
作者&投稿:柞义 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语缩写词eMiC通常代表"Engineering Ministries International Canada",中文直译为"加拿大国际工程部"。本文旨在深入解析eMiC的含义,包括其英文全称、中文拼音(jiā ná dà guó jì gōng chéng bù)以及在英语中的使用频率(流行度为15422)。eMiC被归类于社区类别,主要应用于非营利组织领域,它在实...

尿失禁 [临床] uracratia uroclepsia urinary incontinence incontinentia urinae 尿裤子 Pee on one's pants 口语就是 Pee on one's pants

我门都知道,英语听力微技能包括以下7个方面:1,Discriminatingsoundsinisolatedwordforms(含phonemesandphoneemiccontrasts的对比)。2,discriminatingsoundsinconnectedspeech(含s... 我门都知道,英语听力微技能包括以下7个方面:1,Discriminating sounds in isolated word forms(含phonemes and phoneemic contrasts的对比)。2...

梅花鹿的英文单词:sika deer 【音标】:英 [ˈsi:kə diə] 美 [ˈsikə dɪr]【双语例句】:1.Construction of Full-length cDNA Library for Antler Tip Tissue of Sika Deer 东北梅花鹿鹿茸尖端组织全长cDNA文库的构建。2.Preliminary Study on the Social ...

小便英文怎么说 vivi
小便 [词典] urine; pee; urinate; pass [make] water; emiction;[例句]他要小便。He needed to pee.小便 [词典] urine; pee; urinate; pass [make] water; emiction;[例句]他要小便。He needed to pee.

basic, history is a mirror into our selves, our nation, and our world. ... Rather, history is a lifelong pursuit of active engagement with new.参考资料\/history

In order to ensure that when the dinner hosted by timely and accurate manner where the tables to find their own times, you can specify in the invitation on the table where the other times, hanging in the dining hall entrance schematic arrangement of banquet table meeting to arrange...

求 疯狂粉丝举动--约翰列侬被枪杀 英文报道
had first come to New York to kill Lennon in November but changed his mind and returned home.[8] He silently handed Lennon a copy of Double Fantasy, and Lennon obliged with an autograph.[6] After signing the album Lennon politely asked him, "Is this all you want?" Chapman ...

梅花鹿的英文单词:sika deer 【音标】:英 [ˈsi:kə diə] 美 [ˈsikə dɪr]【双语例句】:1.Construction of Full-length cDNA Library for Antler Tip Tissue of Sika Deer 东北梅花鹿鹿茸尖端组织全长cDNA文库的构建。2.Preliminary Study on the Social...

虿宏13833047894问: panda怎么读 -
通化县冠心回答: 一、panda的读音英[ˈpændə] 美[ˈpændə] 二、panda的释义 n. 熊猫; 猫熊; 三、panda的例句 This old couple adopted a giant panda in the zoo. 这对老夫妇在动物园领养了一只大熊猫. Now there's a contrast with the panda! The tiger is ...

虿宏13833047894问: pandemic是什么意思? -
通化县冠心回答: adj.1. (疾病)大流行的2. 普遍的, 全世界的n.1. (全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病 希望能帮到你

虿宏13833047894问: pandemics是什么意思 -
通化县冠心回答: pandemics n. (全国或全球性) 流行病,大流行病( pandemic的名词复数 ); 全部释义>> [例句]Technology is often accompanied by unintended consequences, however: pollution, global warming, pandemics and financial crises. 然而,技术也伴随着意料之外的后果:污染、全球变暖、流行病和金融危机.

虿宏13833047894问: 英语翻译 -
通化县冠心回答: pandemic [pAn5demik] adj. 全国流行的pandemic [pAn5demik] adj. (疾病)流行全国[全世界]的 (疾病)流行性的 一般性的, 普通的, 通俗的 a pandemic outbreak of malaria 疟疾流行全国pandemic [pAn5demik] n. 全国[全世界]性的流行病, 大疫

虿宏13833047894问: パンデミック是什么意思及发音 -
通化县冠心回答: パンデミック 发音:pan de mi kku 英语:pandemic 世界流行性瘟疫

虿宏13833047894问: 表示灾难的英文词例如"hurricane"表示飓风,再列举几个别的同类词 -
通化县冠心回答:[答案] A disaster (from Middle French désastre, from Old Italian disastro, from Latin pejorative prefix dis- bad + astrum star) is the ... [edit] Epidemics Main articles: Disease, Epidemic, and Pandemic A disease becomes a disaster when it spreads in a ...

虿宏13833047894问: 散发、爆发、流行及大流行的具体含义是什么?
通化县冠心回答: 大流行(pandemic) 指某疾病的发病蔓延迅速,涉及地域广,人口比例大,在短时间内可以越过省界国界甚至洲界形成世界性流行.一些传染性疾病,如流行性感冒、霍乱、瘟疫,在历史上都有过大流行.由于国际间交流的日益增多,各种流行病在世界范围内的传播速度也不断加快.世界卫生组织监控着世界各地的传染病的爆发情况,并决定在什么时候将对疾病的响应提高到“流行病”及“大流行病”级别.大流行传播方式细菌、病毒、真菌以及原生生物等所致感染,都会造成传染病的暴发.这些疾病通过几种不同的方式传播:水、食物、土壤、动物以及人类接触等.当一种传染病在某一个国家或地区内迅速传播给很多人时,它就成为了一种流行病.

虿宏13833047894问: endemic,epidemic和pandemic的区别是什么? -
通化县冠心回答: pandemic1.Widespread; general. 2.Medicine. Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population: pandemic influenza.endemic 1.Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people: diseases ...

虿宏13833047894问: 关于保护动物的英语文章100 - 250个单词 -
通化县冠心回答: Why shall we protect wildlife? Because protect wildlife is protection our human beings, it is for the interests and development of mankind. Regardless of human beings, animals, and plants, all living things live in an organic unity of the ecosystem. An ...

虿宏13833047894问: 瘟疫的来源是怎样的?
通化县冠心回答: 瘟疫瘟疫根据中国古籍著作《集韵》·平声·魂韵:“瘟,疫也.”,而唐代作家柳宗元于《永州龙兴寺息壤记行文》:“南方多疫,劳者先死.”,至于瘟疫一词乃自古沿用至今,最早运用此字的著作,可能为《抱朴子》·内篇·微旨:“经瘟疫则不畏,遇急难则隐形.”大流行大流行一词,应是随西方流行病学传入中国,英文为Pandemic.依照其字义拆解而来.一般使用拉丁字母、希腊字母的语言对疾病大流行的称呼,皆源自希腊文“παν”合并“δ?μο?”,表示“泛”联合“人群”,也就是在人群中广泛流行之意.

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