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yapo造句 yapoの例文 "yapo"是什麼意思
Among the dead Thursday were o popce and 12 civipans killed by protesters armed with machetes, Abidjan Popce Chief Yapo Kouassi told reporters. It's difficult to see yapo in a sentence. 用 yapo 造句挺难的 There was already a group of young people loosely organised in YAPO ( Young and ...

The bridal suite was prepared for the reception of the honeymooners.新婚套间已准备好以接待度蜜月的人。The play got a favourable reception from the critics.该剧获评论界好评。Wait for me at reception.在接待处等我吧。The bridal suite was prepared for the reception of the honeymoon...

竺炎15141909122问: 用hers造句 -
港口区奥万回答: The book isn't mine and it's hers.

竺炎15141909122问: 用形容词性物主代词造句怎么造 -
港口区奥万回答: 一楼先搞清楚什么叫形容词性物主代词!! 形容词性物主代词有:my(我的),your(你的、你们的),our(我们的),his(他的),her(她的),its(它的),their(他们的). 形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,常放在名词前面作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或物是\"谁的\". 造句就简单了吧: Is that your bike? My mother is at home. His father is a teacher. ... ...

竺炎15141909122问: 英语造句用 my、mine、your、yours、his、her、hers、our、ours、their、theirs每个单词早1个简单的英语句子! -
港口区奥万回答:[答案] I like my pen.The pen is mine.May I borrow your pencil?The pencil is yours.His mother is at home.The eraser is his.Her car looks cool.The cool car is hers.We love our country.Ours is much better than ...

竺炎15141909122问: 英语:单词造句
港口区奥万回答: 1.This is my book. 2.That is your book. 3.It is his book. 4.He is her father. 5.She is our teacher. 6.Their father is a worker. 7.This book is mine. 8.Those clothes are yours. 9.The dog is hers. 10.These books are ours. 11.those books are yours. 12.Those books are theirs.

竺炎15141909122问: 用her造句名词性物主代词 -
港口区奥万回答: The book is hers. 这本书是她的如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

竺炎15141909122问: her的宾格形式怎么造句 急急急!!! -
港口区奥万回答: We all like her

竺炎15141909122问: 英语:用给出的词造句
港口区奥万回答: 1. My mother is tired 2. Your sister is beautiful 3. His father is not home 4. Her brother is tall 5. our teacher is funny 6. Their parents are teachers 7. that book is mine 8. This jacket is yours 9. The pen is hers. 10. The room at the end is ours. 11. Those tables are yours 12. theirr??/

竺炎15141909122问: 帮我用这些单词造句,谢谢了,急用的 -
港口区奥万回答: 首先归类:形容词性物主代词:my ,her,his,their,its 名词性物主代词:mine,hers,his,theirs 主格:I she he they it 宾格:me her him them it 例:My book is on the desk. His ruler is under the chair. Her hair is long His book is new but mine is old.(mine=my book,为了避免重复) We should send him/them a letter.根据例子,你可以将其中的代词作相应的替换,并归纳.

竺炎15141909122问: her hers our ours their theirs your yours us him的用法,看问题补充 -
港口区奥万回答: her通常是用于名词前面 比如 her book her pen 而hers 则就是通常放在句子最后端. 比如 the book is hers .而our ours their theirs your yours 则同her一样的用法. us呢 则是we 的宾语 通常放在动词后面. him是he的宾语.同法.

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