
作者&投稿:端木矩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

上海宋庆龄故居简介 要英文的
Former Residence of the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Shanghai Soong Ching Ling is the former residence of Soong Ching Ling's life long-term local and State activities in the important places. In the main building was built in the early 1920s, the National Government in 1948 this ...

单位矩阵一般用字母I,或E表示。I,应该是取自英文单词Identity首字母 E,应该是取自英文单词Elemental首字母

【高分悬赏】寻求资料:古今中外关于描写咖啡馆或者茶馆的文学作品,最好是英文。 紧急求助:求古今中外关于描写咖啡馆或者茶馆的文学作品或者绘画作品等,如果是用英文最好。越多越好,答得好的再给100分。可以提供相关网址,也可以直接将文字贴上来。... 紧急求助:求古今中外关于描写咖啡馆或者茶馆的文学作品或者绘画作品...


Hermione is the female main character in the movies. Although her parents are muggles, which are normal human beings without magic powers, she is very skilled at magic. Compared to the other characters the movies, she is very smart and logical.Vodemort is the ultimate bad guy i...

publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Stringa="hello1";finalStringb="hello";Stringd="hello";Stringc=b+1;Stringe=d+1;System.out.println(a==c);System.out.println(a==e);}} 输出结果:truefalseProcessfinishedwithexitcode0 为什么会得到这种结果呢?我们来分析一下: 变量a指的是字符串常量池中的...

10 星星之火 词:陈信延 英文词:Selina 曲:曹格第九张专辑--S.H.E《Forever新歌+精选》01.触电 曲:周杰伦 词:施人诚02.Ring Ring Ring(动感地带主题歌) 词:张家玮 作曲:张博彦03.我们怎么了 曲:TANK\/吕怡青 词:吕怡青\/施人诚04.紫藤花 曲:Carlsson Andreas Michael\/Yacoub Rami\/ Poriter K C 中文词:...

你好!是本田车的电子巡航系统 ,当按下开关时,指示灯发亮,说明巡航系统启动。供参考

电脑的英文:Computer Computer 读法 英 [kəm'pjuːtə(r)]     美 [kəm'pjuːtər]n. 电脑;计算机 短语 1、computer control 电脑控制 2、computer program 计算机程序 3、personal computer 个人电脑 4、computer graphics 电脑绘图 5、computer vision ...

磁通фm =bms中m是什么意思

贲家13828583074问: 单词remain的用法? -
嘉祥县和畅回答: remain意思有1、遗留 2、继续 remain是及物v.,remain可以跟sth. remain的主语可以是sb.也可以是sth. 用法有1、sb./sth. remain+ n./adj.意思是“...依然...” 2、sth. remain to be done意思是“...有待被做” 3、sb. remain doing sth.意思是“...依然在做...”

贲家13828583074问: 留下 用英语说 -
嘉祥县和畅回答: remain英 [rɪ'meɪn] 美 [rɪˈmen] n. 剩余物,残骸;残余;遗迹;遗体 vi. 留下;保持;留待;依然 vi.& link-v. 搁置;剩余,剩下;逗留;终属,归于 保持; 仍; 留; 保持不变 过去式:remained 过去分词:remained 现在分词:remaining ...

贲家13828583074问: 英语 remain 用法Outsiders who moved in had to prove themselves worth of acceptance or remain forever strangers.其中,remain是什么词性、什么用法? -
嘉祥县和畅回答:[答案] remain有4种意思,意思不同,用法也不同. 1.作“仍然是,保持”这个意思讲时,和联系动词用法一样.例如:remain silent,He remains (as) boss of the house. 2.作“剩余,遗留”讲,不及物.例如:Very little of the house remained after the fire. 3.作“...

贲家13828583074问: 英文remain的反义词 -
嘉祥县和畅回答: remain词义多反义词就多;1.留下;反义词是leave,离开;2.剩下;余留;反义词是;消失disappear等.3.保持;继续;反义词;改变,change等

贲家13828583074问: remain+todo还是doing?表示什么意思?
嘉祥县和畅回答: remain后面接被动语态的动词不定式,表示“尚待”、“留待” ps. remain的用法: 一、作不及物动词用 1.表示“剩下”、“仍有”,只能用于主动语态,不可直接跟宾...

贲家13828583074问: 用英语解释remain -
嘉祥县和畅回答: remain vb to stay behind or in the same place only Tom remained to continue to be to remain cheerful to be left, as after use, consumption, the passage of time, etc a little wine still remained in the bottle to be left to be done, said, etcSee remains it ...

贲家13828583074问: 高中英语中remain的用法(高手帮忙!)希望能给出不同例句 P.S 帮忙分析一下这个句子:With several problems remaining to be solved,I can't go fishing with... -
嘉祥县和畅回答:[答案] 1. remain在高中英语中考查四种用法,两个固定句型. 1)vi.剩下/残存:remain (+ 介宾/副词) 如:Nothing remained on the road after a strong wind. 2) vi.逗留/停留:remain (+ 介宾/副词) 如:Only a few students remained in the classroom just now...

贲家13828583074问: 英语翻译1.仍然完好 remain - ------2.反对做某事 object - ----- - doing sth3.被认为,被当作 be considered - ------4.被好好照看 be - ----- - looked after -
嘉祥县和畅回答:[答案] 1.remain intact 2.object in doing something considered as well looked after

贲家13828583074问: 用remain英语造句 火速求速度>>>1、我们有时会吵架,但我们仍是好朋友.2、大风过后,树上的树叶所剩无几.3、还有很多工作要去完成.4、这家书店一直营... -
嘉祥县和畅回答:[答案] 1 Sometimes we have arguments,but we still remain being good friends 2After a big wind ,only a few leaves remain 3There remain lots of work to do 4The book store remains opening until 11pm 5We remaind in Beijing until October

贲家13828583074问: remain和remnant的区别!用中文或英文例句简单说明就行 -
嘉祥县和畅回答:[答案] remnant:This is a remnant of opportunism.这是机会主义的残余. remain:And nothing will remain. 什么也不曾剩下. remain可以作动词,remnant只能做名词!

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