和for的用法与区别Since 用来说明动作起始时间,for用来说明动作延续时间长度.I have lived here for more than twenty years.I have lived here since I was born..My aunt has worked in a clinic...

弋矿17386513405问: since与for的用法 -
开鲁县小儿回答: for后面加的是段时间 since后面是加的点时间 比如说,同样一个句子,我来这儿有十年了 I have been here for ten years. I have been here since ten years ago. 看出区别了么?for后面加的是“十年”,是段时间since后面加的是“十年前”意为从“十年前开始”是某一个时间点

弋矿17386513405问: for与since的用法与区别 -
开鲁县小儿回答:[答案] since+过去某一时间或句子,for+一段时间 She has taught in the school for ten years. 她在这所学校教书已经10年了. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. 我从早饭起就一直没有吃东西.

弋矿17386513405问: since和for的用法 -
开鲁县小儿回答: since+时间点 for+时间段 Since 用来说明动作起始时间,for用来说明动作延续时间长度. since的用法主要有两点:一是表示“自从……以来”,二是表示“既然”之意.但如果只了解词的含义,而不了解其用法,在使用时就会造成错误.例如...

弋矿17386513405问: 现在完成时since和for的用法,要具体的讲解 -
开鲁县小儿回答:[答案] since+时间点,比如since 1980,since 6 this morning since+从句,表示自从...比如since he came back;since we met with each other first time for+时间段,比如for 6 hours;for two weeks for不可以接从句. for+时间段,用于现在完成时,其谓语动词不可...

弋矿17386513405问: since和for的用法区别 -
开鲁县小儿回答:[答案] 根据你问题应该是现在完成时的时态 since+具体时间 for +一段时间 比如I have been in Beijing since 2010. I have been in Beijing for one year.

弋矿17386513405问: for和since的用法 -
开鲁县小儿回答: for +一段时间 since +句子 since +一段时间+ ago since +时间点 例如 he has been dead for three years he has been dead since three years ago He has studied English since 2003 He has studied English since he was ten years old 助你学习进步

弋矿17386513405问: Since和for的用法和区别 -
开鲁县小儿回答: because, since, as & for这四个词都可用来表示原因,区别如下:1. 关于 because:语气最强,表示直接原因,可用于回答 why 提出的问题、引导表语从句、用于强调句等,而其余三者均不行.如:A:Why didn't he come? 他为什么没来?B:...

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