
作者&投稿:包鲁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

聂诗19760433686问: read though 是什么意思
龙口市板蓝回答: 应该有两种意思: 1. 把...从头看到尾,通篇地读 2. 仔细阅读

聂诗19760433686问: Read the passage (through) carefully 是什么意思和词性? -
龙口市板蓝回答: 完整意思是; 认真阅读这篇文章. 这里重点是 read through,看完,通常是 read sth through, sth是read 的动词,through 是介词. 记住,是read the passage through ,而不是read through the passage,

聂诗19760433686问: read through something还是read something through -
龙口市板蓝回答: 正确是read something through....something是read 的宾语, through是介词,不能作为宾语.请采纳.

聂诗19760433686问: read through books 英文 -
龙口市板蓝回答: read through books 通读 He has read through all these books. 他已通读了所有这些书.

聂诗19760433686问: 英语短句来看看 -
龙口市板蓝回答: Read the passage through carefully. 认真通读全文through(adv.)归属动词短语read through(通读)表“从头至尾”

聂诗19760433686问: 英语翻译1.I will have read through the book by tommorrw.到明天的时候我就读完这本书了.2.I will have been there three times if i visit it again.如果我再去那一... -
龙口市板蓝回答:[答案] 你连将来完成时的构成都没搞清楚,提的问题乱七八糟. 将来完成时如何构成?---- will + have done 这里的done指的是要用动词的过去分词,动词变化分为现在时,过去时,过去分词.例如:do did done的变化. 例句都是这样的看的:will have read/...

聂诗19760433686问: 英语翻译After a lightning speed read through(probably about 600 w.p.m.)you will usually find that your technique that players use when they habitually run further ... -
龙口市板蓝回答:[答案] use 后面似乎少了个不及物动词当你以闪电般的速度(大概每分钟600字)通读后,你通常会发现队员所用的你的技术...,当他们习惯在练习中比他们在大赛时所不得不跑的距离(大赛时所限制的最短距离)要远.After a lightni...

聂诗19760433686问: 英语翻译M:Hi Susan!have you finished reading the book?W:I haven't read it through the way I'd read a novel. -
龙口市板蓝回答:[答案] M:Susan.你读完那本书了吗? W:我还没有用我读一本小说的方法去读它. 解析: 1.finish doing意为完成做某事,常用短语; through the way此句中意思是用...的方法; 2.have done sth和haven't done sth分别表示现在完成时的的肯定和否定形式; ...

聂诗19760433686问: 英语语法I haven't read it through the way I'd read a novel.翻译,我没有像读小说方式一样读它,这样翻译是否正确后面是否是个定语从句. -
龙口市板蓝回答:[答案] 对的,最好把完成时翻译出来:我还没有...这是定语从句,way做先行词,后面的引导词有三种:in which ;that ;省略,这里就省略了.

聂诗19760433686问: 看英语杂志用英语怎么翻译 -- - - english magazines -
龙口市板蓝回答: 两个空:look through一个空:read祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)

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