
作者&投稿:浑健 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高手 翻译个句子 在线翻译走开
2, and 4 a glycemic and insulinemic response test was performed. For the test, a baseline sample was taken after which the horses were allowed to eat a test meal. Samples were then taken continuously via a jugular catheter at post feeding, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 ...

Banquet in the Chinese food is often decorated with round-table cuisine, drinks. Round Table of the pecking order of arrangement, there are two cases.The first case, is composed of two small dinner tables. This situation, and can be divided into two tables horizontal and vertical ...

hypocholesteremia 血胆甾醇过少, 低胆甾醇血



盖饶15118326644问: pandemic是什么意思? -
乌拉特后旗马来回答: adj.1. (疾病)大流行的2. 普遍的, 全世界的n.1. (全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病 希望能帮到你

盖饶15118326644问: pandemics是什么意思 -
乌拉特后旗马来回答: pandemics n. (全国或全球性) 流行病,大流行病( pandemic的名词复数 ); 全部释义>> [例句]Technology is often accompanied by unintended consequences, however: pollution, global warming, pandemics and financial crises. 然而,技术也伴随着意料之外的后果:污染、全球变暖、流行病和金融危机.

盖饶15118326644问: endemic,epidemic和pandemic的区别是什么? -
乌拉特后旗马来回答: pandemic1.Widespread; general. 2.Medicine. Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population: pandemic influenza.endemic 1.Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people: diseases ...

盖饶15118326644问: パンデミック是什么意思及发音 -
乌拉特后旗马来回答: パンデミック 发音:pan de mi kku 英语:pandemic 世界流行性瘟疫

盖饶15118326644问: 学园默示录 第三话
乌拉特后旗马来回答: 1.pandemic是什么意思? 答:全国流行的意思.2.主角们在楼梯上救了几个人? 答:貌似记得是3个3.谁去确认高城的推测? 答:孝 4.哪些人下了车? 答:孝和丽5.到结束为止 车上一共几人? 答:9个吧

盖饶15118326644问: ippps英文缩写可以翻译成什么?
乌拉特后旗马来回答: IPPPS可以翻译成: 1.Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plans 流感大流行预防计划 2.The Institute of Public Policy and Political Studies 国家政策与政治研究协会 3.inconvenient prior plot points 不便优先策划要点 4.如果是翻译成英特网网上商业公司,那么就是Internet Service Provider,也被称作IPPPS,即Internet presence provider and promoter 两个缩写词后面的s,其实代表的是一种复数形式.

盖饶15118326644问: 英语翻译原文是:Diseases without a non - human reservoir such as smallpox and tuberculosis may alsopotentially cause an epidemic or a pandemic. -
乌拉特后旗马来回答:[答案] reservoir在这里应该是:储存宿主,而不是水库. 没有其它宿主(除人类以外的宿主)的疾病,比如天花和肺结核也有流行的潜在(危险).

盖饶15118326644问: 翻译 已经采取了措施来防止这种流行病H1N1迅速蔓延 -
乌拉特后旗马来回答:[答案] Proper measures have been taken to prevent the pandemic H1N1 to spread too quickly. 请笑纳~ ~

盖饶15118326644问: 英语翻译Diseases that can spread from one person to another are called infections.AUN health expert  warns that a new flu pandemic is comping .How do ... -
乌拉特后旗马来回答:[答案] 能从一个人传染给其他人的疾病被称为传染病.AUN的健康专家警告一种新型流感的流行即将到来.那么这种疾病是如何传播的呢?有些疾病仅有单一的传播途径,还有的有多种途径.举个例子,让你得感冒的病毒能靠咳嗽从一个人身...

盖饶15118326644问: 季节性流行病的英文怎么说 -
乌拉特后旗马来回答: 季节性流行病 [网络] seasonal epidemic; 例句:Limiting the spread of pandemic, zoonotic and seasonal epidemic influenza; 控制大流行性、人畜共患性和季节性流感的传播;Influenza, in its zoonotic, seasonal epidemic and pandemic forms, remains asubstantial global public health threat. 流感,因其人畜共患、季节性流行和大流行的形式,至今仍是全球公共卫生的一项重大威胁.

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