英语作文小报写一篇作文。要题目《My favouite hioliday》意思:我喜欢的节日。50多字,急急急。

作者&投稿:东方眨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文小报写一篇作文。要题目《My favouite hioliday》意思:我喜欢的节日。50多字,急急急。~

My favorite holiday is children's day .Because I can play happily today .
Today ,I get up early .My parents give me a new story book .it‘s my present .On the morning ,I play with my friends and play computer.After lunch,I'm happy and exciting,because i'm going to watch a movie with my parents. It's a famous movie about animal. It's funny and insteresting.
What.a happy day!

十月一日 ,一个激动人心的日子; 十月一日 ,一个庄重而严肃的日子; 十月一日 ,一个举国欢腾、13亿人祝贺的日子; 十月一日 ,祖国母亲的生日! 盼望已久的时刻终于来临了,六十门礼炮欢腾地鸣叫着,196人的国旗护卫队从人民英雄纪念碑雄赳赳气昂昂地走过来。当国歌响起的时候,五星红旗冉冉升起。那一刻我们全中国人的心仿佛江河奔腾般地激动起来……

My favourite holiday

My favourtite holiday is the Christmas Day. It is on December,25th of every year. On that day, I always send a lot of holiday letters to all of my teachers and classmates and also e-mails to my friends on the internet. Moreover, I can receive many surprising Christmas gifts from my family members and friends. I like delicious presents very much, such as food and chocolate. So I feel very exicted when the Christmas Day is coming.


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