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5、分解单词记忆法。有些单词我们可以把它分解成容易记忆的几个部分。如:ago可以分成a和go。这种方法对合成词教学也适用,如classroom、schoolbag,学生以前学过class 和 room , school 和 bag,在教学这类单词时,应该指导他们找出这些单词是由哪两个较简单的词合成的,而不用当作生词来教。四、将...

求好心人给人教版小学英语四年级上册黄浩Unit1 My Classroom PartC种子...
人教版小学英语四年级上册黄浩Unit1 My Classroom PartC种子下载地址:thunder:\/\/QUFodHRwOi8vYWlrYW5keS5vcmcv5Lq65pWZ54mI5bCP5a2m6Iux6K+t5Zub5bm057qn5LiK5YaM6buE5rWpVW5pdDEgTXkgQ2xhc3Nyb29tIFBhcnRDLmF2aT9maWQ9cWdnemEtU3RrLTdoY015UHlVMEQ2QVRQdXBFQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQU...

are you 和 do you的区别是什么?
关于are you和do you的区别,涉及到了英语句子的两大基本结构:1. 主系表; 2. 主谓宾。我大概解释一下:主系表结构, 主要有三种情况:主语 + 系动词 + 名词。 说明主语的身份,也就是:主语是干什么的。主语 + 系动词 + 形容词。 描述主语的样子,也就是:主语是什么样的。主语 + 系...

stand in front of him 和stand before him 有什么分别?
before 一般指 时间的概念 in front of 指 X在Y的前面 X与Y是两个相对独立的物体 比如TOM sit in front of me.TOM坐在我的前面 in the front of 指X在Y的前部 这里 X是Y的一部分 或者在Y 内部 例如 I sit in the front of the classroom.我坐在教室的前部 楼主要有别的不懂的问题...

初一数学下学期期末试卷 1998.7 学校___ 班级___ 姓名___题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 分数 一、填空题:(每小题2分,共20分)(1)已知方程2x-3y+4=0,用含有y的代数式表示x,应写成___。(2)已知x=5,y=7满足kx-2y=1,则k=___。(3)不等式2x-4<0的解...

一个女孩对我说YNZH是什么意思? 请求大虾们帮帮忙 急急急...
有你真好!!这个意思啊! 这个都是拼音的第一个读音!!YOU NI ZHEN HAO=YNZH~

Y 1.吸血鬼骑士 2.吸血鬼骑士2 3.下一站天后 4.星梦天使 5.新世纪福音战士 6.秀逗魔导士4 7.旋风管家 8.夏目友人帐 9.XXXholic继 10.夏娃的时间 11.仙境传说 12.x战记 13.秀逗魔导士 14.XXXholic 15.吸血姬美夕 16.雪之少女 17.心灵感应少女兰 18.学园天堂 19.新安琪莉可 20.续 ...


eye眼睛:y像鼻摆中间,e如两眼放两边。一e一y又一e,两眼睁大看着你。二、拆拼记忆法 拆拼记忆法是把一个生词分成两个或两个以上的单词,或分成一个已经认识的单词和另外一个或几个字母来记忆的方法。schoolbag书包=school学校+bag包 classroom教室=class班级+room房间 三、口诀记忆法 口诀记忆法是...

(2)\/u:\/:在字母 t 前的字母组合 oo 发音素 [u:] 的音。发\/u:\/的有classroom cool afternoon zoo 等。在辅音字母 f, l, m, n, s 前的字母组合 oo 也发音素 [u:] ...

訾中17051496944问: my classroom英语作文不少于五句话,30个单词 -
黄岩区欣顺回答: I am a member of the Class three Gread six.There are 36 classmates in our class.Liu Yang is the monitor of our class.Ms Wang is our headteacher,and Ms zhou is our chinese teacher.I like my classroom because it's big and bright.

訾中17051496944问: 用“myclassroom"写一段话不少于5句英文 -
黄岩区欣顺回答: My classroom is quite tidy and big. There are many desks and chairs in my classroom. The blackboard is on the wall. It is in the front of the classroom. In the corner, there is a rubbish bin.

訾中17051496944问: 英语写作 My Classroom (语句正确,不少于5句话)急 -
黄岩区欣顺回答:[答案] This is my class room.My classroom is very big.Windows are big and the walls are white.there are 54 students in it.However,there are 55 chairs,because one of them is for the teacher.Our English teacher is Miss Jiang,she is a nice teacher,and I like her ...

訾中17051496944问: 英语写作题目是My Classroom 要5句 -
黄岩区欣顺回答:[答案] my classroom I'm in Class 3,Grade 6.My classroom is not very big,but it is clean.There are many desks snd chairs in it.There are two blackboards on the wall.The teacher's desk is in front of the blackboard.There are four lights on the white wall.And there ...

訾中17051496944问: 5年级我的教室英语作文5句 -
黄岩区欣顺回答: 我的教室英语作文: This is our classroom, which is a nice big room.The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map, which is a map of China.In front of the blackboard there is a ...

訾中17051496944问: 用My Classroom为题写一篇5句话作文 -
黄岩区欣顺回答: My classroom is bright and clealy.there're 50 classmate and we study together from monday to friday.2 girls more than the side,2 doors and 4 windows total.keep our room has fresh air the frount,a blackboard on the wall which our ...

訾中17051496944问: 用MY CLASSROOM写一篇不少于5句话的英语作文 -
黄岩区欣顺回答: My Classroom My classroom is nice and big . There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black boards on the walls. And there are two pictures, too. My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans. What colour are the fans ? ...

訾中17051496944问: 英语作文 我的教室1.有中文2.写5句 -
黄岩区欣顺回答:[答案] My classroom is not only big but also clean and tidy.There are forty desks and chairs in it.There is a teacher's desk with a computer and some flowers in front of the classroom.There is a bookshelf with lots of books and three electric fans in my classroom....

訾中17051496944问: 用MY CLASSROOM写一篇不少于5句话的英语作文我们有紧急的用处,请各位英语界得人帮帮忙,主要内容是,我们的班是六3班,有36人,班长是刘洋,... -
黄岩区欣顺回答:[答案] I am a member of the Class three Gread six.There are 36 classmates in our class.Liu Yang is the monitor of our class.Ms Wang is our headteacher,and Ms zhouis our chinese teacher.I like my classroom be...

訾中17051496944问: 英语以My classroom 为题!...以My classroom 为题 每个人都有一个美丽整洁的教室,你的教室是怎么样子的,里面有些什么,,写5句话,要求语句通顺,... -
黄岩区欣顺回答:[答案] My Classroom This is our classroom,which is a nice big room.The windows are big and the walls are white.There is a blackboard on the front wall.On the back wall there is a map,which is a map of China....

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