
作者&投稿:王康 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Well, every day, I got up by 8:00. After breakfast ,it’s time to do homework. After that, I do some exeicise and go out to have a rest.In the afternoon, I spend one hour sleeping and playing computer.In fact, I always have some other activities. Such as, visiting ...

My grandpa longed for the return of the elks so much that he was unable to contain his excitement and bursted into tears when he saw them at the Nanhai Elk Park.The Wild LIfe Protection Fundation Committee regularly inspect the panda resaerve so that the pandas there are well pr...

taller的反义词:shorter same的反义词:differece up的反义词:down good的反义词:bad badly的反义词:well cleaner的反义词:dirtier before的反义词:after 希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

我写了篇英语作文,谁帮我改改?谢谢!要求是:You have read an article i...
in Singapore, the country has economic prosperity, as well a clean environment. The government made great efforts towards pollution problems. Any individuals or a company let entreated industrial waste pollute the river or sea will get heavily punished...

1.首先切青菜 At first,I sliced the green vegetable into pieces.2.接着,把油倒进锅中 Then I poured oil into a pan.3.等油烧热了,把青菜放进锅中 I tossed the green vegetable into the pan when the oil is heated.4.用铲子翻炒青菜,并放入调味品 I turned the vegetable with ...

齐倩18222613134问: 关于SERVE ME WELL -
水磨沟区裕尔回答: 因为serve有个意思是“对某人有用,供某人使用”,又如:His old bike has served him well.他那辆旧自行车对他很有用.参考资料:陆谷孙主编、上海译文2007第2版《英汉大词典》

齐倩18222613134问: 括号里应该填help还是 serve the well continues to () manypeople here -
水磨沟区裕尔回答: 我个人偏向于help serve语感上比较偏向于对组织,对集团,对国家的服务.一般也是人做主语.从这个语境下感觉是帮助的意思更多一点.

齐倩18222613134问: serve的用法有哪些?
水磨沟区裕尔回答: 及物动词 vt. 1.为...服务;为...服役 Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow up. 必须教育孩子长大后为国家服务. 2.供应[(+with)] ...

齐倩18222613134问: 英语: 请问 serve 的用法?? -
水磨沟区裕尔回答: 我就补充一下它的两个常见用法:1.为...服务 是serve sb.不要加for serve the your serve 随时为你服务/效劳My car is at your serve.其他的他们说的很详细了1. 为...服务...

齐倩18222613134问: do well with serve -
水磨沟区裕尔回答:[答案] do well with 擅长于. do well with serve 擅长于服务,服务做得好

齐倩18222613134问: serve with的用法 -
水磨沟区裕尔回答: serve with 向... 提供 把(传票)交给 We are well served with gas in this city.我们在这个城市里煤气供应得很好.

齐倩18222613134问: " better serve the role of educational base" 的语法 -
水磨沟区裕尔回答:[答案] better是副词的比较级,well的比较级,修饰动词serve,“更好地”意思 serve 为..服务,role 角色、作用,是服务的宾语 educational base 教育基地 意思是:更好地发挥其作为教育基地的作用

齐倩18222613134问: serve的用法有哪些? -
水磨沟区裕尔回答: vt. & vi. 1. (为…)服务; 任(职)2. 提供, 端上vt. 1. 向…供应2. 度过(某段时间)3. 接待;服务4. 对…有用;能满足…的需要5. 可用作,可当…使(尤指别无选择时)6. 产生…的效果(或结果)7. (为…)工作,服务,履行义务,尽职责8. ...

齐倩18222613134问: will you help me a serve这是什么意思 serve在这里是什么意思 是什么词性 请注意我有三个问题 -
水磨沟区裕尔回答: serve 可数名词 帮助,效劳. 你可以帮我一个忙吗?

齐倩18222613134问: give serve 区别有哪些? -
水磨沟区裕尔回答: 从广义上来说:serve属于那种服务性质的提供,比如餐厅提供茶水,提供食品等,而且通常都是有偿的 give比较单纯,就是给的意思,通常都是无偿的 从狭义上来说:【serve 】:n.发球,开球 v.为...服务; 供应; 为...服役; 侍候; 服务; 供职; 服役; 帮佣 【give】 :n.弯曲; 弹性; 伸展性; 灵活性 v.给; 供给; 授予; 捐赠; 让步

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