
作者&投稿:束盼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

purse不是purs, false 不是 fals).7.5.2 加长短的主意词(main-idea), 如awe, ewe, rye 7.5.3 区分同音异形词的含义. 如or\/ore for\/fore.7.5.4 中英语和外来语中(那里的尾字母e是要发音的)留下来的, 现在不发音. 如treatise giraffe 还有很多... 学无止境.....

beautiful my girl my beautiful my girl and i so beautiful my girl in the cube ha ha girl this is my confession drop that beat oh listen to my heart 奶吗图楼把把 哦度吗楼都 弄如 酷嗯素嗯几慢 酷样男 style 楼男吗图楼就该 oh listen listen listen girl nothing better than ...

bigbang feeling中文歌词
但也不亦悦乎的瞬间 今夜我能否与你共度 这夜晚不如想象中长 要停下来可并非易事 Everybody move move 欢乐的大婶和大叔们 音乐不要停歇 跳起来 大声唱起来 Don't stop this feeling 此时不放纵更待何时 音乐不要停歇 跳起来 大声唱起来 Don't stop this feeling 此时不放纵更待何时 Ma baby ...

its area of cultivated land presents 7 percent of world,its forest coverage presents less than 3 percent of world,and its iron ore resource presents one tenth of the world being mostly poor ores along with expensive exploitation cost. The potential lacking of coal as the main Chin...

规范铁矿石所载货物,并应提供证书 显示详细的决心俄勒冈州的铁买方的规格,在 买方的费用,有它的代表将在目前这种决定时,或委任一个独立的检验机构进行检验对我们的负荷 合同货物。在这种情况下,卖方应全力协助 方便检查。在目的港,买方应在买方的费用,任命取样和检验检疫 分析。国检局应自货物样品...

在此个别音标不能显示:英语发音规则 一,元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母 读 音 例 词 a 在开音节中 [ei]name plane Jane baby cake 在闭音节中 [ ]bag dad hat map black back e 在开音节中 [i:]he these me Chinese 在闭音节中 [e]bed let pen desk yes egg i 在开音节中 [...

Geological and geochemical comparison of ore-bearing and barren...
barren porphyry intruded some 2 Ma later than ore-bearing porphyry.5.1.2 Petrographical and mineral chemical comparison The Yulong ore-bearing porphyry has a rock type association of monzogranite-porphyry–syenogranite-porphyry– alkali-feldspar granite-porphyry(Fig.2),whereas the ...

l smoke less than l used to改为同义句
原句:l smoke less than l used to.同义句:I didn't smoke as much as I used to.I smoke less than beofore.相关例句:Seven is two less than nine.9比7少2。Spend less than you earn, go without until you have the money.一定要比自己挣的花的少,如果没有那么多钱,就不要...

Survivor - arrived with less than 5% of hull energy.Geologist - mined every type of ore.Adv. Geologist - mined every type of ore cores.Killer - more than 250 kills.Carrier - transported more than 200t on courier missions.Miner - mined 1000t of ore.Adv. Miner - mined 25...

and as such, he provoked 搈ore interest than that of Halley抯 comet.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> The reviewer felt that not only did he write just enough and not too much, but also he wrote with enough vigor to demand that the public read the next installment. His popularity was...

大庾18584863021问: 用 “more…than…”“与其…不如…”造句 -
五台县佳洛回答: That would be more than I have expected. 那已经比我期望的还要多了. Both of us have probably programmed in more than those number of languages, at least programmed that many, since we taught in those languages. 我们俩大概都用过,多于...

大庾18584863021问: 有关more than的用法翻译句子:He is more a spear than anything else.举个例子用上more ——than——意为“与其说 倒不如说”的意思 -
五台县佳洛回答:[答案] He is more lucky than clever. 与其说他聪明不如说他幸运. He is more a scholar than a teacher.与其说他是位教师,倒不如说他是个学者.

大庾18584863021问: more...than...(与其...不如...)怎么造句啊 -
五台县佳洛回答: This house is more like a school than a church. 这所房子与其说它像座教堂,不如说它像个学校.

大庾18584863021问: more …than…表示与其说……还不如说 但more beautiful than before就不符合这个规律 这如何解释 -
五台县佳洛回答: 不是啊,如果是形容词的比较级就是用more …than…这个句式的 啊,不翻译成表示与其说……还不如说.如the garden is more beautiful than before.这个花园比以前要漂亮, 我碰到的如果是more …than…表示与其说……还不如说 这翻译的话,一般接的是形容词,而且more和than后面节的都是同一词性 ,如he is more clumy than lazy 与其说他笨还不如说 他懒.所以要看实际情况啊,看词性的对应情况,或者翻译一下哪个更适合

大庾18584863021问: more…than…表示与其说不如说时若more后加名词要不要加of? -
五台县佳洛回答: 要的,例如,He is more of a sportman than Tim. 这是be of a/an noun 结构

大庾18584863021问: more …than…表示与其说……还不如说 但more beautiful than before就不符合这个规律 不是问more beautiful than before的翻译 -
五台县佳洛回答:[答案] 当more …than…表示“与其说……还不如说”时,前后必须连接相同的成分.如: He is more a writer than a doctor.与其说他是医生还不如说他是作家.

大庾18584863021问: more than rather than区别都可以解释为与其..不如... -
五台县佳洛回答:[答案] more than 的意思是:更多;后面也可以加数字例子:The population of China is more than 1.3 billion.而rather than 是指:而不是;宁可···也不愿···More than seventy-five percent of students choose to p...

大庾18584863021问: more …than 有“与其…不如”的意思吗?
五台县佳洛回答: 有,he is more lazy than stupid.与其说他笨不如说他懒.

大庾18584863021问: more than rather than区别 -
五台县佳洛回答: more than 的意思是:更多;后面也可以加数字 例子:The population of China is more than 1.3 billion.而rather than 是指:而不是;宁可···也不愿··· More than seventy-five percent of students choose to print their essay on the test rather than write in cursive.超过75%的学生选择打印出来的论文而不是写草书测试.这就是一个很典型的例子.两者的意思不同,做题时可根据语意进行判断.

大庾18584863021问: He is more brave than wise.准确 翻译成成语 -
五台县佳洛回答: 与其说他聪明,不如说他勇敢.他有勇无谋.more..than...与其……不如……(这个短语的主语是一个人,比较的是他的不同的特点.在例句中,比较的是他的brave和wise.) 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

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