
作者&投稿:项樊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Second, journalists and the press code of ethics in order to effectively play the role of the public. What journalists should have as? journalists are institutional issues were still investigating the initiator solution? reporters is a dispassionate observer or an active participant? N...

her goal being to lift all dance to a respectable art form (in the early 1900's it was a common American and European assumption that any dancer was a woman of loose virtue)During

选择餐厅 进入 nycgo 的餐厅页面,找到 NYC Restaurant Week 之后,就可以依照地点、用餐时段、菜式(cuisine)选择,喜欢尝鲜的可以加选新参加餐厅(new participant),如果是一大群人要聚餐,就可以加选适合团体(good for groups),喜欢晒太阳的人可以设定露天座位(outdoor seating)。想知道心仪...

Jack-o'-lanterns may be carved with funny faces.The imagery surrounding Hallowe'en is largely an amalgamation of the Halloween season itself, nearly a century of work from American filmmakers and graphic artists, and a rather commercialized take on the dark,diaria and mysterious. This art general...

红瑞15974612828问: participant - 搜狗百科
昌宁县倍他回答: participant [英][pɑ:ˈtɪsɪpənt][美][pɑ:rˈtɪsɪpənt] n.参加者,参与者; 与会代表; 参与国; 关系者; adj.参加的; 有关系的; 复数:participants 例句:1.Each participant was given 15 one-dollar bills. 每一个参与者被给予15美元.

红瑞15974612828问: participant是什么意思 -
昌宁县倍他回答: participant_百度翻译 participant [英]pɑ:ˈtɪsɪpənt [美]pɑ:rˈtɪsɪpənt n. 参加者,参与者;与会代表;参与国;关系者 adj. 参加的;有关系的 [例句]Each participant can submit up to four pieces for consideration. 照顾考虑,每位参与者可提交四份作品.

红瑞15974612828问: 参加者名词英语 -
昌宁县倍他回答: participant用得比较多【participant】n.参加者,参与者; 与会代表; 参与国; 关系者adj.参加的; 有关系的【例句】 1. 40 of the course participants are offered employment with the company... 上这门课的人中有40个被该公司聘用. 2. You ...

红瑞15974612828问: participant可数吗 -
昌宁县倍他回答: participant可数.N-COUNT 参与者;参加者The participants in an activity are the people who take part in it.40 of the course participants are offered employment with the company... 上这门课的人中有40个被该公司聘用.You are expected to be an active participant. 你应该成为积极的参与者.

红瑞15974612828问: 英语单词Participant,复数是什么?在线等... -
昌宁县倍他回答: Participants

红瑞15974612828问: participant和participation区别
昌宁县倍他回答: 本文目录participant和 participation区别参与者英文participatant与participator的区别是什么participatant与participator的区别“participant” 语言学中就翻译为“参与者”吗...

红瑞15974612828问: “participant” 语言学中就翻译为“参与者”吗? -
昌宁县倍他回答: 在语言学的不同领域,都可能用到participant,但是都翻译成“参与者”也没问题. 比如,在句法学里,participant指的是句子中与行为状态有牵连的事物(一般包括担任主语和宾语的东西),可以翻译为“参与者”或“行为参与者”. 在语用学和社会语言学中,participant指的是一次言语活动中在场、并有可能对言语活动有影响的人(可以是参与说话的人,也可以是听者),翻译成“参与者”也是合适的.汉语里更恰当的词也不容易找.

红瑞15974612828问: participants的动词是什么? -
昌宁县倍他回答: participants n. 参与者; 参加者; [词典] participant的复数; 动词形式 participate v. 参加; 参与

红瑞15974612828问: participants是什么意思 -
昌宁县倍他回答: participants 参与者 双语对照词典结果: participants [英][pɑ:'tɪsɪpənts][美][pɑ:'tɪsɪpənts] n.参加者,参与者; 参加者,参与者( participant的名词复数 ); adj.有份的,参与的;以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1. Sports participants and spectators can get pretty ugly. 体育运动的参与者和观众可能会变得很丑恶.----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

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