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驷刚17164429835问: 英语翻译最好还给我说下这个词常见短语搭配 -
开化县佳尔回答:[答案] 句中有responsibility的句子:I have a responsibility to clean the classroom.我有责任去打扫教室.I have a responsibility to take care of grandmother.我有责任照顾祖母.常用短句:lay the responsibility at s...

驷刚17164429835问: 承担...的责任 用英语词组怎么说 -
开化县佳尔回答: take responsibility for (doing) sth (=agree to be in charge of something or someone) 例句Who do you trust to take responsibility for Britain's defense?Be careful you don't take on too much responsibility .

驷刚17164429835问: 谁知道有关“responsibility”的英语习语
开化县佳尔回答: 1.Power invariably means both responsibility and danger. 实力永远意味着责任危险-罗斯福 2.Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.3.An educated gentleman cannot but be resolute and broad-minded, for he has taken up a ...

驷刚17164429835问: responsibility的形容词是? -
开化县佳尔回答: responsibilityful

驷刚17164429835问: “责任感”用英语怎么说啊? -
开化县佳尔回答:[答案] Sense of responsibility.责任感是一个词组. 如果你想说:他很有责任感. 可以这样说:He has a strong sense of responsibility.

驷刚17164429835问: responsibility的形容词 -
开化县佳尔回答: responsible是它的形容词. The airline is legally responsible for the safety of its passengers.‍

驷刚17164429835问: "责任"用英语怎么说 -
开化县佳尔回答: responsibility [ri,spɔnsə'biləti] n. 责任,职责;义务 [ 复数responsibilities ]网络释义21世纪大英汉词典英英释义-responsibility: 责任能力;责任,职责,义务;责任心;责任感责任能力 英汉对照法医学辞典L-R ... red cell enzyme 红细胞酶型 ...

驷刚17164429835问: 请问“责任感”用英语怎么说,谢谢 -
开化县佳尔回答: 责任感: 1.sense of responsibility2.the call for duty3.feeling of responsibility4.consciousness of responsibility Examples:1. 童年的艰苦生活使他提早形成了一种过早具有的责任感. Childhood hardships matured in him a precocious sense of ...

驷刚17164429835问: responsibility音标 -
开化县佳尔回答: responsibility [英][rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti][美][rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti] n.责任; 职责; 责任感,责任心; 负责任; 复数:responsibilities 例句:1.Emerging economies shared some responsibility for america's housing and creditbubble. 新兴国家要为美国住宅和信用泡沫负些责任.

驷刚17164429835问: 各路大神求救 我想翻译"我有.......的责任",要求句中有responsibility的句子 -
开化县佳尔回答: 句中有responsibility的句子: I have a responsibility to clean the classroom. 我有责任去打扫教室. I have a responsibility to take care of grandmother. 我有责任照顾祖母.常用短句:lay the responsibility at sb's door: 把责任归于某人attribute ...

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