
作者&投稿:务庾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have read the book you lent me, 为什么选b不选a?
问题在于 I have read the book.表达的是我读完这本书了。(包括没有真的读完,但读这些就够了)如果要表达我读了一些,但没读完,还想读, 用一般过去时:I read the book you lent me, but I haven't finished yet. (这里read是过去时\/red\/)I have read the book, 读完了,那就...

伊莎兰特 这个名字用英文名怎么取,最好多取几个我好选i开头
伊莎兰特的英文名是;伊莎兰特 Isa Lent 总之,起英文名时要尽量与自己的中文名有联系,让人感觉这就是你---(又帅又有型又或者又靓又美丽的你)。

I borrowed this e-dictionary from my former schoolmate
lent;to(上句用的是borrowed,所以这里要用lend的过去时lent)A borrow sth from B A向B借某物 B lend sth to A B把某物借给A

inlay inlaid intaid keep kept kept kneel knelt knelt knit knitted,knit knitted,knit know knew known lade laded laden lay laid laid lead led led lean lesnt,leaned lesnt,leaned leap leapt,leaped leapt,leaped learn learnt,learned learnt,learned leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie ...

6. The money was lent for an undefined period of time.这笔钱无限期借出。7. According to that script, the merchant, Shylock, lent 3,000 ducats to Antonio.这个剧本里的商人夏洛克借给安东尼奥3000块金币.8. I haven't got back the book I lent him.我还没有收回我借给他的那本书.9...

Successfully, I have lent a helping hand to her in several English...
应改为:Successfully, I have lent a helping hand to her in several English activities of my class, which has been appreciated by both teachers and classmates.为什么用have不用has?应用has,因为which 代表的I have lent a helping hand to her in several English activities of my class... back in one month,on___condition I lent him ¥5000. [ &...

...your book ?---sorry,I___it to Mary.A.lent B.have lent C.had...
c 试题分析:句意:你能把你的自行车借给我吗?对不起,汤姆已经把它借走了。borrow借入,lend借出;could后接动词原形,already已经,现在完成时,故选c

inlay inlaid intaid keep kept kept kneel knelt knelt knit knitted,knit knitted,knit know knew known lade laded laden lay laid laid lead led led lean lesnt,leaned lesnt,leaned leap leapt,leaped leapt,leaped learn learnt,learned learnt,learned leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie ...

He is the man .I borrowed some money from him.怎么变成定语从句...
he is the man whom i borrowed some money from

慕叔18312605974问: OSPF配置中的silent - interface的用途是什么? -
端州区杜仲回答: 但由于这样生成的是External LSA,会通告到整个自治域(stub区域除外),影响的范围较大.如果希望限制直连路由通告的范围,可以通过network命令在该接口上使能OSPF,然后用silent-interface可以避免在该接口上发hello报文建立邻居.这样该直连路由就会以区域内路由的形式发布出去

慕叔18312605974问: 电脑开机出现的这些英语是什么意思 -
端州区杜仲回答: 首先 你 可以 尝试 重启 机器 然后 间歇 按Del 键 进入 bios 设置 然后 选择 恢复下 默认 bios 设置 (其中的 选项 注意 看下如果你的 机器 没 软驱 就把软驱的 选项定 为无...

慕叔18312605974问: 禁用不应发送ospf消息的接口命令 -
端州区杜仲回答: 看你的需求了,一共有三种方法,各自的效果都不一样,这里给你简要列举一下: 方法1:不宣告该接口到ospf.效果:该接口不会和任何ospf设备建立邻居关系,也不会将该接口所属的网段宣告到ospf域里面,也就是说ospf的数据库中不会有...

慕叔18312605974问: “silent"是什么意思
端州区杜仲回答: silent英音:['sailənt]美音:['saɪlənt] 形容词 a. 1.沉默的;寡言的;不作声的 He was silent for a moment. 他沉默了一会儿. 2.寂静无声的 The old house was quite silent. 这所老房子寂静无声. 3.未说出的,未言明的[Z][B]4.未(作)记述的;未(被)提及的[Z][F][(+on)] The law is silent on this point. 在这一点上法律无明文规定. 5.静止的,不活动的6.【语】不发音的[Z]7.(电影)无声的[Z][B]8.【医】无症状的[Z][B]

慕叔18312605974问: BIOS设置怎么进入2 -
端州区杜仲回答: 开机时按几下Delete 或DEL都可以!!!BIOS COMS 中英文对照表 翻译表Time/System Time 时间/系统时间 Date/System Date 日期/系统日期 Level 2 Cache 二级缓存 System Memo...

慕叔18312605974问: JAVA关键字都有那些~?最好要详细些的 -
端州区杜仲回答: abstract boolean break byte case catch char class continue default do double else extends final finally float for if implements import instanceof int interface long...

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