
作者&投稿:铎怪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There are four seasons in the year ,but which season do you like best , I want to tell you my favorite season is spring . when the sping comes ,everything has changed ,All living things get green , flowers are come out ...

...the party much more if there___ q uite such a crowd of people...
C 虚拟语气,对过去事实相反,主句用would have done ,从句用过去完成时

favourite favouite favorite的区别
1.favourite ['feivərit]adj.特别受喜爱的 She is my favourite singer.她是我最喜欢的歌手。n.特别喜爱的人(或物)These books are great favourites of mine.这些是我最喜爱的书。2.favour D.J.['feivə]n.喜爱, 宠爱; 好感; 赞同 He soon won the favour of his boss.他...

My fav0uite aninal is the( )、lt has(
monkey long legs climb trees eating bananas 【原句】My fav0uite aninal is the( monkey )、lt has( long legs )、It can( climb trees )lt likes( eating bananas )【译文】我最喜欢的动物是猴子,它有长的四肢,它可以爬树,它喜欢吃香蕉。(不知道是否...

新概念英语青少版3A Uite12作文:你的第一个工作或新工作50词。急...
My first job was a shop assistant in a candy store. It was a wonderful place. Many parents brought their children to this store, and asked me which one was the best for the children. I would then introduce the different types of candies and they usually agreed to what I ...

一篇描写my favouite city 要北京的。急啊
The general situation of Beijing Beijing is the capital of PRC, which is the center of National politics, culture, transport, tourism and international exchanges. Located on north latitude 39°56', east 116°20'. The whole city makes up of 11 zones and 7 counties.The modern ...

My Favourite Colour Of all the colours,I like blue best.Blue is a nice-looking colour.It’s very clean and beautiful.How do you feel when you wake up to see a grey sky?I’m very afraid it will rain soon.But if the sky is blue,I think you will feel joyous and excited...

作文my favouite caitoon
my favourite cartoon character is garfeild.i think everyone knows him.he is a lazy but funny cat.he was born in a kitchen on 19th.june,1978.his favourite hobby is sleeping and his best friend is the mirror.he likes eating pizza very much.but he does'nt like eating fruit ...

英语作文小报写一篇作文。要题目《My favouite hioliday》意思:我喜欢...
My favourite holiday My favourtite holiday is the Christmas Day. It is on December,25th of every year. On that day, I always send a lot of holiday letters to all of my teachers and classmates and also e-mails to my friends on the internet. Moreover, I can receive many ...

snow hard是什么汉语意思
when you work hard to be healthy的汉语意思 当你努力锻炼想让自己健康时 internationalworkerdayinmaythefirst是什么汉语意思 international worker day in may the first 国际工人节于五月一日 international worker day in may the first 国际工人节于五月一日 farouiteclothes是什么汉语意思 ...

弓宣19464065740问: 有没有quite+冠词+名词 这样一个结构,这到底是怎么用的?谢谢 -
延安市爱若回答: quite修饰名词. 1)当名词前没有形容词修饰时,quite要放在冠词前.例如:quite a lot(许多),quite a time(很长一段时间),quite an effort(很大努力),quite a while(一段相当长的时间),quite a few(相当多),quite a little(相当多;大量的)2)当名词前有形容词修饰时,quite可放在冠词前,也可放在冠词之后,但放在冠词之前较普遍.例如:He is quite a clever boy.(较普遍)或He is a quite clever boy.他是一个相当聪明的孩子.希望对你有帮助.

弓宣19464065740问: 最高级的句式 -
延安市爱若回答: 用于三者或三者以上的比较时,“最...”的要用最高级形容词,最高级前一般要加the,并有介系词片语、子句或所有格表示比较范围.I am the tallest in our class. 我是咱们班里个子最高的.表示在某一场所中最...,和in引导的介系词片语连用...

弓宣19464065740问: 求辨析quite a lot quite a little quite a bit 的差别词 -
延安市爱若回答: 1.中文释义 quite a lot ——很多的 quite a little ——相当小的丶有点 quite a bit ——不少的 2.用法 quite a lot 修饰可数名词和不可数名词 quite a little修饰不可数名词 quite a bit修饰不可数名词 扩展资料:双语例句 一.quite a lot 1. Nicky's job as a ...

弓宣19464065740问: 求:rather和quite的用法 -
延安市爱若回答: 副词辨析:fairly,quite,rather,very,pretty这几个词都可表示程度,用法区别如下: ■含义上的区别 (1) fairly 语气最轻,尽管经常与褒义词连用,但由于语气较弱,往往不带明显的恭维或赞赏,通常译为“还算”、“相当”.比如要说某部电影 ...

弓宣19464065740问: quite的用法 -
延安市爱若回答: quite [kwaIt; kwait] 副词 (无比较级、最高级) 1 a.完全,全部,全然,十分 ~ certain 十分确定 The doctor has told me that she has ~ recovered from her illness. 医生告诉我她已完全病愈 b.不是完全…,非全部… He isn't ~ a gentleman. 他还称不...

弓宣19464065740问: 形容词比较级的基本句型 -
延安市爱若回答: 2.a bit a little much many rather a lot far by far

弓宣19464065740问: what/quite+a+形容词+名词的用法 -
延安市爱若回答: 您好!What a / an + adj.+n.单数 + 主 + 谓 !What a good boy he is !【感叹句】 quite a few/ lot of people / things 【相当多的人和事,quite a few / lot of + 名词的复数】 望采纳 !谢谢 !

弓宣19464065740问: 有没有quite+冠词+名词这样一个结构,这到 -
延安市爱若回答: 当然,这是quite的用法.He is quite a cute boy.他是一个相当机灵的男孩子.

弓宣19464065740问: another的用法 -
延安市爱若回答: another [ə'nʌðə]a. 另一,再一 pron.&prep. 另一个 例句与用法: This boy is very smart; he may be another Edison. 这男孩很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生. That's quite another matter. 那完全是另一回事. Will you have another cup of tea? 你再喝一杯茶吗?

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