
作者&投稿:慕定 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这个我自己写的。module shoumaiji (clk,a,b,duanxuan,weixuan,out,out1);input clk;input a,b; \/\/a为投入0.5元信号,b为投入1元信号 output [8:1]duanxuan;\/\/输出8位段选信号 output weixuan;\/\/输出1位位选信号 output out; \/\/out为高电平时售卖机闸门打开,汽水掉出来 output...

输入文件medic.in的第一行有两个整数T(1 <= T <= 1000)和M(1 <= M <= 100),用一个空格隔开,T代表总共能够用来采药的时间,M代表山洞里的草药的数目。接下来的M行每行包括两个在1到100之间(包括1和100)的整数,分别表示采摘某株草药的时间和这株草药的价值。【输出文件】输出文件...

append是在后面添加,assign是赋值 具体的来说(最简单的用法):str1.append("AAAA");\/\/就是把AAAA加到原来的字符串后边 str1.assign("AAAA");\/\/就是那个str1赋值为AAAA,

...创建的文件名如何引用变量? 例如:我要assign一个text,引用变量i...
pascal中原提供了input和output两个text变量,也可以自己定义var 变量名:text;用法 assign(text变量名,'文件路径');\/\/关联text变量名和文件路径 reset(text变量名);\/\/输入文件初始化 rewrite(text变量名);\/\/输出文件初始化 close(text变量名);\/\/关闭输入\/输出文件 ...

把有关信号都拉出来看看,比如y_out--> y -->p0,p1 --> x0,x1,f0,f1看看到那一步没有值了。定位出来应该比较简单

procedure push(st:string;opt:char);begin inc(top);stack[top,1]:=st;stack[top,2]:=opt;end;function pop(var ch:char):string;var tmp:string;begin pop:=stack[top,1];tmp:=stack[top,2];ch:=tmp[1];dec(top);end;BEGIN assign(input,'');reset(input);assign(output,'a...

The distributor may not assign in whole or in part any of its rights hereunder or any rights arising from any individual order for the purchase of the products without the prior written consent of suppper 未经供应商事先书面同意,经销商不得部分或全部转让本合同项下的权利,也 不得...

free pascal的高手进!
1.begin assign(input,'');reset(input);assign(output,'exb.out');rewrite(output);writeln(10*10*6,' ',10*10*10)close(input);close(output);end.2.var h,f,Rab:longint;begin assign(input,'');reset(input);assign(output,'jitu.out');rewrite(output);readln(h,...

strong与weak是由ARC新引入的对象变量属性 xcode 4.2(ios sdk4.3和以下版本)和之前的版本使用的是retain和assign,是不支持ARC的。xcode 4.3(ios5和以上版本)之后就有了ARC,并且开始使用 strong与weak assign: 用于非指针变量。用于 基础数据类型 (例如NSInteger)和C数据类型(int, float, ...

命令格式:assign(f,name)f为定义的文本文件变量,name为实际文件文件名 如:assign(f1,'') {相对路径} 或:assign(f1,'d:\\pas\\fileout.out') {绝对路径} 这样在程序中对文本文件变量f1的操作,也就是对外部实际文件''或'fileout.out'的操作。上例中文件''是...

恭荔18619178945问: 90年代溜冰场里放的一首歌里边歌词有passion,求歌名 -
罗定市蓉生回答: maria arre - burning燃烧.passion is sweet【激情如此甜蜜.】 love makes weak 【爱情使得无力.】 you said you cherished freedom so【你说你珍爱自由.】 you refuse to let it go 【你拒绝让它继续.】 follow your fate【遵循你的命运.】 love and hate...

恭荔18619178945问: My passion in life is exercise and health.跪求全文 -
罗定市蓉生回答: My passion in life is exercise and health. Growing up in an overweight and unhealthy family always inspired me to be different. Then in 2002, the biggest push for me to keep healthy came when I was diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome. This ...

恭荔18619178945问: Learn how to love reading 阅读理解 Reading has been a passion all my life.When I was little,my mother read to me.I consumed books growing up.Many nights ... -
罗定市蓉生回答:[答案] 4 a 原话Reading to a child from infancy offers several special gifts to the child 5 C 原话 Reading to a child isn't just about teaching them to read; it is about teaching them to love to read 6 D 7 D You are helping them develop language and pre-reading ...

恭荔18619178945问: My passion in life is exercise and health.跪求全文 -
罗定市蓉生回答:[答案] My passion in life is exercise and health.Growing up in an overweight and unhealthy family always inspired me to be different.Then in 2002,the biggest push for me to keep healthy came when I was diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome.This puts ...

恭荔18619178945问: 英语口试题目 说1分钟就行 Do you have passion in your life? -
罗定市蓉生回答: Friendship is significance in our whole life, do you think so ? Friendship means being friendly to each other or making friends with one another. Human beings are social animals. They do not live in isolation.They need each other both physically ...

恭荔18619178945问: Passage 6(2014江苏苏州昆山二模,B)     I didn't think I had a passion (激情) .I would sit in front of the TV all day thinking about nothing but the next ... -
罗定市蓉生回答:[答案] 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. DPassage 6[语篇解读]毫无激情的“我”整日沉迷于电视.一天,“我”看到一 个衣衫褴褛的无家可归者手拿一部收音机,在随着音乐翩翩起舞.从 妈妈的话中,“我”认识到:一个栖身之所,一顿...

恭荔18619178945问: 我的生活没有一点激情 翻译成英文 -
罗定市蓉生回答: My life without any passion

恭荔18619178945问: 如题:求一篇关于(学习和生活)的英语作文.字数120字左右,急需!在线等!谢谢了啊,知道的给一篇!我分不多了就给50分吧,答案满意再加50分,谢谢... -
罗定市蓉生回答:[答案] 初中的生活里,有快乐,有苦恼,有困惑,有伤心.太多太多的情感融洽在一起,短短的初中生活变得简单而又复杂,让人烦恼让人回味. In life, happiness and sorrow, and there. so much passion, a junior high school happy life became simple and ...

恭荔18619178945问: 英语作文 My idea of future life 要求从未来交通 商业 医学 教育等角度写 120词 -
罗定市蓉生回答:[答案] My future plan(我未来的打算) I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision. Firstly, when I was a little/boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can ...

恭荔18619178945问: passion 中文音译 -
罗定市蓉生回答: passion KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 热情,激情[U][C][(+for)] They sang with great passion. 他们满怀激情地歌唱. 2. 恋情;情欲[U][(+for)] You may have a passion for her, but it isn\'t love. 你也许对她怀有强烈的感情,但这不是爱情. 3. 盛怒,忿怒[S] At ...

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