
作者&投稿:斗眨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

originally--origionally, originally; sequence—sequaince, secuence; jewelry(jewellery)—jewellry, jewelly pilots—piolets, pirots knives———nives。 2)标点符号、大小写的错误: 一when When; To solve this problem,the—To solve this problem the。(逗号漏写) World War I—world war one; to the...

originally--origionally, originally; sequence—sequaince, secuence; jewelry(jewellery)—jewellry, jewelly pilots—piolets, pirots knives———nives。 2)标点符号、大小写的错误: 一when When; To solve this problem,the—To solve this problem the。(逗号漏写) World War I—world war one; to the...

originally--origionally, originally; sequence—sequaince, secuence; jewelry(jewellery)—jewellry, jewelly pilots—piolets, pirots knives———nives。 2)标点符号、大小写的错误: 一when When; To solve this problem,the—To solve this problem the。(逗号漏写) World War I—world war one; to the...

originally--origionally, originally; sequence—sequaince, secuence; jewelry(jewellery)—jewellry, jewelly pilots—piolets, pirots knives———nives。 2)标点符号、大小写的错误: 一when When; To solve this problem,the—To solve this problem the。(逗号漏写) World War I—world war one; to the...

漏写、加词、造词、换词(冠词作小错计),大移位,时态错误,原文一个词变两个词。 每个错误扣0.5分。例: are still paid—is still paid,still paid,still pay; were used—we used;coins were—coin was; began—begun;goods—good;cloth—clof,cloths; salt—soit;paid—payed; throughout—all through,...

漏写、加词、造词、换词(冠词作小错计),大移位,时态错误,原文一个词变两个词。 每个错误扣0.5分。例:are still paid—is still paid,still paid,still pay;were used—we used;coins were—coin was;began—begun;goods—good;cloth—clof,cloths;salt—soit;paid—payed; ...

漏写、加词、造词、换词(冠词作小错计),大移位,时态错误,原文一个词变两个词。 每个错误扣0.5分。例:are still paid—is still paid,still paid,still pay;were used—we used;coins were—coin was;began—begun;goods—good;cloth—clof,cloths;salt—soit;paid—payed; ...

查虞17726636898问: since 在时,有几种可能的时态,分别是什么 -
从化市甘油回答:[答案] since的四种用法 1) since +过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980,last month,half past six).例如: I have been here since 1989.1989起,我一直在这儿. 2) since +一段时间+ ago.例如: I have been here since five months ago.我在这...

查虞17726636898问: since用于什么时态 -
从化市甘油回答:[答案] since的四种用法 1) since +过去一个时间点 (如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980, last month, half past six). I have been here since 1989. 2) since +一段时间+ ago I have been here since five months...

查虞17726636898问: 讲一下since当既然的时候怎么用?(主要是时态) -
从化市甘油回答:[答案] 1. since表示“既然”引导原因状语从句,且该从句一般放在主句之前,和now that用法一样.至于其时态,没有绝对的限制或规定,关键是看主句和从句的动作发生的时间及语意.如:Since you are free, why not go shopping wi...

查虞17726636898问: 一般情况下since前面什么时态后面接什么时态?by the way呢 -
从化市甘油回答:[答案] 一:since 有三个词性: 1:介词,其后接名词;数词;动名词,段时间+ago ; 句中的谓语用现在完成时. I have been here since 2000 ( since 2000 ago ) 2:连词,其后接句子,即时间状语从句,从句的时态为过去时,主句的时态为现在完成时. ...

查虞17726636898问: since前面加什么时态,后面又加什么时态? -
从化市甘油回答: 1. Since作为介词,后接某一确定的时间点,主句谓语动词是持续性动词,常与现在完成时态、现在完成进行时态或过去完成时态连用.例如:He left the village in 1982 and I haven't seen him since then.1982年他离开这个村子,从那以后我再没见过他. 2. Since作为副词,表示从过去以来、以后或到现在的情形或状态,常与现在完成时态连用.例如:He left home two weeks ago and we haven't heard from him since. 他两周前离开了家,到现在我们一直没有他的消息. 希望对你有帮助哦~

查虞17726636898问: 关于 SINCE 的全部用法 -
从化市甘油回答:[答案] since的用法:译作“自从…以来” (1)接时间点:如 I have stayed in that country since 1995.要求:谓v.用现在完成时,而且须是延续性动词. (2)接一段时间 + ago:如 They have lived in that house since two years ago.要求:谓v.用现在完成时,而...

查虞17726636898问: since引导的时间状语从句 主句从句时态 和一般情况下定语从句 宾语从句主句从句的时态是怎样的 -
从化市甘油回答:[答案] 仔细看,应该对你有帮助的.since的用法主要有两点:一是表示“自从……以来”,二是表示“既然”之意.但如果只了解词的含义,而不了解其用法,在使用时就会造成错误.例如:I have not heard from him since I lived in S...

查虞17726636898问: since的用法 -
从化市甘油回答: since可以用在完成时态比如说 I have been here since 1960.自1960年起,我一直在这. 或者可用于转折 Since you don't like me, we don't have to see each other again. 既然你不喜欢我,我们再也不用见面了.

查虞17726636898问: since+一般现在时时主句用什么时态 -
从化市甘油回答: since+一般现在时时主句用什么时态,你说的没有说清楚到底是什么含义. 下面是since 的主要用法 : since 指“自从过去的某个时候一直到现在” 译作“自从…以来” (1)接时间点:如 I have stayed in that country since 1995. 谓语动词用现在...

查虞17726636898问: 英语的since前后都用什么时态 -
从化市甘油回答: 一般情况下,现在完成时 + since + 一般过去时

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