
作者&投稿:禽瑾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

But what I have to mention is that we can't rely the computers too much.It sometimes also do harm to us.For example,many workers may be addicted to the computers during their work,which as result that they are not work hard enough.In addition,the computers also have radiation...

the elephant and the ant
蚂蚁和大象 一天,一只蚂蚁躺着晒太阳。一头大象慢吞吞走了过来。蚂蚁钻进土里,把一只腿露在外面。小兔子问:“你在干什么?”蚂蚁说:“嘘!别出声,看我绊倒它!”The Ant and the Elephant One day, an ant was lieing in the sun.The was elephant come and slowly...

009 How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults.or resolution enough to mend them! 承认并改正错误,需要有足够的勇气和决心 ...013 None preaches better than the ant,and she says nothing. 最善说教者莫过于蚂蚁,但它却只做不说。 2002-02-12 014 He that can have ...

2,我坚信,阅读简写的英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法 I deeply believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and happy way to expand our vocabularies.3.我认为我们在保护环境不受污染方面还做的不够 I think we haven't done enough on protecting the environment ...

the most preponderant economic sector, but because receives social system's restraint, the enterprise human resources management idea insufficient specialty...sectors of the economy, Nevertheless, due to social constraints and human resources management concept enough professional staff and its own factors....

More practice More informatant about water

11We are not in ___ financial position to cut taxes.中间填什么...
我的建议:a sufficiently strong , 其他的都有一定语病。enough strong ,satisfying strong,exhorbitant strong 的语法有误,同时两个形容词。a sufficiently strong enough 有重复之嫌,已有sufficient 就不需要重复 enough 了。

Of course, a "death squads" is not too much intelligence and suspense ingredient,fashionable tricks is like doing, meet the most superficial of spy industry's imagination,we don't have to take it as another "Bourne", because the end wars must be open enough firepower pumping ...

“war” between Beals and hundreds of insects, which has the best opportunity to wow, builds up enough energy to impress. “The Ant Bully” has enough poop jokes and dopey inspirational moments to win over young children for a while, but it does nothing to set itself apart....

1978年,乐队推 出专辑《给他们足够的绳子》(Give' Em Enough Rope),由美国人监制,在美国出版,70年代末,他们又推出专辑《伦敦在召唤》(London Calling),并获得了成功。 朋克是一幕神话剧,虽然昙花一现,但却灿烂夺目,其实任何一种摇滚乐都是这样,在没有受到商业腐蚀之前,它是原汁原味的,一旦成为商业与唱片工业的...

剑咸18860007038问: 求enough to,too to,so that的区别 -
夹江县金格回答: 在一般情况下,too... to...结构意为“太……以致不能……”,too后接形容词或副词,to是动词不定式符号,后接动词原形,动词不定式表示否定意义.但是,too... to...结构在以下情况中,动词不定式表示肯定意义. 一、too... to ...的意义

剑咸18860007038问: 什么时候用to do什么时候用 -
夹江县金格回答: 动词: 原形do:1.一般现在时,非三单 don't / doesn't /do /does + do “主将从现” 2.情态动词 can /may/ must/ will/ would/ should /might/ have to / be able to + do 3.祈使句,V原形开头 4.非谓语V Why not do?Why don't you do?Shall we do?Let...

剑咸18860007038问: 做……太过分:can't……enough/can't……too 给个例句吧 -
夹江县金格回答: can't……enough/can't……too...... 怎么就变成了 “做......太过分” 了呢? can't……enough 意思是 “做......都不够“: I just can't get enough.can't……too...... 意思是 ”做......都不嫌(多)......": You can't learn too much.

剑咸18860007038问: enough to 的用法 -
夹江县金格回答: enough,足够的 有用法 enough to do能够做某事句子中有一种奇怪的用法 形容词+enough表示…达到……足够.例He is old enough to carry the heavy box他足够大去拿重箱子

剑咸18860007038问: enough后加doing还是to do -
夹江县金格回答: enough n, adj, adv, int I have done enough! n. I have enough money to spend. adj I work hard enough to get a promotion. adv. 一般提到+doing + to do指动词或者一些特殊用法的短语.Enough不在此列.

剑咸18860007038问: enough的所有用法 -
夹江县金格回答: enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后. enough adj. 足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的 n. 充足, 足够, 很多 adv. 足够地, 充分地 int. 够了...

剑咸18860007038问: so that和too to 还有enough to do 可以替换,是如何替换的,有固定模式吗?请详解,谢谢. -
夹江县金格回答: 可以看看这三个例句 他太小而不能开车. he is too young to drive a car. he is so young that he can not drive a car. he is not old enough to drive a car. 就是这样的模式,由too to 句变为so that 或 enough to do 句,要形式变为否定(其实句意都一样)

剑咸18860007038问: 英语写作中常见的几种句型 -
夹江县金格回答: 英语写作中常见的十二种句型 such+名词性词组+that… so+形容词/副词+that…——如此……以致…… 例如:(1)she is such a good teacher that we all love her.她是一个好老师,我们都爱她.(2)it was such a hot day that they didn't go out for a ...

剑咸18860007038问: enough to 、 、so...that 、such...that的用法. -
夹江县金格回答: 第一个是足够(有能力)去做某事 第二个是太..以致不能够做某事 第三个是表原因的关联词 so+原因 that+结果 第四个和第三个用法大致一样的 例子 I am strong enough to beat that guy. I am too weak to beat that guy I am so strong that I can beat that guy I am such a strong man that I can beat guy.

剑咸18860007038问: 在英语中哪些单词后面可以加to do sth -
夹江县金格回答: hope want would like learn pretend agree need decide refuse start begin like love hate forget remember (go on) try ask invite warn teach expect

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