
作者&投稿:斋服 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系),not enough,so...that的区别和用法
XX is not tall enough to reach the orange on the tree. XX 不够高,够不着那棵树上的的那只橘子。so……(形容词\/副词)that……(从句)(从句中往往有can): 如此……以致于:You are so clever that you can ask such a question.你如此聪明,(以致于)能提出这么好的问题 I am ...

用not...enough 造句
this bag is not nice enough to buy

not enough memory 是什么意思

but it's not enough to konw about others这句话有语法错误吗?_百度...
从语法上看并无错误:but(连词) it(形式主语) is (谓语)not enough(表语) to konw about others (实际主语)看起来不是完整句子。通常用 it 做形式主语,将不定式和动名词置于谓语后面,特别是主语较长时,或在一些习惯用法中。

not enough strong什么意思
not enough strong [释义]不够坚强 双语例句 1.It is not enough to be strong in heart and mind;我们的内心没有足够的坚强和头脑(精神;理智;)2.After all, having too many voices and not enough strong leadership is one of the chief reasons why officials in Europe haven 't been ...

如果电脑出现“Not enough storage”,说明内存不足,需要加条内存解决问题。内存是电脑的记忆部件,用于存放电脑运行中的原始数据、中间结果以及指示电脑工作的程序。内存可以分为随机访问存储器和只读存储器,前者允许数据的读取与写入,磁盘中的程序必须被调入内存后才能运行,中央处理器可直接访问内存,与...

内存不足 手机机身内存是有限的,not enough storage是提醒你可以使用的存储空间太小,会影响正常使用了。建议卸载一些不常用软件,或者清理一些应用的缓存,不然手机会特别卡。从设置里可以卸载应用。

it is not enough to do good是什么意思
it is not enough to do good:...是不够的。例句:It is not enough to have great qualities; one must make good use of them.光有伟大品质还不够,还要能充分利用它。It is not enough to aim, you must hit.只瞄准不够,必须行动。But it is not enough to raise our banner.但这...

not enough values 什么意思
not enough values 没有足够的价值!例句:Clearly it was not enough just to transplant values.仅仅移植价值观念显然是不够的。

not …enough to do sth什么意思

湛喻18930555625问: not...enough to do的用法 -
兴文县泰胃回答:[答案] 这个enough应该是副词吧.enough作副词应置于形容词(或副词)之后.举个例子吧:The boy is not old enough to go to school. (这孩子还没到上学的年龄.)=The boy is too young to go to school.(这孩子上学还太小.)I...

湛喻18930555625问: 一个英语问题(紧急)not +adj.+enough to do sth.和too+adj.+to do sth.有什么区别啊? -
兴文县泰胃回答:[答案] not +adj.+enough to do sth是不够...而不能做某事 too+adj.+to do sth.是太...以致不能做某事 ,其实两者可以互换! 例:He is not tall enough to catch the bird.=too short to catch the bird (他不够高去捉小鸟=他太矮以致不能捉小鸟) -------------- PS:如...

湛喻18930555625问: not …enough to do sth什么意思 -
兴文县泰胃回答: 是因为...........不足以去做好什么事情.

湛喻18930555625问: 他太累以致不能走路用not.......enough to do sth这个句型来造句要怎么写?? -
兴文县泰胃回答: 不好造句.not ...enough结构的意思是“没有(不)足够...去做....”比如He is not old enough to go to school.他太累以致不能走路用应该是He is too tired to walk further或He is so tired that he can't walk.如果硬要用not.......enough to do sth这个句型,只能是He is not energetic enough to walk.

湛喻18930555625问: so……that,too……to,not……enough to do之间同义句互换详解? -
兴文县泰胃回答:[答案] 答案是: so + 形容词或者副词 +that 从句 too+形容词或者副词+to do sth not 形容词或者副词 enough to do sth 比如: He is so young that he can't go to school He is too young to go to school He isn't old enough to go to school ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动...

湛喻18930555625问: not... eonough to do...的用法
兴文县泰胃回答: do not用在祈使句句首,或者实意动词的前面,一般是否定句中. not to 一般是不定式to do 的否定形式

湛喻18930555625问: 一个英语问题(紧急) -
兴文县泰胃回答: not +adj.+enough to do sth是不够...而不能做某事 too+adj.+to do sth.是太...以致不能做某事 ,其实两者可以互换!例:He is not tall enough to catch the bird. =too short to catch the bird (他不够高去捉小鸟=他太矮以致不能捉小鸟)-------------- PS:如果adj.是willing(乐意)等意思的词语时,too+adj.+to do sth.意为肯定.如:He is too willing to help you.他很乐意去帮助你,而不是“他太乐意以致不能帮助你”

湛喻18930555625问: not…enough 怎么用?和too…to有什么区别?说几个例句吧. -
兴文县泰胃回答:[答案] 做什么事不够……too……to是太……以至于某些情况下可以和too……to互换给一个例句He is too young to dress himself.他太小以至于不能自己穿衣.=He is not old enough to dress himself.他不够大去自己穿衣.

湛喻18930555625问: too to= -
兴文县泰胃回答: too+形容词/副词+to do sth. (太……而不能) = so +形/副+that+从句 (如此……以至于) = not +形/副+enough+to do sth. (不够……)

湛喻18930555625问: so...that so+adj+that too+adj+to+do(太...而不能) not+adj+enough+to+do 造句 急呀~!!!!!!! -
兴文县泰胃回答: so……that:It's so exciting that I want to play it again.too……to:You are too old to play the basketball.not……enough:It's not terrifying enough to make him crying.

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