
作者&投稿:诗宇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

always take a walk;
always go for a walk;
always go for a stroll.这几个短语都是散步的意思。

1. He always like singing.
2. He is writing in the classroom now.
3. He likes walking to work .He thinks it's good for his health.
4. Uncle Li often says he enjoys dangcing.
1. No photos here.
Don't take any photos here. (take photos 词组)
2. They went back to hotel last night.(同义句转换)
They were back to the hotel last night. (楼上的错了!return不能和back连用)
3. We have a happy life today!(改为祈使句)
_ _ _ _ _ life today! (没想好,你确定是五个空?)
4. She can't stand those watches.(改为同义句)
She doesn't like those watches at all. (not…at all 词组)
5. 不准乱扔废弃物.(用Don't......的句型)
Don't drop rubbish everywhere.
6. 请爱护书籍.(用Please...的句型)
Please take good care of the books.
7. 请按时(on time)还(return)书.(用Please...的句型)
Please return books on time.

[1]their music teacher is in the teachers' office.他们的音乐老师在老师办公室里。
【2】you are going to buy a car.你准备去买一辆小汽车。
【3】the day before yesterday, it was hot .前天很热。
【4】they were happy yesterday.他们昨天很开心。
【5】you can high jump 。你能跳远。
【6】I may open the window。我可能要打开窗户。
【7】does she like watchingTV?她喜欢看电视吗?
【8】they often go to do Bund。
【9】did you visit your grandma last week?你上周去拜访了你的奶奶了吗?
【10】they will attend the meeting the day after tomorrow.他们在后天要参加 见面会

1. Is their music teacher in the teachers' office?
2. Are you going to buy a car?
3. Was it hot the day before yesterday?
4.Were they happy yesterday?
5. Can you jump high?
6. May I open the window?
7. Does she like watching TV?
8. Do they often go to the Bund?
9. Did you visit your grandma last week?
10. Will they attend the meeting the day after tomorrow?
11. Shall I take a walk with you after supper?
12. What time is it by your watch?
13. How old is your little brother?
14. What is your favourite subject?
15. Where are you going?

the teacher is in their music teachers' office
you are going to buy a car
it was hot the day before yesterday
they were happy yesterday
you can jump high
may I open the window
dose she like watching TV
do they often go to the Bund
did you visit your grandma last week
they will attend tomorrow after the meeting day(是不是多个the)
I shall take a walk with you after supper
what is it time by your watch
how old is your little brother
what is your favourite subjact
where are you going

1 Their music teacher in the teacher's office
2 u r going to buy a car
3 it was hot the day before yesterday
4 they were happy y
5 u can j h
6 I may open the w
7 She d l w TV
8 They d o g t the B
9 u did v y g last week
10 they w a the meeting the day a t
11 I shall t a walk with u after supper
12 what is it time b y w
13 h o i y b
14 what i y f s
15 w a you(u) g


一楼朋友翻译翻译的不对 我们都对了还是错了 不是 Abbiamo il giusto o sbagliato 应该是 Sia che abbiamo fatto giusto o fatto sbagliato, 或者 Sia che siamo nel giusto o nel sbagliato 再或者 Sia giusto che sbagliato 再或者 Sia che abbiamo fatto bene o fatto male 再或者 Che sia ...

一、并列短语:1、名+名 文化教育、今天或明天、良师益友、工人农民、报刊书籍、报纸杂志、老师同学 (名词短语)2、动+动 调查研究、关心支持、愿意并实行、团结互助、团结和谐、齐心协力(动词短语)3、形+形 光辉灿烂、真诚忠实、庄严肃穆、万紫千红、风和日丽、雄伟壮丽(形容词短语)4、代+代 我...

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又作“流言飞语”。 70.乱七八糟:形容极端混乱,毫无条理和次序。\/\/污(乌)七八糟:十分杂乱,又脏又乱。 71.燃眉之急:像火烧眉毛那样的紧急。比喻非常紧迫的情况。名词性短语。\/\/迫在眉睫:睫,眼毛。比喻事情已经到了十分紧急的关头。形容词性短语。 72.手忙脚乱:形容做事慌乱,没有条理。\/\/七手八脚:...


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小学生英语日常用语(100句)--- 1. Hello, … 你好。2. Hi, … 喂,你好。3. Good morning\/ afternoon\/evening. 早上\/下午\/晚上好。4. How are you(this morning\/afternoon\/evening)? 你今天早晨\/下午\/晚上好吗?5. Fine, thank you\/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。6. Not bad, thank you...

问题很严重,表面上是第4行和第9行有错误,但实质并非如此。错误:1:第3行,类型定义后面应加上分号,注意与define不同 2:main()函数,在调用CREAT()、LENGTH()和OUT()函数时不应加上linklist、int和void,你这样写是在申明函数,并非调用。3:你创建的链表是一第一个元素为头节点的的,但你...

大家帮忙猜谜语啊 我朋友问我 我猜不出来 很难看啊 谢谢大家了啊
花飞花落花满天 情来情去情随缘;雁去雁归雁不散,潮起潮落潮无眠;夜深月明梦婵娟,千金难留是红颜;若说人生苦长短,为何相思情难断。答案1 谜底:第1个字 情来情去情随缘 2 雁来雁去雁不散 3 潮起潮落潮不眠 4 夜深明月梦婵娟 1 千金难留是红颜 2 若说人间有苦短 3 为何相思难剪断 4 ...

答案:B 翻译:Bob写作业从来都没有Mary那么认真。他经常犯很多错误。解析:as+形容词或副词+as。。。或者so+形容词或者副词+as,意思为“和。。。一样。。”但是so。。。as 只能用于否定句中,as。。。as可用于肯定句和否定句。这个结构中使用副词还是形容词,要看它前面修饰的词的词性,如果前面...

莲都区18220678936: 帮忙啊 用英语翻译下面的句子
廖果利康: You and I know not long but I have to put your best friend as I have any trouble telling you all the same and I also hope that you and I like some things that will come out than you alone to take a lot of good to remember I will always be your friend forever ...

莲都区18220678936: 帮忙啊!!!英语翻译
廖果利康: 1、The general media should be blamed for these rumors. 2.He was exposed to a new lifestyles when he was studying abroad . 3.It occurs to me that he is maybe trying to protect someone.

莲都区18220678936: 帮忙用英语翻译一下啊,急!!! -
廖果利康: In recent years, great changes have taken place in Qingdao, to develop China's foreign economic and trade played an important role, become the international port city

莲都区18220678936: 英语题目 帮忙啊翻译急!!)
廖果利康: 1. It's important for us to hand in homework on time. 2.The exam is coming. I have no choice but to study every day. 3. Can you tell me how to achieve a balance between my study and hobbies? 4. Daniel got to the cinema out of breath. 5.He was charged with breaking into several computer systems in the past/ last year.

莲都区18220678936: 英文造句!帮忙啊!
廖果利康: His grandma has the fever,please send for a doctor by 999 . 他的奶奶发烧了,请拨打999马上请医生来!

莲都区18220678936: 英语造句帮忙啊
廖果利康: learning chinese well have many benefits, for example, joining Chinese language course, watching chinese TV, singing chinese songs,and make chinese friends

莲都区18220678936: 帮忙``英语问题``帮忙啊``!!
廖果利康: 1,c take 把...拿去 bring 把...带来 2、A 你能为校音乐节做点什么?我可以秀我会的东西 3、i want to learn a lot of knowledge about music. 或者i want to learn a lot of things about music

莲都区18220678936: 帮忙用英语翻译几个词啊 -
廖果利康: 确切答案: honey marketing stratage marketing mix channel competition st...

莲都区18220678936: 英语……求帮忙……帮忙~帮忙啊~ -
廖果利康: 66.happened67.might68.something69.difficult70.players71.phone72.could73.throw74.health75.Without

莲都区18220678936: 英语题!!!!帮忙啊!!! -
廖果利康: 一.根据句意及首字母补全单词. 1. He always like singing. 2. He is writing in the classroom now. 3. He likes walking to work .He thinks it's good for his health. 4. Uncle Li often says he enjoys dangcing. 二.句子转换. 1. No photos here. Don't take any ...

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