
作者&投稿:沈惠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系) a different position,having to resort to other suppliers to...
this error put us in a different position,having to resort to other suppliers to fill our customers' need.这个错误将我们推到了一个不同以往的位置。为了满足客户的需求,我们不得不向其他供应商寻求帮助。如果满意,请记得 点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,(*^__^*) 谢谢~~...

投机取巧的解释[speculate and take advantage of opportunity;resort to dubious shifts to further one's interest;seize every chance to gain advantage by trickey] 耍小聪明, 利用 时机 谋取私利 投机取巧最可耻 详细解释 耍小聪明,利用时机谋取私利。 陈学昭 《工作着是 美丽 的》 三六:“﹝他...

Parents harbor a desire to pass on what they have to their children, be it wealth or social status. It's somewhat like an aristocrat passing a title to the younger generation. And some will resort to corruption to ensure that their children enjoy the ill-gotten fruits of their parents' ...

Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any, also to strangers, and sometimes to others. If a person offend you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick. That will be su...

None of our rooms have ensuite facilities, so we remend our resort to families (children are weled) or groups of 2 up to 10 people. We have o living rooms with library and hi-fi. There is a relaxing green area surrounding the house, and o thermal stations with hot spring water ...

英语阅读理解 高手帮忙解答
D是文章第四句,"..., the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression.",其中this form指的是前一句中的sigh language。8. A 不看原文也知道,B,C,D都是通过视觉来传递信息的,怎么可能commonly used among blind people呢?至于A,原文括号里提到a system of ...

At that time personnel from the monkeys did not change over time, it does not shout to the development of civilization, so still resort to use of force. Of course, and what accounts for some cheap, it is easy for people to attach importance to the worship anymore. So naturally feel Niu...

start to do 五) 有的时候to后面要接-ing形式 accustom (oneself) to; be accustomed to; face up to; in addition to; look forward to; object to; be reduced to; resign oneself to; be resigned to; resort to; sink to; be used to; be alternative to; be close\/closeness to; be ...

Examples:1. 无线电和电视是重要的通信手段。Radio and television are important means of communication.2. 如果其他手段均告失败,我们将诉之武力。If other means fail we shall resort to force.3. 我宁可安于贫穷,也不愿用不当手段赚钱。I would rather remain poor than get money by ...

英语阅读题 求高手解答
D是文章第四句,"..., the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression.",其中this form指的是前一句中的sigh language。8. A 不看原文也知道,B,C,D都是通过视觉来传递信息的,怎么可能commonly used among blind people呢?至于A,原文括号里提到a system of ...

兆界18949836342问: 职称英语考试综合类完型填空练习有哪些?
永和县特夫回答: In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has been taken for granted... there are countries where the black man protests by __2__ fire to cities and by looting ...

兆界18949836342问: 1 -- useful information Tom has given us! A what B what an C what a D how 这题选A -
永和县特夫回答: 1. What 修饰名词,How修饰副词.2. has never 是否定,所以答语也要用否定,我也没有去过,neither/nor+do/ have……+...

兆界18949836342问: 数据结构中用c++如何打印杨辉三角
永和县特夫回答: ream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int resort(int m,int n) { if(m<0||m<n||n<0) return 0; if(n==1) return m; if(m==n) return 1; else return resort(m-1,n)+resort(m-1,n-1); } void main() { int n; cout<<"input the n:"<<endl; ...

兆界18949836342问: 马尔代夫旅游报价?
永和县特夫回答: 岛上美元通用,岛上的消费都是签单,在离开的时候一并结算,visa和master均可,岛上的任何消费均要加10%的服务费.因此到马尔代夫除了准备些小费(建议换成1美元1张的),只要准备一张信用卡就可以了. 每天放在床头的小费不能省(...

兆界18949836342问: 英语问题Sincethisnewprogrammehasprov
永和县特夫回答: prove后面的动词不定式(to be ...)就是它的宾语了,它也只能接单宾语(此外,prove还能作系动词,后面直接接名词或形容词),所以不会在需要用被动语态,另外提醒你一点,的确prove在中文里被动的含义,但是决不能将中文和英语混为一谈,prove还就常常用主动形式表示被动含义. 另一个句子具体有什么问题啊,结构还不是特别复杂啊?也没有什么生词吧? 句意:很多的校园暴力和(学生)穿着了帮派颜色的衣服有关,这些衣服的颜色是不同的青年人帮派所特定穿着的.

兆界18949836342问: 热浪岛还是小停泊?6.15 - 6.17,上海至吉隆坡的机票已出,6?
永和县特夫回答: 把第一个行程否定掉吧!太折腾了!连去4个岛,到了就浮潜,太折腾了. 我刚带着爸妈去热浪+浪中回来.如果你只在海岛住2晚,建议还是选择去热浪.我之前查过,停泊主要适合潜水,住宿条件和沙滩都不如热浪. 至于热浪和浪中,就要看你的偏重了.热浪沙滩大、长、美,但人多;浪中很安静,适合发呆,但活动很少,而且沙滩很窄,活动范围很小. 并且,建议你不要跳岛,本来从码头到热浪就要1小时船,要是从热浪岛到停泊又要1小时船,老人受不了的.

兆界18949836342问: 广州到普吉岛自助游 - 线路 - 2015 - 03 - 20月广州到普吉岛自由行报价 - 途牛 -
永和县特夫回答: <普吉岛4晚6日自助游>广州往返,巴东海滩酒店任选 <普吉岛-PP岛4晚6日自助游>含PP岛住宿,广州往返 <普吉岛4晚6日自助游>卡塔巴东双海滩酒店任选(2+2),广州往返 <普吉岛希尔顿酒店Hilton arcadia resort4晚5或6日自助游>海边酒店,广州往返 [3月特供]<普吉岛4晚6日自助游>广州南航直飞,卡塔海滩酒店任选 ★趣旅网-游海岛,就趣旅! 等等

兆界18949836342问: 头一次求助,帮忙看下塔斯马尼亚+墨尔本6天行程是否合?头一次求助
永和县特夫回答: 塔州这块来说,虽然两三天时间赶赶的话,题主只逛东海岸这些也并不是特别紧张.但是东海岸的景点其实实话说并不是国内那种需要花两三个小时来详细逛的景点,而是花十几分钟就能看完,却更适合花一下午时间来悠闲体验的景点.我当初就比较赶,其实体验并不好,绝大多数时间其实都在开车了.而且我认为塔州最精华的部分依然在国家公园和谢菲尔德之类的地方,光东海岸的话,没有塔州情节,就不建议专门跑一趟了,挤出时间来把别的地方逛仔细更好.


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