
作者&投稿:程奔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

◎ 侵犯、欺压:欺~。~逼。~辱。~侮。恃强~弱。◎ 杂乱,交错:~乱。~杂。◎ 升,高出:~云。~霄。~空。~虚。~驾。“会当~绝顶,一览众山小”。◎ 渡过,越过:“虽有江河之险则~之”。◎ 迫近,逼近:~晨。◎ 姓。组词 ◎ 凌逼 língbī [persecute;force] 欺凌逼迫 ◎...

愿望、利益或兴趣的一致或相符。偶尔用于人,强调意见或观点完全相同。agree 侧重指经过比较后的所有主要部分均和谐一致,无冲突和矛盾。这符合人民的心愿。This accords with the aspirations of the people.他们迫害那些不符合他们意见的人。They persecute those who do not conform to their ideas....

receives the average person to persecute is also even publicized attacks, relative in the DC world cannot like this. in the Marvel world the chaotic black magic is quite weak, even quite few will use this kind of black magic the human existence, as for the DC world will be ve...

Respect for women_尊重女性作文250字
Some women said: 'we live very tired every day and have to stay at home all the time. We often feel unsafe.This is an angry social phenomenon! They don't think they're wrong, and they don't even care. Such people are disgusting. Why do they persecute their own kind stu...

有两种说法,一种是massacre,另一种是slaughter,都有杀戮的意思 slaughter:n. 残杀,屠杀,大量杀戮 v. 残杀,屠杀 例句与用法:1. Millions of cattle are slaughtered every day.每天有数百万头牛被屠杀。2. We slaughtered them at hockey.我们在曲棍球赛中把他们打得一败涂地.3. Bison used to...

Persecute me! 让暴风雨都来吧!让我付出代价! 让我心态归零! 你使我兴奋! 你使我斗志昂扬! 你使我咬牙切齿! Let storms rage against me! Let me pay the price! Let me hit rock bottom! You excite me! You fill me with the spirit to fight! You make me grind my teeth! 你使我百折不挠!

Anne Frank, was born in 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany, a Jewish family in 1933 when Hitler took office. began a frenzied persecution of the Jews, Frank, moved to the Netherlands. Shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War, the German occupation of the Netherlands, Slovakia ...

Persecute me! 让暴风雨都来吧! 让我付出代价! 让我心态归零! 你使我兴奋! 你使我斗志昂扬! 你使我咬牙切齿! Let storms rage against me! Let me pay the price! Let me hit rock bottom! You excite me! You fill me with the spirit to fight! You make me grind my teeth! 你...

国王,王,伊朗国王 Pagan异教徒,非基督教徒 Papacy 罗马教皇的职位,罗马天主教会制度 Papal罗马教皇的,罗马教皇职位的 Papist罗马天主教徒 Parish 教区 Parliament议会,国会 Parliamentary议会的,国会的,议会政治的 Parliamentari *** 议会制度,议会主义 Patriot爱国者,爱国主义者 Persecute 指政治,宗教信仰的迫害,残害...

2.He manoeuvred the enemy out of their position.【翻译】:他用计谋使敌人离开他们的阵地。3.He would not knuckle down under their pressure.【翻译】:他不会在他们的压力下屈服的。4.Have you looked at their report?【翻译】:你看过他们的报告了吗?5.They persecute those who do not ...

古胃19675302464问: persecuted是什么意思 -
加格达奇区妙纳回答: persecute 英[ˈpɜ:sɪkju:t] 美[ˈpɜ:rsɪkju:t] vt. (尤指宗教或政治信仰的) 迫害; 烦扰,困扰; 强求,死缠着要;

古胃19675302464问: persecute 单词怎么记 -
加格达奇区妙纳回答: 从词根上分析吧 per 表示 贯穿 自始至终 secut 表示 跟随 追随 有点心怀不轨的感觉吧 所以表示 迫害. --精;锐;五;角;场;

古胃19675302464问: er组合发长音的有哪些单词 -
加格达奇区妙纳回答:[答案] 多了去了.er在重读音节中基本上都发长音.如:her,herself,herdsman,herb,certainly,mercy,mercury,merchant,term,germ,German,Germany,persecute,person,etc. 但要注意,如果两个音节当中连续出现两个r,那么它不算字母组合.如:merry中的er不是字...

古胃19675302464问: 迫的多音字组词 -
加格达奇区妙纳回答: 迫不及待 pò bù jí dài 窘迫 jiǒng pò 强迫 qiǎng pò 从容不迫 cóng róng bù pò迫切 pò qiè 饥寒交迫 jī hán jiāo pò 迫在眉睫 pò zài méi jié 迫击炮 pǎi jī pào

古胃19675302464问: 英文单词翻译 -
加格达奇区妙纳回答: 播种1.plant plant vt 种植播种n 植物. plastic a 塑料的. plate n 板片牌盘子盆子. platform n 2.sow sow v 播 散布 传播 播种于 使密布 播种. sparrow n 麻雀. spear n 矛 鱼叉 幼芽 幼苗 困惑的1.puzzling puzzling 困惑的relevant 适当的中肯的. apprecial ...

古胃19675302464问: 谁能总结一下英语历史学词汇, -
加格达奇区妙纳回答:[答案] 国热忱的 Patriotism 爱国主义,爱国精神 PAU 泛美联盟 Peach和平,和平时期 Peaceful和平的,爱好和平的 Pekingese 北京的,北京人的 Peking北京市 Pentateuch 基督教的旧约全书的首五卷 Pentecost 犹太人的五旬节 Persecute 指政治,宗教信...

古胃19675302464问: 凌字是什么意思 -
加格达奇区妙纳回答: 凌 líng 【名】 (形声.从仌(bīng,冰,夌líng)声.本义:冰) 同本义〖ice〗 涉江莫涉凌,得意须得朋.——孟郊《寒江吟》 又如:凌冰(流水中的冰块);凌灾(因冰块堵塞河道导致河水泛滥);凌床(冰床);凌室(古代的藏冰室) ...

古胃19675302464问: 凌能组什么词 -
加格达奇区妙纳回答: 凌厉,凌辱,凌晨,凌驾......

古胃19675302464问: “厄”是什么意思 -
加格达奇区妙纳回答: 厄的意思是困苦、灾难的意思.不要信算命的.迷信

古胃19675302464问: 拜访的近义词和困扰的近义词是什么? -
加格达奇区妙纳回答: 拜访 【近义词】造访 访问 拜谒 【基本解释 ◎ 困扰 kùnrǎo (1) [puzzle;perplex]∶搅扰,使感到难办 (2) [difficult position]∶困难的处境;难办的事 英文翻译 1.perplex; persecute; puzzle; nag 详细解释 纷扰不安. 晋 郭璞 《皇孙生请布泽疏》:“百姓困扰,甘乱者多.” 王蒙 《组织部来了个年轻人》:“生活有时候带来某种情绪的波流,使人激动,也使人困扰.”反义词】光临

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