
作者&投稿:慕贝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【辩合 第八回】ACTION
【 arguing and eighth back 】 ACTION

GSLL 原来是儒家的三当家,子房先生啊。
GSLL originally is in charge of Confucianism, ovary sir ah three.

Really handsome good looks!

ZF 哪里哪里,子房在儒家之中,算是愚笨的弟子了。
ZF where where, in Confucian in, ovary is dumb disciple.

GSLL you I today compare-test riveting technique, divides to show me what you've learned well, don't see somebody else is a handsome, jun lang is tenderness toward woman!

ZF 好,那就不客气了。
ZF good, then you're welcome.

Excuse me, what the topic is?

GSLL 那就不如,还是以白马为题。
GSLL, or with the white as a topic.


ZF 先生,请稍等。
ZF sir, please wait a moment.

Ming, come. Son

ZM (伸个懒腰)为什么又是我?
ZM (arm.i) why me?

Every time they meet this easy opponent, you will give me, challenge langsung!

ZF 委屈你了,下一次一定给你找一个强一点的对手。
ZF injustice you, the next is certain to find you one a little bit stronger opponent.

ZM 好吧,下一次一定要找一个像样一点的对手!
ZM well, the next must find a decent bit of opponents!

ZM 他们都说我念的书最少,所以,每一次碰到弱一点的对手,就退给我。
ZM they all say me to read the book at least, therefore, every encounter lesser rivals, he returned to me.

You are certainly you there's the fewest of studying.

GSLL 嗯!!!
GSLL well!!!

全体演员 导演!
All the casting director!


DY 哦!
DY oh!



【辩合 第八回】ACTION
【 arguing and eighth back 】 ACTION

ZM 这位胖大妈,请出题吧!
ZM the fat aunt, please prudently!

GSLL 那里跑来的臭小子!
GSLL there run smelly boy!

Somehow, unexpectedly say me fat would have!!!!!

Today not let you know that I GongSunLingLong of severe!

The Pal, we still to a horse horse topic.

ZM 白马?
ZM white horse?

Are you saying there of the horse?

GSLL horses?

Where come of a horse?

Through the snow is clearly a white horse, and is not a horse.

ZM 你是说这匹白马不是马?
ZM you mean this white horse is not a horse?

GSLL 正是,白马非马。
GSLL is a horse, white horse.

ZM 嗯,我觉得你说的话很有道理.啊.胖大妈!
ZM well, I think you said makes sense. Oh. Fat aunt!

GSLL 臭小子,不准说我胖!
GSLL smelly boy, not say me fat!

That's of course!

ZM ran to the white horse side, looking at it, is preparing to touch the horse so ^

GSLL 你跑到这里干什么!
GSLL you run doing here!

ZM 额^咦^我还从来没有见过这么漂亮的马!
^ ^ yi ZM forehead never have I seen such a beautiful horse!

GSLL 臭小子,算你有点眼色. 兄台,你又错了,你应该说从没见过这么漂亮的白马
GSLL smelly boy, calculate you a little glances. Pal, then you are wrong again, you should say never seen such a beautiful white horse

ZM 哦,对呀!
ZM oh, yeah!

But this white horse he good-looking that!

GSLL 你说的没错,这可是我们公孙家族一脉单传的传家宝啊
GSLL you're right, this is our family a pulse of sun through ah. Request

ZM 传家宝?
ZM heirloom?


GSLL 此白马,名为踏雪,一生只生一胎,极为珍贵,至今为止,刚好传了16代,只此一匹哦
GSLL this white horse, lifetime, called the following a single child, very precious, so far, just preach 16 generation, only this one oh

ZM 真么珍贵,难怪是传家宝了!
ZM true yao precious. No wonder it is a family heirloom!

GSLL 那当然!
GSLL of course!

(ZM "carelessly" down, took horse, and gave a cry and ran)

GSLL 我的马!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GSLL my horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ZM 唉唉唉……
ZM alas alas alas......

Too bad ah, fat aunt...

GSLL 不准再说人家胖!
GSLL prohibit say somebody else fat!

You this smelly boy!

ZM 我错了,我错了,人家不是故意的嘛……
ZM I was wrong, I was wrong, somebody else not intentionally......

GSLL 你就是故意的!
GSLL you are intentionally!

Somebody else, just revenge than but somebody else's horse!

ZM 嗯!
ZM well!

White horse!

GSLL 不管白马还是黑马,就是人家的传家宝!
GSLL whether white horse or dark horse, is somebody else's family heirloom!

Full-court outcry

ZM 一定帮你找回来!
ZM must help you back!

GSLL 兄台有什么本事能把人家的传家宝找回来?
GSLL Pal what skill can a family heirloom back?

ZM 哎呀!
ZM oh!

I must help you back!

For a while, ZM brought a black horse up.

GSLL 啊……
GSLL ah...

ZM 你的传家宝,我给你找回来了!
ZM your family heirloom, I give you back!

GSLL 啊……
GSLL ah...


ZM 嗯?
ZM well?

How ridiculous?

GSLL 我的踏雪是一匹白马,而这明明是一匹又老又瘦的的黑马,你却说这就是我的踏雪,不是荒唐是什么?
GSLL my following a white horse, but clearly this is a old and thin black horse, you said this is my through the snow, not absurd is what?

ZM 什么又黑又瘦的老马,这可是我家的传家之宝呢!
ZM what black and thin nag, this is my family heirloom!

Preach over 500 generation, so a horse!

Oh yes, his name is called "step!

Nou, starting today, he is your house family heirloom, through the snow.

GSLL you!

Simply nonsense!

Home is not blind sun!

This white horse dark horse obvious things, do not come out?

ZM 嗯?
ZM well?

Is a strange one!

According to your family's statement, the sun, is not following?

GSLL 胡说!
GSLL nonsense!

ZM 那,你听着啊!
ZM that, you listen to!

According to your statement, this horse, does not equal white horse, so white horse, also is not equal to the horse, right

GSLL 是又怎样?
GSLL is what?

ZM 这就对了!
ZM this rightness!

You see, this is your home, through the snow is my home, stepping through the family heirloom, that is, through the snow, and also through tread = = family heirloom

GSLL 胡说!
GSLL nonsense!

Your blah ~

ZM 传家宝=传家宝,所以,踏雪就=踏人喽!
ZM, therefore, through = heirloom it through the snow on people! =

GSLL you!


1. I won't go to bed (until) you (come)(back).
2. The old man can nearly walk here.
3. What type of bicycles do you prefer?
4. He made up a story to explain why he did so
5. We have rich resources, such as coal, oil and iron.
6. The captain was pleased beacause the ship went into a safe harbour.


Anne Frank, was born in 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany, a Jewish family in 1933 when Hitler took office. began a frenzied persecution of the Jews, Frank, moved to the Netherlands. Shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War, the German occupation of the Netherlands, Slovakia and France. shelter here in the cruel persecution of the Jews was the same. In order to avoid Nazi arrest, imprisonment and massacres in the Frank family with the help of friends. hide his father's company building, a hidden place until August 1944 was the informant, misprision of the eight persons were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps. To the end of the war, only his father, a life also. He compiled a diary during the Anne in hiding after publication, much attention was translated into many languages

The Anne franker, in 1929 had been born in a German Frankfurt's Judeafamily, in 1933 Hitler came on stage, starts crazily to persecute theJew, franker migrates Holland. After Second World War erupts soon,German law of the land two Si has seized Holland, seeks asylum the Jewin here similarly to encounter the brutal persecution. In order toevade Nazi's arrest, imprisons and slaughters, franker under friend'shelp, hides in father's company building a hiding place, some peopleinformed until August, 1944, went into hiding 8 personally werearrested and closes the concentration camp. Ended to the war, only hashis/her a father person to return alive. He reorganized Anne in to gointo hiding the period diary, after the publication arouses theinterest, and translates into the many kinds of writing.

1.As we all know, we will attend the CET-4 examination soon. So we must learn the knowledge on book well.2.What should we do in university?3.Not only should we learn the knowledge on book well , but also cultivate our abilities.还有不懂的可以追问我~望采纳~...

5. Success in life, a height.

1 The exhibition will open from the 15th June, and will last (for) three weeks.

Home, there is love there is responsibility.

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求翻译(中文到英文) 尽量用简单的句子
Want to be a successful businessman, be shrewd mind. Focus on each side of a business opportunities. When you find business opportunities of time, will concentrate the power to seize the opportunity. In this process will come across a lot of difficulties, but you have to cross ...

汉源县13198045052: 中文翻译成英语,尽可能用比较简单的单词,谢谢 -
以柳更昔: I like English.My dream is to be a teacher after 8 years.I can teach my students well as much as I can.I will teach in English,I will try my best to make classes interesting.What's more,we like teacher telling stories,so I will tell stories to my students in ...

汉源县13198045052: 翻译一句话.很简单.谢谢..翻译成英语. -
以柳更昔: We work and learn hard to make our family members and ourselves live a happy life.study 侧重“大学”学习,深入研究、探讨learn 侧重初等学习,学习新鲜事物等不定式作状语,to do sth 表示目的“生活的幸福”,其实这里“生活”是个动词.因此,live a happy lify 过着幸福的生活希望我的翻译对您有所帮助不足之处,敬请指出

汉源县13198045052: 请帮忙翻译成英语,是在会议的结尾用的.尽量口语一点,简单一点,谢谢 -
以柳更昔: Well. Thanks for Mr.A's excellent explanation and thaks for all of you.That's all for today. Thanks for your attendance again. Next week, we will continue to discuss other topics, such as inventory, inpairment, and other assets. Well, please attend the meeting next week.Minister, Do you have something to say?

汉源县13198045052: 请翻译一句英语,简单的,谢谢! -
以柳更昔: Alaska is no farther from Russia than from Washington .Alaska 离Russia(俄罗斯)不比离Washington(华盛顿)远.

汉源县13198045052: 翻译一句话 谢谢! -
以柳更昔: The theme of the World Expo is "Better City, Better Life". If we all more care about others, our cities will be more beautiful世博会的口号是" Better City,Better Life...

汉源县13198045052: 帮忙翻译成英语,尽可能简洁啊,用在个性签名上的,谢谢啦!
以柳更昔: For the sake of God,those who are beyond their range will be deprived of holy rights till the bottom of Abaddon. 大哥 你这没法简洁啊

汉源县13198045052: 帮我把这句话翻译成英文,谢谢~很简单的小句
以柳更昔: No matter what you major in, you'd better look for a job which you really enjoy, then your time will be full of joy from 7am to 8pm every day. Furthermore, once you can find someone you like each other, then you must be happy from 8pm to 7am. This is a simple life! 这样翻译比较地道与贴近生活~~

汉源县13198045052: 简短中文翻译成英文,谢谢!
以柳更昔: You have no contract with such as ZIM, so now can arrange STX ship.

汉源县13198045052: 请把这句中文翻译成英文 ..很简单的 谢谢我害怕水 -
以柳更昔:[答案] i am afraid of water. i am sick of water.

汉源县13198045052: 翻译几句简单的中文成英语~在线等~谢谢 -
以柳更昔: Ah, so it is! I'm teaching Chinese at spare time as well, and i 'm very glad to help you``` But i will graduate this year ,and i'm going to leave South Korea this summer vacation``` I can introduce my Chinese friends to you If you want!

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