
作者&投稿:邸莺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

seat near the rear of the bus. The man seated next to her sensed that she was agitated and asked her what was wrong. "The bus driver insulted me," she fumed. The man sympathized and said, "Why, he's a public servant and shouldn't say things to insult passengers." "You're right,...

seated adj.就座的, 固定的 sitting [5sitiN]n.入席, 就座, 开会, 孵卵 adj.坐着的, 就座的, 在任期中的, 孵卵中的, 易击中的 sit [sit]v.(使)就座, (使)坐 sit [sit]v.(使)就座, (使)坐 seats (三单一)some [sQm, sEm, sm]adj.一些, 少许, 若干, 有些, 大约, 相当的 ...

1、端午节是中国的传统节日,在每年农历的五月初五。Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in china.2、有四个重要节日:春节、元宵节、端午节和中秋节。The four important festivals are the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Drgon-boat Festival and the Mid-au-tumn Festival...

seat near the rear of the bus. The man seated next to her sensed that she was agitated and asked her what was wrong. "The bus driver insulted me," she fumed. The man sympathized and said, "Why, he's a public servant and shouldn't say things to insult passengers." "You're right,...

"C'est le commandant Sinclair qui vous parle. Au nom de tout l'équipage, j'ai l'honneur de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à bord du vol British Airways 602 Londres-New York. Nous sommes actuellement à 8000 mètres d'altitude à mi-chemin entre Londres et New York.Si vous ...

Please be seated. Are you Antonio, and is this your agreement with Shylock? A: It is. P: Then Shylock must be merciful. He must have mercy on Antonio. S: Why must I have mercy on him? Tell me that! P: Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the...

find 后面加的分词是看什么的
第一句,他被发现站在那里了,“他”和“站”之间是主动的关系。第二句,小孩子是被藏在一个老房子里的。主语和find后面的动词是被动的关系。用过去分词。find 是实义动词,应该不属于系动词的用法。find sb. do sth.find sb. doing sth.see,hear之类的词都有这种用法 keep, stay remain是系...

Violon accroché au mur ▲▲▲ Man with guitar 毕加索为俄罗斯芭蕾舞团设计布景时,结识的芭蕾舞女演员成为第一任妻子。在绘画中,他避开达达主义的纠缠,独立发展自己的新古典主义。▲▲▲ The toilette ▲▲▲ Seated nude with her legs crossed ▲▲▲ Women with flower ▲▲▲ 梦 后期转向...

au pair-- 换工住宿的女孩 babysitter-- 临时照顾幼儿者 caretaker--看管者 nanny--奶妈 pediatrician--儿科医师 obstetrician---产科医师 instructor--教师 professor--教授 pupil--小学生 student--学生 teacher--老师 tutor--导师 barber--理发师 hairdresser--美容师 hairstylist--发型师 jeweler--宝石商 ...

au pair-- 换工住宿的女孩 babysitter-- 临时照顾幼儿者 caretaker--看管者 nanny--奶妈 pediatrician--儿科医师 obstetrician---产科医师 instructor--教师 professor--教授 pupil--小学生 student--学生 teacher--老师 tutor--导师 barber--理发师 hairdresser--美容师 hairstylist--发型师 jeweler--宝石商 ...

寸卓13671332471问: vomit和nauseated有什么区别
邯郸市可里回答: vomit 呕吐,与PUKE相同,. nauseated: 作呕的,厌恶的,动词为:使恶心、作呕

寸卓13671332471问: 疾病类,药品类的单词 -
邯郸市可里回答: 医学英语词汇 常用的如下:头痛Headache 发烧Fever 发冷Chills 恶心Nausea呕吐Vomiting 想吐Nauseated 嗜睡Drowsy 头晕Dizzy疼痛Pain 痒Itching 咳嗽Cough 痰Phlegm 打喷嚏Sneezing筋骨酸痛Aching muscles 沙哑Scratchy throat 嗓...

寸卓13671332471问: 恶心的,真恶心用英语怎么说?
邯郸市可里回答: 恶心的: 1. lousy 2. sick 3. squeamish 4. nauseating Experiencing nausea; nauseated. 感到反胃的;恶心的 I think the mice are sicking. 我认为老鼠是恶心的. Affected with nausea. 患恶心症的 Inducing nausea or vomiting. 引起恶心或呕吐的 Are ...

寸卓13671332471问: you make me feel nauseated 是什么意思?
邯郸市可里回答: 你使我感到厌恶!

寸卓13671332471问: 日语:返します、戻します意思有什么不一样? -
邯郸市可里回答: 共同点 这组动词都是他动词,都含有归还给所有人、送回原来场所或恢复本来状态的意思. 不同点“返す”:还可以表示“被动的一方对主动的一方做相同的动作”或“把物体翻过来”等含义. “戻す”:还可表示“使~倒退,往后退”以及“呕吐”的意思.

寸卓13671332471问: nausea的英语意思和音标 -
邯郸市可里回答: nausea [nau·se·a || 'nɔːʃə /-sɪə ,-zɪə] n. 反胃, 恶心, 晕船 闹设

寸卓13671332471问: ill和sick有咩区别? -
邯郸市可里回答: ill不能作定语,只能做表语.sick既能作定语又能做表语.ill adj.(形容词) worse[wûrs] worst[wûrst] Not healthy; sick:不健康的;有病的:I began to feel ill last week.我上星期开始生病了 Not normal; unsound:不正常的;不舒服的:an ill ...

寸卓13671332471问: 中文翻译英文翻译器 -
邯郸市可里回答:nausea feel sick feel like vomiting sicchasia feel nauseated

寸卓13671332471问: 感冒的4种英语表答方法 -
邯郸市可里回答: “生病”相关英语表达-感冒篇 He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐.) He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了.) He feels light-headed. (他觉得头晕.) She has been shut-in for a few days. (她生...

寸卓13671332471问: 帮我归纳一下turn 的词组 -
邯郸市可里回答: turn down减弱,降低,压低(力量、声音等)Please turn the television down a bit.请把电视机音量关小点.to turn down the gas关小煤气拒绝,不接受turn in睡觉把…交给警方归还turn on打...

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