on afters-chool activity什么意思

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hand on activity的意思~


n. 活动;行动;活跃
[ 复数activities ]

economic activity 经济活动

catalytic activity 催化活性

physical activity 身体活动,体育活动;体力活动

biological activity 生物活性

enzyme activity 酶活力

business activity 商业活动,经济活动;业务活动

social activity 社会行动

brain activity 大脑活动

sexual activity 性活动;性行为

seismic activity 地震活动;地震活动性

antimicrobial activity 抗菌活性;抗菌能力;抗微生物活性

volcanic activity 火山活动;火山活动性

electrical activity 电活动,脑电活动

enzymatic activity 酶活性;酶活力

practical activity 实践活动

solar activity 太阳活动;太阳活动性

water activity 水分活度;水分活性

marketing activity 销售活动

outdoor activity 户外活动,室外活动

activity level 活动级;活动程度

on after-school activity 就是课后有什么活动 看样子就是要写 放学后你都干了些什么东东
I am always waitting for the after-school times,cause I have so many happy things to do during that time.First I would finish my housework so that I would fully enjoy my left time without any presure. Then I would turn on my computer to see the latest comic I like and the international news,I want to know what happan between our country and others,and the news is bad or good for our motherland
,I really love my country.
Then after my online life I have to have dinner with my family,
and befor my getting ready to sleep I'd love to reading books on society.
The last thing of a day is have a good dream.



天元区19356636821: on afters - chool activity什么意思 -
妫甄艾米: on after-school activity 就是课后有什么活动 看样子就是要写 放学后你都干了些什么东东 eg I am always waitting for the after-school times,cause I have so many happy things to do during that time.First I would finish my housework so that I would fully ...

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