
作者&投稿:雍凯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 8

It was too late to call up for a cab or anything, so I walked the whole way to the station. It wasn't too far, but it was cold as hell, and the snow made it hard for walking, and my Gladstones kept banging hell out of my legs. I sort of enjoyed the air and all, though. The only trouble was, the cold made my nose hurt, and right under my upper lip, where old Stradlater'd laid one on me. He'd smacked my lip right on my teeth, and it was pretty sore. My ears were nice and warm, though. That hat I bought had earlaps in it, and I put them on--I didn't give a damn how I looked. Nobody was around anyway. Everybody was in the sack.


I was quite lucky when I got to the station, because I only had to wait about ten minutes for a train. While I waited, I got some snow in my hand and washed my face with it. I still had quite a bit of blood on.


Usually I like riding on trains, especially at night, with the lights on and the windows so black, and one of those guys coming up the aisle selling coffee and sandwiches and magazines. I usually buy a ham sandwich and about four magazines. If I'm on a train at night, I can usually even read one of those dumb stories in a magazine without puking. You know. One of those stories with a lot of phony, lean-jawed guys named David in it, and a lot of phony girls named Linda or Marcia that are always lighting all the goddam Davids' pipes for them. I can even read one of those lousy stories on a train at night, usually. But this time, it was different. I just didn't feel like it. I just sort of sat and not did anything. All I did was take off my hunting hat and put it in my pocket.


All of a sudden, this lady got on at Trenton and sat down next to me. Practically the whole car was empty, because it was pretty late and all, but she sat down next to me, instead of an empty seat, because she had this big bag with her and I was sitting in the front seat.  She stuck the bag right out in the middle of the aisle, where the conductor and everybody could trip over it. She had these orchids on, like she'd just been to a big party or something. She was around forty or forty-five, I guess, but she was very good looking. Women kill me. They really do. I don't mean I'm oversexed or anything like that--although I am quite sexy. I just like them, I mean. They're always leaving their goddam bags out in the middle of the aisle.


Anyway, we were sitting there, and all of a sudden she said to me, "Excuse me, but isn't that a Pencey Prep sticker?" She was looking up at my suitcases, up on the rack.


"Yes, it is," I said. She was right. I did have a goddam Pencey sticker on one of my Gladstones. Very corny, I'll admit.


"Oh, do you go to Pencey?" she said. She had a nice voice. A nice telephone voice, mostly. She should've carried a goddam telephone around with her.


"Yes, I do," I said.


"Oh, how lovely! Perhaps you know my son, then, Ernest Morrow? He goes to Pencey."


"Yes, I do. He's in my class."


Her son was doubtless the biggest bastard that ever went to Pencey, in the whole crumby history of the school. He was always going down the corridor, after he'd had a shower, snapping his soggy old wet towel at people's asses. That's exactly the kind of a guy he was.


"Oh, how nice!" the lady said. But not corny. She was just nice and all. "I must tell Ernest we met," she said. "May I ask your name, dear?"


"Rudolf Schmidt," I told her. I didn't feel like giving her my whole life history. Rudolf Schmidt was the name of the janitor of our dorm.


"Do you like Pencey?" she asked me.


"Pencey? It's not too bad. It's not paradise or anything, but it's as good as most schools. Some of the faculty are pretty conscientious." 


"Ernest just adores it."


"I know he does," I said. Then I started shooting the old crap around a little bit. "He adapts himself very well to things. He really does. I mean he really knows how to adapt himself."


"Do you think so?" she asked me. She sounded interested as hell.


"Ernest? Sure," I said. Then I watched her take off her gloves. Boy, was she lousy with rocks.


"I just broke a nail, getting out of a cab," she said. She looked up at me and sort of smiled. She had a terrifically nice smile. She really did. Most people have hardly any smile at all, or a lousy one. "Ernest's father and I sometimes worry about him," she said. "We sometimes feel he's not a terribly good mixer."


"How do you mean?"


"Well. He's a very sensitive boy. He's really never been a terribly good mixer with other boys. Perhaps he takes things a little more seriously than he should at his age."


Sensitive. That killed me. That guy Morrow was about as sensitive as a goddam toilet seat.


I gave her a good look. She didn't look like any dope to me. She looked like she might have a pretty damn good idea what a bastard she was the mother of. But you can't always tell--with somebody's mother, I mean. Mothers are all slightly insane. The thing is, though, I liked old Morrow's mother. She was all right. "Would you care for a cigarette?" I asked her.


She looked all around. "I don't believe this is a smoker, Rudolf," she said. Rudolf. That killed me.


"That's all right. We can smoke till they start screaming at us," I said. She took a cigarette off me, and I gave her a light. 


She looked nice, smoking. She inhaled and all, but she didn't wolf the smoke down, the way most women around her age do. She had a lot of charm. She had  quite a lot of sex appeal, too, if you really want to know.


She was looking at me sort of funny. I may be wrong but I believe your nose is bleeding, dear, she said, all of a sudden.


I nodded and took out my handkerchief. "I got hit with a snowball," I said. "One of those very icy ones." I probably would've told her what really happened, but it would've taken too long. I liked her, though. I was beginning to feel sort of sorry I'd told her my name was Rudolf Schmidt. "Old Ernie," I said. "He's one of the most popular boys at Pencey. Did you know that?"


"No, I didn't."


I nodded. "It really took everybody quite a long time to get to know him. He's a funny guy. A strange guy, in lots of ways--know what I mean? Like when I first met him. When I first met him, I thought he was kind of a snobbish person. That's what I thought. But he isn't. He's just got this very original personality that takes you a little while to get to know him."


Old Mrs. Morrow didn't say anything, but boy, you should've seen her. I had her glued to her seat. You take somebody's mother, all they want to hear about is what a hot-shot their son is.


Then I really started chucking the old crap around. "Did he tell you about the elections?" I asked her. "The class elections?"


She shook her head. I had her in a trance, like. I really did.


"Well, a bunch of us wanted old Ernie to be president of the class. I mean he was the unanimous choice. I mean he was the only boy that could really handle the job," I said--boy, was I chucking it. "But this other boy--Harry Fencer--was elected. And the reason he was elected, the simple and obvious reason, was because Ernie wouldn't let us nominate him. Because he's so darn shy and modest and all. He refused. . . Boy, he's really shy. You oughta make him try to get over that." I looked at her. "Didn't he tell you about it?"


"No, he didn't."


I nodded. "That's Ernie. He wouldn't. That's the one fault with him--he's too shy and modest. You really oughta get him to try to relax occasionally."


Right that minute, the conductor came around for old Mrs. Morrow's ticket, and it gave me a chance to quit shooting it. I'm glad I shot it for a while, though. You take a guy like Morrow that's always snapping their towel at people's asses--really trying to hurt somebody with it--they don't just stay a rat while they're a kid. They stay a rat their whole life. But I'll bet, after all the crap I shot, Mrs. Morrow'll keep thinking of him now as this very shy, modest guy that wouldn't let us nominate him for president. She might. You can't tell. Mothers aren't too sharp about that stuff.


"Would you care for a cocktail?" I asked her. I was feeling in the mood for one myself. "We can go in the club car. All right?"


"Dear, are you allowed to order drinks?" she asked me. Not snotty, though. She was too charming and all to be snotty.


"Well, no, not exactly, but I can usually get them on account of my heighth," I said. "And I have quite a bit of gray hair." I turned sideways and showed her my gray hair. It fascinated hell out of her. "C'mon, join me, why don't you?" I said. I'd've enjoyed having her.


"I really don't think I'd better. Thank you so much, though, dear," she said. "Anyway, the club car's most likely closed. It's quite late, you know." She was right. I'd forgotten all about what time it was.


Then she looked at me and asked me what I was afraid she was going to ask me. "Ernest wrote that he'd be home on Wednesday, that Christmas vacation would start on Wednesday," she said. "I hope you weren't called home suddenly because of illness in the family." She really looked worried about it. She wasn't just being nosy, you could tell.


"No, everybody's fine at home," I said. "It's me. I have to have this operation."


"Oh! I'm so sorry," she said. She really was, too. I was right away sorry I'd said it, but it was too late.


"It isn't very serious. I have this tiny little tumor on the brain."


"Oh, no!" She put her hand up to her mouth and all. "Oh, I'll be all right and everything! It's right near the outside. And it's a very tiny one. They can take it out in about two minutes."

“哦,不会吧!”她举起一只手来捂住了嘴。” “哦,没什么危险!长得很靠外,而且非常小。要不了两分钟就能取出来。

Then I started reading this timetable I had in my pocket. Just to stop lying. Once I get started, I can go on for hours if I feel like it. No kidding. Hours.


We didn't talk too much after that. She started reading this Vogue she had with her, and I looked out the window for a while. She got off at Newark. She wished me a lot of luck with the operation and all. She kept calling me Rudolf. Then she invited me to visit Ernie during the summer, at Gloucester, Massachusetts. She said their house was right on the beach, and they had a tennis court and all, but I just thanked her and told her I was going to South America with my grandmother. Which was really a hot one, because my grandmother hardly ever even goes out of the house, except maybe to go to a goddam matinee or something. But I wouldn't visit that sonuvabitch Morrow for all the dough in the world, even if I was desperate. 


麦田守望者的《英雄》 歌词
歌曲名:英雄 歌手:麦田守望者 专辑:Save As...英 雄 词 \/ 曲 : 麦 田 守 望 者 像 那 天 我 想 一 样 我 是 梦 中 的 英 雄 红 红 的 脸 眼 睛 闪 亮 只 要 心 想 一 定 成 功 忽 然 间 雷 声 轰 鸣 忽 然 大 雨 落 下 模 糊 了 手 中 宝 剑 淹 没 我 ...

可能是藤田惠美的 IN MY LIFE http:\/\/dv.ce.cn\/video\/2008\/01\/01\/209748.html There are places i'll remember All my life though some have changed Some forever not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places have their moments With lovers and friends i still ...

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这是一个富有文学色彩的名字:麦田守望者。这名字的灵感来自于他们大家都喜欢的美国作家赛林格的同名畅销小说(《Catcher in the Rye》)。大家知道,这本书是美国六十年代非主流文化的先声。麦田,在书中被用来象征少年人的欢乐园,可隐藏、可嬉戏、可贴紧大地、可沐浴阳光。对一个热爱捣蛋的少年来说,...

这是一个富有文学色彩的名字:麦田守望者。这名字的灵感来自于他们大家都喜欢的美国作家赛林格的同名畅销小说(《Catcher in the Rye》)。大家知道,这本书是美国六十年代非主流文化的先声。麦田,在书中被用来象征少年人的欢乐园,可隐藏、可嬉戏、可贴紧大地、可沐浴阳光。对一个热爱捣蛋的少年来说,...

中学生推荐阅读书籍 适合学生看的书
适合中学生阅读的书 1.《简爱》 (英)夏绿蒂·勃朗特 2.《巴黎圣母院》 (法)雨果 3.《红与黑》 (法)司汤达 4.《复活》 (俄)托尔斯泰 5.《欧也妮·葛朗台》 (法)巴尔扎克 6.《匹克威克外传》 (英)狄更斯 7.《老人与海》 (美)海明威 8.《雪国》 (日)川端康成 9.《麦田守望者》 (美)...

作者:塞林格(JD Salinger) 出 处: 发布时间:2005-06-28作名名称:麦田守望者(The Catcher In The Rye)《麦田里的守望者》是塞林格唯一的一部长篇,虽然只有十几万字,它却在美国社会上和文学界产生过巨大影响。1951年,这部小说一问世,立即引起轰动。主人公的经历和思想在青少年中引起强烈共鸣,受到...


http:\/\/www.shuku.net:8082\/novels\/foreign\/maitian\/maitian.html 这是一本好书,好好品味。希望能帮到你。 1《麦田守望者》(The Catcher in the Rye) 作者是捷罗姆·大卫·塞林格(J. D. Sallinger)1919年出生于美国纽约市,早年参过军,这部小说是他目前出版的唯一的一部长篇小说,出版于1951...

澄迈县18077721732: 《麦田里的守望者》有没有比较好的中英文对照版本?
庄肢抑肽: 个人觉的译林出版社的双语译林系列的还不错(但我也没有读过其他版本的,所以也不是特别了解)

澄迈县18077721732: 麦田守望者?
庄肢抑肽: 《麦田守望者》-哈佛蓝星双语名著导读(精选版) 译者: 李晓霞 作者: 塞林格(原著《麦田里的守望者》) 简介:主人公是16岁的中学生霍尔顿•考尔德是当代美国文学中最早出现的反英雄形象之一,霍尔顿出身中纽约一个富裕的中产阶级...

澄迈县18077721732: 谁有《麦田里的守望者》最经典的那段英文翻译? -
庄肢抑肽: 有那么一群小孩子在一大块麦田里做游戏.几千几万个小孩子,附近没有一个人——没有一个大人,我是说——除了我.我呢,就在那混帐的悬崖边.我的职务是在那儿守望,要是有哪个孩子往悬崖边奔来,我就把他捉住——我是说孩子们都在...

澄迈县18077721732: 译林 出版时间《麦田的守望者》 -
庄肢抑肽: 译林出的《麦田的守望者》有两个版本 老的是60年代施咸荣先生翻译的,新的为孙仲旭先生翻译的,有中英文对照版. 下面是我以前的回答,希望能帮到你. 现在的中译本有施咸荣和孙仲旭的两种译本,施先生的译文翻译于60年代,行笔和现在的阅读习惯有一定的出入,建议购买孙仲旭的版本.我看过他写的随笔,是一位文字感觉不错的作者和译者. 麦田里的守望者 作者: (美)J.D.塞林格 译者: 孙仲旭 isbn: 7544701751 页数: 448 定价: 28.0 出版社: 译林出版社 装帧: 平装 出版年: 2007-03-01 又名: The Catcher in the Rye 书名: 麦田里的守望者麦田里的守望者 双语版 孙仲旭

澄迈县18077721732: 麦田里的守望者的第三节的情节,,,,详述, 用中英文详述的加分!,,,,谢谢
庄肢抑肽: 男主人公霍尔顿看望完自己的老师,回到了自己的宿舍,戴上自己新买的棒球帽,开始阅读从图书馆里借来的《非洲见闻》,可是看着看着,那个讨厌人的罗伯特阿克莱就进来了,他之所以讨厌就是不仅他长相奇丑无比,满脸都是粉刺痤疮什么...

澄迈县18077721732: 麦田的守望者txt中英对照版怎么下载? -
庄肢抑肽: 不要分的: http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/19345676.html?from=like 要分的: http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/16391780.html 其实都一样啦

澄迈县18077721732: 《麦田守望者》孙仲旭还是施咸荣译的更好? -
庄肢抑肽: 孙仲旭的要好得多!我两个版本都看过(孙仲旭的略读过).施咸荣的毕竟是很久以前的版本了,实在是翻译的不怎么样,句子非常生硬,非常翻译腔.孙仲旭因为是现代人,所以翻译的要好很多!建议买孙仲旭的.

澄迈县18077721732: 《麦田守望者》精彩语句 -
庄肢抑肽: ”:“有那么一群小孩子在一大块麦田里做游戏.几千几万个小孩子,附近没有一个人——没有一个大人,我是说——除了我.我呢,就在那混帐的悬崖边.我的职务是在那儿守望,要是有哪个孩子往悬崖边奔来,我就把他捉住——我是说孩子们都在狂奔,也不知道自己是在往哪儿跑.我得从什么地方出来,把他们捉住.我整天就干这样的事.我只想当个麦田里的守望者.”:“一个不成熟男子的标志是他愿意为某种事业英勇地死去,一个成熟男子的标志是他愿意为某种事业卑贱地活着.”

澄迈县18077721732: 不成熟的男人的标志是为了自己的事业英勇的死去,成熟的男人的标志是为了自己的事业卑微的活着. -
庄肢抑肽: 上面的那个不是原文吧,和我找的完全不一样,而且意思也有错.你的这句话是出自《麦田里的守望者》第24章,英文原文如下:The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.

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