
作者&投稿:前胞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My leg hurts. 的hurts为什么要加S
leg虽然是你的却不能代表你 而且leg用的是it,很少听到it作为第一人称吧 假如你跟A说:“ M y leg hurts ! ”那么A就是第二人称,所以也不能用 你说的是leg不是legs,就是单数,如果复数的话就是“M y legs hurt ! ”既然第一人称、第二人称、复数都不行,那么就是“ M y leg hurts !

我的一个朋友在夜晚遇到了车祸。他的腿受了伤以至于不能动。更糟的是他发现他不能用手机求救因为手机没电了。他除了等待别无他法在寒冷的野外。在那一天的事故发生后8小时,救生的才到达。几乎是无法想象的 他能够忍受黑夜的恐惧那么久。更令人惊讶的是他的解释:“首先,我检查了我的身体状况然后发...

It wasn't too far, but it was cold as hell, and the snow made it hard for walking, and my Gladstones kept banging hell out of my legs. I sort of enjoyed the air and all, though. The only trouble was, the cold made my nose hurt, and right under my upper lip, where old Stra...

19、Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.除非你能和真实的自己和平相处,否则你永远不会对已拥有的东西感到满足。20、If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other peopl...

【高分】once 英文歌词
Falling out - you know that I'm so hurt baby. [End of A.]You sure could fool the angels when you use that painted smile.I should have known that it was too good to be true.But now that it's all over, you know I won't forget you.[Repeat A.]So now it's over and there'...

itis easy if you try
1.根据第一段It is easy to hurt your back muscle(肌肉) when you try to pick up a heavy thing.描述,可知选B。 2.根据第一段If you pick up heavy things correctly you probably will not hurt your back.描述,可知选C。 3.根据第二段If you keep your back and hips straight the...

我的回忆不只在从前,我的思念一直到永远 一直有个小小的心愿--唱歌给你听,在你面前 我的回忆不只在从前,我的思念一直到永远 我要一直看着,你看着你的笑脸 哦亲爱的外婆拉着我走过童年 两毛钱的薄荷糖不再被小孩宠爱,那一丝甜在我心中依然在. 变形金刚时代或许一去不复来,我的战队承载了你...

求暮光之城 新月 的英文电影台词
17. No matter what might ever happen to me, you are not allowed to hurt yourself! (Bella)18. I’ll never put you in danger again, so it’s a moot point. (Edward)19. Put me in danger! I thought we’d established that all the bad luck is my fault? (Bella)20. What if ...

Last Friday I fell off my bike. One of my legs was badly hurt and I had to stay in bed.That evening, when I was alone, feeling sad, Mrs I.i, my English teacher, came to see me. I was too excited to say a word."I am very sorry to hear the bad news, "she ...

老师作的官方答案的均可 2005年nepcs 初二决赛 答案
Ed 85. A. Y. S. E. VII. 参考答案 A) Dick: What's the matter, Bill? Why are you sitting on the ground? Bill: I fell off my bike and hurt my leg. Dick: I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for you? Bill: Yes. Will you call my father? Dick: Is he ...

况磊17521968632问: my legs hurt和my leg hurts 那个正确? -
吴旗县复合回答: 都正确,只是表意略有区别.legs hurt是明确指\“两腿都痛或受伤了\”.而leg hurts 则是强调\“腿痛或受伤\”这个状态,可能是一条腿,也可能是两条腿.

况磊17521968632问: Myleghurts.的hurts为什么要加S -
吴旗县复合回答:[答案] leg虽然是你的却不能代表你 而且leg用的是it,很少听到it作为第一人称吧 假如你跟A说:“Myleghurts!”那么A就是第二人称,所以也不能用 你说的是leg不是legs,就是单数,如果复数的话就是“Mylegshurt!” 既然第一人称、第二人称、复数都不行...

况磊17521968632问: 腿疼用英语怎么说为什么hurt有时加s,有时不加s.我腿疼和背疼加不加s -
吴旗县复合回答:[答案] foot是脚的单数,feet是脚的复数.如果一只脚疼的话应该是My foot hurts.如果两只脚疼的话,应该是My feet hurt. 腿疼同脚疼.My leg hurts.我的一只腿疼. My legs hurt.就是双腿都疼了. 背疼肯定就不加了,因为我们只有一个背~

况磊17521968632问: 区别两个句子
吴旗县复合回答: 如果指一条腿的话就是leg,单数后面的hurt当然要加s,即my leg hurts 是对的; 如果指两条腿的话leg要加s,这样my legs hurt是对的.

况磊17521968632问: hurts和hurt区别 -
吴旗县复合回答:[答案] hurts作为动词,可以直接说my leg hurts是我腿疼的意思. hurt作为形容词,说腿受伤了,就是my leg is hurt.(也可以把这个看成是hurt的被动式,理解为 被东西伤到了) .

况磊17521968632问: 是my leg hurt还是my leg was hurt -
吴旗县复合回答: My leg hurts中的hurts是不及物动词,腿本身“痛” My leg was hurt中的Hurt是及物动词的被动语态,因为hurt的过去分词和动词原形一样

况磊17521968632问: 我的腿疼痛用英文怎么说 -
吴旗县复合回答: 一条腿疼:My leg hurts. 在leg前面可以加 left 或 right,表明左右腿.两条腿都疼:My legs hurt.

况磊17521968632问: 腿疼用英语怎么说 -
吴旗县复合回答: My legs hurt.(两腿都疼).My left leg hurts. 我左腿疼.My right leg hurts. 我右腿疼.选C Broccoli是花椰菜(跟洋白菜差不多的) carrot是胡萝卜,所以选C 蔬菜

况磊17521968632问: hurt是“受伤”,老师说是用被动的.但是我又看到“my leg hurts",也有“I was hurt",还有”hurt oneself" -
吴旗县复合回答: hurt作为不及物动词时,表示“感到疼痛”,对应你上面的例子“my leg hurts”,就是“我腿疼”的意思.hurt作为及物动词时,表示“(使)疼痛,受伤”,对应你上面的例子“hurt oneself”.至于“I was hurt”,有人把此处的hurt作为形容词,就像《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中,把hurt的形容词这个词性单独列出来,举的例子是“None of the passengers were badly hurt”.我觉得既然hurt作为及物动词时有“使受伤”的意思,那么把“I was hurt”理解成hurt的被动语态也未尝不可啊

况磊17521968632问: My leg hurts为什么leg后面的 hurt 得复数 -
吴旗县复合回答: 这个不是复数,是第三人称单数.my leg 是单数,谓语动词要用相应的单数形式,加S

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