
作者&投稿:文轰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth...

sb find sb doing sth中第二个sb是主格还是宾格?为什么?
第二个sb是宾格。find +宾语+宾补(现在分词、过去分词、形容词、名词、(能够作表语的)副词、介词短语)。切记不要跟动词原形。跟形容词或名词时,前面也可以加上to be。如:Li Lan found her house pulled down. 李兰发现她的房子被拆了。I find the beggar lying on the sidewalk. 我发现这个...

3.跟of或about引起的短语。sure后可跟of doing sth. 常用人作主语。例如: I’m not sure\/certain of that. Are you sure\/certain about it? I’m sure of his coming. He’s sure of winning.注:sure to do sth.与sure of doing sth.的区别:前者表示说话者认为“主语一定…”;后者...

用start to do sth造句(10句)
There is a lot of room for creativity in all of this, but they have little chance of developing a complete product, from start to finish, without using other software for key features.在这个过程中他们有足够的创造空间,但是他们却很少有机会开发一个完整的产品,从开始到完成,不用任何...

Zhou Lan ought to pass the National College Entrance Examinations, oughtn’t \/ shouldn’t she? (9) 如果陈述句部分的谓语是表示愿望的wish,其反问部分只能用may(的肯定式)。例如: I wish t go to Beijing for a short visit, may I? [检测题] 1444. 1445. 1446. 1447. 1448. 1449. 1450. ...

be assigned to do sth怎么用?
加略特也会有这样的工作,例如泵出凝结物。2、You, who will be tasked with the protection of the Circle, must be aware of its workings.你,将会被委任为法师议会的守护者,必须要注意它的运作方式。3、Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian astrophysicist, is set to be tasked with co-ordinating ...

一、一般将来时态:四种形式表达将来时: will \/ shall+动词原形, be going to+动词原形, be doing,以及一般现在时.shall \/ will \/ be going to +动词原形 be to do +coming (leaving, starting, reaching, returning….)be about to do sth.1. will \/ shall表示单纯的将来(即现在...

Finden Sie unter Regisseuren wie harten Linien--gehörten in den kalten Tönen von Office, Parkplatz, Autobahn, Flughafen, Sth Und dann in ein sehr kaltes, sehr steif in der Umgebung über die Konzeption und Entwicklung von Freundschaft. Habe einen Freund zu der Zeit, eine Menge Farbe ...

Chelsea Lanmon 切尔西·来蒙Jayce Coziar 杰斯·克里亚Jamie Ellsworth 杰米·埃尔斯沃思Julie Thompson 朱莉·汤普森Crum 克拉姆James Naismith 詹姆斯·奈...go out of one's way to do sth. 特地做某事make sb. feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归manner 礼貌table manners 餐桌礼仪be used to \/get used ...

一、一般将来时态:四种形式表达将来时: will \/ shall+动词原形, be going to+动词原形, be doing,以及一般现在时。shall \/ will \/ be going to +动词原形 be to do +coming (leaving, starting, reaching, returning….)be about to do sth.1. will \/ shall表示单纯的将来(即现在...

运标19170184995问: plan后面怎么接动词急 -
九江市美辛回答:[答案] plan v.1 plan sth for sth 精心安排;计划;谋划 2 plan on sth/plan on doing sth打算,期待 3 设计;安排;组织;策划 4 plan to do sth 计划,打算 已经有人回答过喽,我只是帮着拿了过来

运标19170184995问: plan 的 用法plan on sth?? plan on doing sth??都可以吗?? 解释为 为~~做打算??有 plan at吗?? -
九江市美辛回答:[答案] plan sth. 计划某事,后接名词 plan to do sth. 计划去做……,to是动词不定式,不是介词 plan for sth. 关于……的计划,plan是名词 没有

运标19170184995问: 关于plan的用法plan sth.plan to do sth.plan for sth.怎么用?plan都作动词的用法 -
九江市美辛回答:[答案] plan sth.计划某事,后接名词 plan to do sth.计划去做……,to是动词不定式,不是介词 plan for sth.关于……的计划,plan是名词

运标19170184995问: PLAN的用法 -
九江市美辛回答: someone's ( 或 the) best plango according to planmake a planplan of action (或 campaign 或 attack)望采纳,谢

运标19170184995问: plan的几个词组辨别—急啊,快考试了!高手给我解释一下 -
九江市美辛回答: plan n. 1 plan for sth /plan to do sth 计划,打算 2 plan for sth /plan to do sth (详细)规划,方案;精心安排 v. 1 plan sth for sth 精心安排;计划;谋划 2 plan on sth/plan on doing sth打算,期待 3 设计;安排;组织;策划 最好自己查查字典,看看上面的例子,理解了就可以了.

运标19170184995问: plan on与 plan for的区别 -
九江市美辛回答: plan on +doing sth/sth plan for +sth 这是用法的区别 意思上的区别是plan on表示:“在某方面或某件事上作计划” 而plan for表示:“为了某个目的作计划”

运标19170184995问: plan sth和plan to do sth的区别 -
九江市美辛回答: 前者意思是计划一个事情,后者是计划将来或以后去做某件事情,

运标19170184995问: plan for sth与plan sth的区别 -
九江市美辛回答: 前者是为某事做计划, plan是名词,后者是谋划某事,plan是动词.ex. We have to start to make a plan for our summer trip! 我们必须要开始为我们夏天的旅行做计划了!The gangsters gathered together, planning a heist. 匪徒们聚集起来,计划一场抢劫.前句用plan sth或者后句用plan for都会有点奇怪,这就要看你的语感如何了.

运标19170184995问: plan sth、plan to do sth、plan for sth的区别
九江市美辛回答: plan sth.计划某事,后接名词.plan to do sth.计划去做……,to是动词不定式,不是介词.plan for sth.关于……的计划,plan是名词.

运标19170184995问: 有没有Plan doing这个用法? -
九江市美辛回答: 两种用法 plan on doing sth... 打算做某事 plan on doing sth. 打算做某事 例句:So it is a good idea to have very high engines, ECM and cloak on your ship if you plan on doing attack and runs. 如果你打算进行突袭,最好是拥有高等级的发动机、电子对抗措施以及掩护.plan to do sth.. 唯一不同的是plan on doing 有一层“ 希望去做” 的意思,明白了这层意思也就好区分了.plan to do 主要指 计划 计划的意味较浓.

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