
作者&投稿:皇狄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

result in和result from有什么区别?
result in常用来引导结果状语从句;result from常用来引导原因状语从句。例句:①Smoking may result in serious health problems. 吸烟可能导致严重的健康问题。②Our problems result from lack of communication. 我们的问题来自于缺乏交流。5、常与被动语态的配合使用不同 result in很少与被动语态联合使用...

该词后面可接名词、动名词、从句。result in通常跟后面一个不定式,或者它可以跟一个从句来表达根本原因,或是后面跟一个名词或形容词,表示具体的结果。result in的意思是引起,导致,以…为结局。

result in 和 result from 的区别是什么?
深入解析 result in 和 result from:揭示背后的差异 当我们在表达因果关系时,"result in"和"result from"这两个短语各有其独特的含义和用法。首先,让我们来看看"result in",它如同一个强大的催化剂,强调的是某个行为或事件直接导致的结果(侧重于结果):Example: The accident resulted in ...

什么是result in, result to和result from?
The heavy rain resulted in flooding in the city. (大雨导致城市洪水泛滥。)His constant hard work resulted in his promotion. (他不断的努力工作导致了他的晋升。)"Result to"不常用,通常使用"result in"来表示同样的意思。"Result from"表示某个结果或影响是由某个原因或事件造成的,例如:T...

result in 和result from 怎么区别
从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析result in 和result from的区别,详细内容如下。 1. 释义区别: - "Result in":表示导致、造成某种结果或后果。 - "Result from":表示某种结果或后果来源于特定的原因或事件。 例句: - The heavy rain resulted in flooding in the area. (大雨导致该地区发生...

关于result in 和 resulting in 怎么使用?
result in为vi.+adv.=vt.,也就是说整体做谓语动词,用在句子的谓语成分,如this results\/resulted in sth. terrible.resulting in中的result加入ing就成为了现在分词,也就是说整体可用来做非谓语动词使用,如he was ill, resulting in absence in class.也可以翻译成从而导致 如果对非谓语方面不熟悉...

result in造句
1、If the global scope requires the result of the event handler, set the result in the global result variable.2、So there's only one result in this case.3、Dissent can result in harassment and long prison terms.4、Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.5...

result in 和 with the result that在用法上的区别
首先,result in是动词短语,意为 导致,引起,,以…为结局。前边是主语,后接事或物。例:Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.(紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中。)with the result that 是with的复合结构,意为 结果是,因此,以致。不同result in中的result,这儿的...

result in 后面可以跟句子吗
result in例句 Eye damage can result in temporary or permanent blindness .眼睛损伤能造成暂时失明或永久失明。This may result in unpredictable output .这可能会造成不可预测的结果。Production and use of goods may result in outcome like pollution and social costs .货物的生产和使用会带来如...

result in 和result to 以及result from的区别
一、三者表示的过程不同,过程顺序依次为result from——result to——result in 二、三者表示的因果关系不同 1、result to是导致...结果 An exception is thrown when a function is called that cannot convert the argument result to one of the required types.调用函数时引发异常,无法将参数...

员昌15886422592问: 用result from和result in造句 -
槐荫区惠尔回答:[答案] result from 产生于…,由…引起 His failure resulted from not working hard enough. 他的失败是工作不够努力造成的. result in 引起,导致; 以…为结局 The game resulted in another victory for our team. 比赛结果,我们队又获胜了. 请在客户端右上角评...

员昌15886422592问: 英语造句分别用result in和result from造句,句子内容为:他的粗心导致了这场交通事故. -
槐荫区惠尔回答:[答案] His carelessness resulted in this traffic accident. This traffic accident was resulted from his carelessness.

员昌15886422592问: result in & result from..区别&造句~ -
槐荫区惠尔回答:[答案] result in 引起 导致 产生, 侧重于结果,即in后面接导致的结果. 如:The accident resulted in three people being killed. result from 起因于 由……产生 是……的结果, 更侧重于强调起因,即from后面接事情的起因. Nothing has resulted from his efforts.

员昌15886422592问: “致使”作为连词时的用法及例句. -
槐荫区惠尔回答:[答案] 1、 so...that...如此...以至于There was so much cigarette smoke in the cinema that I could hardly breathe.2、result in 致使A rise in the temperature of the gas results in its expansion.气体温度上升致使...

员昌15886422592问: 玛丽迟到是由于下雨 用result in造句 -
槐荫区惠尔回答: 由于下雨,所以他回来得早. He came back early because of the rain. 我们计划上星期日去游览长城,由于下雨使计划落空. We planned to visit the Great Wall last Sunday, but the rain queered our pitch. 《21世纪大英汉词典》

员昌15886422592问: result from与result in和lead to的用法 -
槐荫区惠尔回答:[答案] lead to 的用法比result in的要多,先来看result in result in=to make something happen 例句:An accident resulted in the death of two passengers. These policies resulted in many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship. 从较大部分的例句可以看...

员昌15886422592问: result in 和 with the result that在用法上的区别 -
槐荫区惠尔回答: 1. 首先,result in是动词短语,意为 导致,引起,,以…为结局.前边是主语,后接事或物.例:Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.(紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中.) 2. with the result that 是with的复合结构,意为 结...

员昌15886422592问: result in可以用在句首吗 -
槐荫区惠尔回答: result in 不能放句首, 只能用在句中或者句尾.1. result in 不是名词2. result in 只是词组例句:The experiment resulted in the discovery of a cure for cancer. 这个试验导致发现一种治疗癌症的方法The result ended in as a failure 结果以失败告终.

员昌15886422592问: resultin的用法它是么意思,例子…
槐荫区惠尔回答: result in=lead to 导致 His carelessness ~his failure.

员昌15886422592问: resut from 和result in的用法 -
槐荫区惠尔回答: result from: 由什么引起,后面接的是“因” result in:结果是...,导致了...,后面接的是“果”

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