
作者&投稿:郴复 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、I造句 I managed my housework in a planned way.我有计划地处理家务。二、you造句 Mind your own business, you!你少管闲事!三、he造句 He lost his new pen just now.他刚才丢失了他的新钢笔。四、she造句 She should do her homework herself.她应该自己做作业。五、it 造句 It has ...

用he is和he has造句
He is a doctor 他是医生 He has a beautiful face他有张美丽的脸

he is my father, a handsome guy!

He is a docter.She is a nurse.Danny wants to go to Beijing this summer.I have a yellow pencil.You have a blue pen.I want to have dumplings for lunch.

这些单词可以组合成为这个句子:He is near the window.这句话的意思是:他在窗户旁边。

一、I造句 I managed my housework in a planned way.我有计划地处理家务。二、you造句 Mind your own business, you!你少管闲事!三、he造句 He lost his new pen just now.他刚才丢失了他的新钢笔。四、she造句 She should do her homework herself.她应该自己做作业。五、it 造句 It has ...



我经常骑自行车去上学 i often go to school by bike 你是一名学生 you are a student 他总是起床晚 he always gets up late 它会飞 it can fly 我们通常七点去上班 we usually go to work at seven o 'clock 他们有时在晚上看电视 they sometimes watch television in the evening 你的采纳...

He is什么造句
He is my best friend他是我最好的朋友 He is handsome他很帅

主受18565232857问: 用she怎么造句 -
敦化市安的回答: 1. She went directly to Simon's apartment and knocked on the door. 她直奔西蒙的房间,敲了敲门. 2.She studied him for the longest time, looking wryly amused. 她面带苦笑,盯着他看了很长时间. 3. In her spare time she read books.

主受18565232857问: 英语造句用he和she怎么造句各1个 -
敦化市安的回答:[答案] he is a good boy she is a good girl

主受18565232857问: “她”字怎么造句? -
敦化市安的回答: “她”字造句: 1. 她们两人是好朋友,总是形影不离. 2. 她的母亲勤俭节约,含辛茹苦,终于把她们兄妹俩拉扯大. 3. 她们竟得到非常频繁的邀请与络绎不绝的客人. 4. 小娜和丹丹笑容可掬地走进教室来,不知她们遇到什么好事了. 5. 她们情如姊妹,彼此之间有着妙不可言的默契.“她”是现代汉语里常用的一个人称代词,第三人称代词,专指女性.【释义】她 she;her;她 tā 〈代〉(1) (形声.从女,“它”省声.本义:女性第三人称) (2) 同本义 [she].如:她是女的 (3) 称代美好的事物或者是自己尊重热爱或喜欢的事物,往往用“她”字.[she]如:黄河,她是中华民族的摇篮.

主受18565232857问: she的宾格怎么造句? -
敦化市安的回答: her hair is blue

主受18565232857问: 小学生英语造句大全用 she her it we 造很简单很简单的句子. -
敦化市安的回答: She is my sister. Where is her mom? It is Sunday today. We are friends.

主受18565232857问: 用she折造句.第二声. -
敦化市安的回答: 这笔买卖折本了.

主受18565232857问: 用she和her造句 -
敦化市安的回答: she是做主格的,例如:she is a student.

主受18565232857问: 英语造句 she和her we和us they和them .主格和宾格造句 ..造句内容简单都行 -
敦化市安的回答:[答案] she:She is my friend. 她是我的朋友 her:her name is Mary. 她的名字是Mary we:We are students. 我们是学生 us:She saw us on the subway. 在地铁站她见到我们了 they:They are students 他们是学生 them:We saw them at the conference. 我们在会上看到...

主受18565232857问: she造句,you造句,I造句,he造句 谢谢大家,帮忙啦,十分感谢哦 -
敦化市安的回答: She is clever.Are you a student?You are good friends.I like apples.He goes to school from Monday to Friday.

主受18565232857问: 英语造句 she和her we和us they和them 跪求..
敦化市安的回答: she:She is my friend. 她是我的朋友 her:her name is Mary. 她的名字是Mary we:We are students. 我们是学生 us:She saw us on the subway. 在地铁站她见到我们了 they:They are students 他们是学生 them:We saw them at the conference. 我们在会上看到他们

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