
作者&投稿:刁都 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


my favourite school activity is...怎么写?(英语作文60字)_百度知 ...
My favourite shchool activity is the school meeting. That is very great! We have a runnning match, the far jump race and the basketball match. All the students will have a great fun in it. And I like it very much.或者Football is my favorite school activity. Every time I ...

很高兴为您解答:答案:How long does it take you to go to school from your home?How long do you spend (in )going to school from your home?知识点延伸:It takes sb some time to do sth=sb spend some time (in) doing sth 某人做某事花费多长时间 谨祝--- 好好学习,天天进步!

一所暑期英语学校 怎么翻译
A summer English school(一所暑期英语学校)

英语作文cool lests chool
My school rules My school has so many rules. First the students should be allowed to wear uniform. Sensed boys should not be allowed to have long hair and Long fingernails. Third the students should not be allowed to smoking. Fifth the students should not be allowed to flight ...

on afters-chool activity什么意思
on after-school activity 就是课后有什么活动 看样子就是要写 放学后你都干了些什么东东 eg I am always waitting for the after-school times,cause I have so many happy things to do during that time.First I would finish my housework so that I would fully enjoy my left time without...

an unforgettable thing in my shchool life英语作文60字.今天回答给分...
Last night,all the classmates attended a birthday party held by a foreign teavher.At the party,we were so happy that we enjoyed ourselves very much.And we gave him many presents which surpried him a lot.We also sang the songs to him,saying"Happy Birthday To You".Of course,...

And his mouth is big,too. He has two (earrings) in his right (ear).his arms are long.His(legs)are very long,too. His (feet) are very big. He is good at playing basketball. He and (me) are good friend. We are in the same class.We usually go to chool together....

英语六年级上册活动手册P56第五题怎么做 要速度!
1.saw a film a book 3.helped her mother 4.did gardening 5.went to a market 6.answered a question 7.cleaned the classroom 8.went to shchool

英语作文:以“Rules of my school”为题写一篇不少于80词的作文_百度知...
这篇会不会太长啦?那就再打一篇吧!Rules of My chool There are many rules in our school .We can't arrive late for class . We can't run in the classrooms or the hallways . But we can run and wear sports shoes for gym class . We can't eat in the classrooms . We ...

夷殷17739593345问: school怎么读啊? -
澧县高易回答: 英语中school有两种发音 英[sku:l] 美[skul] 通常理解为学校的意思. n. 学校; 学院; 上学; 群;vt. 训练,锻炼; 教育,教导; 约束; 给…上学;

夷殷17739593345问: school到底怎么发音啊?
澧县高易回答: 根据读音规则,音标[s]后面如果是[p]/[t]/[k]时,读相应的浊辅音:[b]/[d]/[g]. school [sku:l]--> [sgu:l] sky [skai]--->[sgai ] study ['stʌdi]-->['sdʌdi] 这里说的相应的浊辅音,不是就读浊辅音这个音,而是界于这对辅音之间的音.

夷殷17739593345问: 请问school英美如何发音?音标是skul发音听着像sgul -
澧县高易回答:[答案] 凡是 s 后面的送气辅音,一律读成不送气辅音. school 中,s后面的c发/g/ skype 中,s后面的k发/g/ spy 中,s后面的p发/b/ sport 中,s后面的p发/b/ stock 中,s后面的t发/d/ 其实英语里面清辅音跟浊辅音已经对辨意没有作用,只有送气跟不送气才对辨...

夷殷17739593345问: 单词 school 的读音是sku 还是 sgu,很多人都读sgu,可是词典所注释的音标是[sku:l],这个单词该怎么念 -
澧县高易回答:[答案] 音标是/sku:l/,但是应读成/sgu:l/. 英语中,在同一个音节内,如果在某个清辅音前有/s/这个音素,而这个清辅音又有对应的浊辅音,在朗读时应该发浊辅音,即该清辅音要浊化.

夷殷17739593345问: 单词school的音标~!school怎么念啊,读音和音标好象不一样啊~!|sku:l|怎么听起来是|sgu:l|,还有就是音标最后的L还念出来吗? -
澧县高易回答:[答案] 英语中在"s"后的一些音节要相应的浊化, 1."k"--"g",如:school,听起来是/sgu:l/,sky等 2."p"--"b",如:spring,听起来是"sbring" 3."t"--"d",如:stand,听起来是"sdand"等 最后的L当然要念出来哦,难道是/sku:/吗

夷殷17739593345问: 学校的英语怎么读 -
澧县高易回答: school 死故欧 你去百度字典里查 然后点小喇叭 发音希望对你有所帮助,有不明白的再问吧

夷殷17739593345问: school的音标念法~! -
澧县高易回答: 念出来.这里l的发音和“哦”差不多

夷殷17739593345问: School 用英文是死顾儿还是死酷儿 -
澧县高易回答: 您好,英语单词 School 的音标是 /skuːl/,按照音标的汉语谐音的确是【死酷儿】,但是你的朋友忘记了,英语口语有【涿化】的需要,也就是尽管音标是标明了【死酷儿】,但是口语说这个英语字时,是读【死顾儿 】英语有3个音在读的时候...

夷殷17739593345问: 学校用英语怎么读 -
澧县高易回答: 英文原文:school 英式音标:[skuːl] 美式音标:[skul]

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