
作者&投稿:门狡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Who stayed with my grandmother for a week in july?Whom did we stayed with for a week in july

conceivers 和非相信的人人不相信噱头的憎恨者和煽动者 ' 引起以致于 Leehom 不不是铅版没有 Crystale 在浴盆中或冰冻 Spreewell 配音我是真的不你平均的宗教性暗杀团员不是你的平均歹徒和我但是定义我的思想州没有在我的胸上在我的手腕或白金上的劳力士 ' 引起我不需要粪使但是 y'all 不使我...

抖音baby沙嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟是什么歌-百万调音版Baby耍嘟嘟歌曲原版在线试 ...
一起看看吧。《抖音》2021年热门歌曲汇总大全:点击查看 《抖音》百万调音版Baby耍嘟嘟歌曲原版在线试听入口 一、试听入口 网址链接:https:\/\/\/n\/ryqq\/songDetail\/000xF9s91jkk3c 二、歌词分享 Baby Shark - Foozlebots Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo Baby shark doo doo doo ...

8. Your grandma is old . Please ___her. A. look like B.look in C. look after D. look in9. Can you say it ___English?A. by C. at D. with10.___Is this your pen ? ___Yes. ___.. A. Thank you B. You are Welcome C. Here you are D. That’s ok11. ...

求小学三至六年级英语单词表{包括黑、白体、五角星 的单词} 拜托了...
Unit 2:Chinese book(语文书) pencil(铅笔) English book(英语书) twenty-one(二十一) math book(数学书) thirty-one(三十一) schoolbag(书包) forty-one(四十一) stiry-book(故事书) fifty(五十) notebook(笔记本) too many(太多)colour(颜色) fat(胖的) heavy(重的;沉重的) may (可以) what’s=what...

61、太辣\/pi-gen-bai坯跟掰\/Hotpeppery 62、热\/long隆\/Hotheat 63、冷\/nao挠\/Cold 64、我\/peng澎\/I 65、你\/kun\/坤\/you 66、他\/kao考\/he 67、我们\/lao捞\/ 68、他们\/po-kao泼考\/Them、They 69、买水果\/shi-peng-le-mai匙蓬勒卖\/BuyFruit 70、行李\/ga-bao嘎包\/bagbaggage 71、泰铢\/...

写信给我的奶奶 write to my grandma成为好朋友 be good friends有共同的爱好 have the same hobby...Chinese C.chemisty D.maths ( )2.Miss Li was telling the chldren what ___ was like. A.

shmily是英文see how much i love you 的缩写,中文的意思:看我有多爱你!此词多为表达爱意时使用。这个词的来源是这篇文章:See how much I love you My grandparents were married for over half a century,and played their own special game from the time they had met each other.The goal...

R:(飞快地跳过去)Jumping is ersy.D:Mimi,it’s your turn now.C:Yes.D:One,two,three,go!C:(轻而易举地跳了过去)Ah,it’s very easy.D: Now,Belly,you,please.B:(胆怯地)Mm,mm.(双脚怎么也迈不开)Oh,it’s too hard. (呜呜地哭)I can’t do that.M,R & C:Can wu jump for him?

【4】they were happy yesterday.他们昨天很开心。【5】you can high jump 。你能跳远。【6】I may open the window。我可能要打开窗户。【7】does she like watchingTV?她喜欢看电视吗?【8】they often go to do Bund。【9】did you visit your grandma last week?你上周去拜访了你的...

骑青15820684662问: My grandma was a short woman with grey hair.she was always cheerful. -
泉港区畅维回答: 你好,译文如下:我的祖母个子不高,会白色的头发.她总是一副很欢乐的样子,她的厨艺很好,她做的菜可能是世界上最好吃的了,我永远忘不了菜的香味和口味.祖母照顾着我们家.她很和蔼慈祥有耐心,她两年前去世了,我非常想她. ——本 希望我的译文你能够满意.

骑青15820684662问: 翻译句子 :我的祖母病了,所以哪儿都去不了.My grandma was ill , so she - --------------------- -
泉港区畅维回答: couldn't go anywhere.

骑青15820684662问: 这个句子有错吗?? My grandma was the best cooker in the -
泉港区畅维回答: 【解答】很高兴在这里给你解答问题. 改正为:My grandma was the best 【cooker炉具,改成cook厨师】 in the world【 but但是,改成and】 could make the most delicious dishes.意思:奶奶说世界上最好的厨师,她会做最美味的菜. ---------------------------------希望我给你的回答,对你的学习有帮助. 祝你学习进步、学习快乐.

骑青15820684662问: i love it because it's a book from when my grandma was my age from 用语法怎么解释,做什么成份? -
泉港区畅维回答: from 引导一个宾语从句,“when my grandma was my age ”作为其宾语.而“ from when my grandma was my age ”作为定语修饰“book”.so 引导结果状语从句“add it on your book list ”.“so please add it on your book list ”是整个主句的状语.

骑青15820684662问: my grandma whom we all called nanny was a solid
泉港区畅维回答: whom we all called nanny 是定语从句修饰 my grandma 的.意思是“我们大家都称之为保姆的我奶奶是一个很棒的.....”

骑青15820684662问: My grandma is cooking dinner with my grandpa.请问这个句子是正确的吗?is要改为are吗? -
泉港区畅维回答: 完全正确 主语是 my grandma 所以要用 is 如果主语是My grandma and grandpa 要用are: My grandma and grandpa are cooking dinner.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢 !

骑青15820684662问: my grandma was ill ()week she ()to hainan with her parents this morning
泉港区畅维回答: 答案是:last ,went~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

骑青15820684662问: My grandma is 100years old,but she doesn't look it so.为什么去掉so
泉港区畅维回答: it 和 so 重复. My grandma is 100years old,but she doesn't look it. 这样可以. My grandma is 100years old,but she doesn't look so. 这样也可.

骑青15820684662问: My grandma was a ( )这里可以填什么 -
泉港区畅维回答: 可以填很多也、你有没有中文意思啊,这样我们可以帮你.例如可以填nurse worker teacher....

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