
作者&投稿:植朗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

汽车悬架组成 我主要是要完成这些翻译,如果你能翻译就太好 了_百度知...
Some of the last post-war Packard models also featured interconnected suspension. The original Mini and some more recent British Leyland models also featured interlinking, when fitted with Moulton's Hydrolastic or Hydragas suspensions[11].一些过去的战后派克模型还提供了一些互联悬挂。这种原始...

Eg,-Honesty is the most important thing in one’s work. -I can’t agree with you more.Especially do financial job.You must never cook the books.Or you’ll be canned\/dismissed.(解雇)尤其做财经工作的24.Did a good job做得很好,干得不错 Eg.-I got an A in the exam. -You did a go...

④以 -ic 结尾的词在 -ic 前的一个音节上重读。demo`cratic pa`cific 7 scien`tific ath`letic ter`rific e`lastic ener`getic eco`nomic re`public me`chanical Ti`tanic



scholarly ,sholastic和academic的区别?
scholar 1.勤奋好学的;有学问的 A scholarly person spends a lot of time studying and knows a lot about academic subjects.He was an intellectual, scholarly man.他才华横溢,知识渊博。2. (书籍、文章)学术的,学术性的 A scholarly book or article contains a lot of academic information ...

泰乐菌素和无抗菌治疗。两个aceticlastic的相对丰度 产甲烷菌,MethanosaetaceaeandMethanosarcinaceaespp。,不太四氯化碳粪 比肥与无抗菌药物治疗。此外,生成的甲烷和 二氧化碳是27.8%和28.4%,分别抑制由于CTC的存在。对粪便的降解效果泰乐菌素是有限的,然而相对丰度 Methanosarcinaceaespp。是更大的...

请教英语的单词音节的问题 这样才能知道什么是开音节和什么是闭音节啊...
k :d] 录音(动词)present [`preznt ] 礼物(名词) present [ pri`zent ] 赠送(动词)④以 -ic 结尾的词在 -ic 前的一个音节上重读。demo`cratic pa`cific 7 scien`tific ath`letic ter`rific e`lastic ener`getic eco`nomic re`public me`chanical Ti`tanic ...

仍雅13258826259问: 高中生英语作文Plastic Or Cloth Bags Para1塑料袋的普遍使用 Para2塑 -
北湖区酮康回答: more suitable for the station in the lake day high, gas Jiong. Only in this beautiful and refreshing nature, in the "high gas Jiong" state, he can really get rid of. This article, the author Xiutan after buying along the field again, exprond scenery ...

仍雅13258826259问: 在购物时用布袋子代替塑料袋用英语怎样翻译 -
北湖区酮康回答: 在购物时用布袋子代替塑料袋,用英语怎样翻译共有以下三种:① use hop-pocket instead of plastic bag when shopping.② cloth bags replace plastic bags in shopping ③ When shopping, we should use the cloth bags instede of plastic bags!

仍雅13258826259问: 防尘塑料布用英语怎么说 -
北湖区酮康回答: 翻译结果: Dustproof plastic sheeting 塑料布plastic cloth更多释义>>[网络短语]塑料布 PVC sheetPVC;Plastic sheeting;plastic cloth 大塑料布 plastic cloth 丙烯酸塑料布 Acrylic Sheet

仍雅13258826259问: 台球中的plastic fittings, tips, cloth,分别是什么? -
北湖区酮康回答: 第一个确实没有听说,第二个就是皮头,第三个就是台布

仍雅13258826259问: 塑料布的英语怎么说?? -
北湖区酮康回答: Plastic cloth

仍雅13258826259问: 涂银布,这种布料翻译成英文怎么说啊?还有谁知道3.5 to 4 mil plastic是一种什么样的布料呢 -
北湖区酮康回答: Silver coated cloth涂银布 3.5 to 4 mil plastic 其中mil是千分之一英寸的意思 也就是3.5到4 千分之一英寸的可塑性布料

仍雅13258826259问: Which of the fllowing may NOT provide you with alcoholic drinks? - 上...
北湖区酮康回答:[答案] When we make purchases,we had better bring our own cloth bag instead of using plastic bags.

仍雅13258826259问: plastic加S吗 -
北湖区酮康回答: 做复数的时候是要加上s的 plastics are used in many modern articles instead of metal, wood, etc.塑料在许多现代用品中被用来代替金属、木材等.另外plastics还有一个单独的意思:整形外科,外科修补术

仍雅13258826259问: cloth bas over plastic bags 作为作文题目时哪些要大写? -
北湖区酮康回答: 实词大写,虚词小写 常见的也就是动词名词代词大写 冠词介词小写 首字母无论词性均大写 Cloth Bas over Plastic Bags 望采纳

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