Geological and geochemical comparison of ore-bearing and barren porphyries

作者&投稿:斗健 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


参考资料来源:吉林省人力资源和社会保障厅 - 执行《中华人民共和国劳动法》若干意见
参考资料来源:中国人大网 - 中华人民共和国劳动法

5.1.1 Geological comparison

The Yulong ore-bearing porphyry is a stock with the exposed area as pear-like shape,whereas the barren porphyries emplaced as a dike or sill.In spite of small outcrop area(0.64 km2)of ore-bearing porphyry,the barren porphyries show much smaller outcrop area with individual porphyry no more than 0.2 km2.The ore-bearing porphyry has a SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age of(41.0 ± 1.0)Ma,and the barren porphyry has a SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age of(38.9 ± 0.8)Ma as mentioned above.Obviously,barren porphyry intruded some 2 Ma later than ore-bearing porphyry.

5.1.2 Petrographical and mineral chemical comparison

The Yulong ore-bearing porphyry has a rock type association of monzogranite-porphyry–syenogranite-porphyry– alkali-feldspar granite-porphyry(Fig.2),whereas the barren porphyry has a rock type association of monzogranite-porphyry – quartz monzonite-porphyry(Fig.29).Barren porphyry seems to have slightly lower quartz contents than ore-bearing porphyry(Fig.29).Although both ore-bearing and barren porphyries show a typical porphyritic texture,the matrix in barren porphyry is finer than that in ore-bearing porphyry.Barren porphyry generally shows a microgranular(<0.1 mm)texture for matrix,whereas the matrix in ore-bearing porphyry generally shows a fine-grained(mostly 0.1~0.2 mm)granitic texture(Fig.30).In addition,barren porphyry contains pyroxene phenocryst besides plagioclase,amphibole,biotite,alkali feldspar and quartz phenocrysts that occur in both ore-bearing and barren porphyries.Furthermore,ore-bearing porphyry has more abundant apatite(Fig.14d)than barren porphyry.

Fig.29 Q′-Anor classification diagram

(Streckeisen and Le Maitre,1979)

Fig.30 Photomicrographs of the Yulong porphyries

(a)The ore-bearing porphyry,showing a porphyritic texture with a fine-grained(mostly 0.1~0.2 mm)granitic texture for matrix;(b)The barren porphyry,showing a porphyritic texture with a microgranular(<0.1 mm)texture for matrix.Pl—plagioclase;Kfs—K-feldspar;Bt—biotite;Hbl—amphibole;Qtz—quartz

In spite of similar compositions of feldspars in both ore-bearing and barren porphyries(Fig.31a),their biotite compositions are distinct(Table 13).Although these biotites have high MgO contents,belonging to Mg-rich biotites(Fig.31b),biotites in ore-bearing porphyry have much higher MgO contents with higher Mg/(Mg + FeT)(>0.57)ratios than those in barren porphyry(<0.54)(Table 13;Fig.32).In addition,biotites in ore-bearing porphyry have higher Fe3+/Fe2+ratios(>0.7)than those in barren porphyry(<0.7)(Table 13;Fig.32),which suggests higher fO2of magma for ore-bearing porphyry(Jiang et al.,2002).Compositions of pyroxene phenocryst in barren porphyry suggest a high temperature(~1220℃)of magma,which is in broad agreement with the homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions hosted by quartz phenocrysts of barren porphyry,ranging from 900 to>1200℃(n=63),most(n=54)≥1150℃(≥1200℃,n=41)(Li,1984).The homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions hosted by quartz phenocrysts of ore-bearing porphyry are relatively lower(about 960℃,Li,1984).

Fig.31(a)Ternary classification diagram for feldspar(Deer et al.,1992)and(b)

Classification diagram for biotite(Foster,1960)



5.1.3 Whole rock geochemical comparison

Both ore-bearing and barren porphyries are shoshonitic,e.g.enrichment in alkalis,high K2O contents with K2O/Na2O ratios from 1.0 to 2.7,enrichment in LILE and LREE(Fig.33),and also show some affinities with the adakite,e.g.high SiO2(>56%)and Al2O3(>15%)contents,high Mg#(0.41~0.60),being depleted in Y(5.1×10-6~16×10-6)and enriched in Sr(612×10-6~1024×10-6)with high Sr/Y ratios(59~180),and lacking Eu anomalies(Fig.33a).However,some geochemical differences exist between ore-bearing and barren porphyries.

Fig.32 Mg/(Mg+FeT)vs.Fe3/Fe2diagram for biotite in the Yulong porphyries

Fig.33 Chondrite-normalized REE patterns(a)and primitive mantle-normalized

trace element patterns(b)for the Yulong porphyries

In terms of major elements,orebearing porphyry has relatively higher contents of TiO2and P2O5and lower contents of MgO and Na2O than does barren porphyry(Fig.34).Despite high K2O/Na2O ratios(>1.0),orebearing porphyry has much higher K2O/Na2O ratios(>1.2)than does barren porphyry(Fig.34).In terms of volatiles and trace elements,ore-bearing porphyry contains higher F and Cl(F +Cl >900×10-6)than barren porphyry(F +Cl <800×10-6)(Fig.35).Ore-bearing porphyry has an elevated metallogenic element,Cu(>100×10-6).It also contains high contents of Mo(mean 56×10-6)and W(generally>5×10-6).In contrast,such concentrations are all lower in barren porphyry(Cu<100×10-6,mean of Mo=2.6×10-6,W<5×10-6)(Fig.34).Ore-bearing porphyry also has higher contents of LILE such as Sr and LREE such as Sm,with higher Sm/Yb ratios and lower contents of compatible elements such as Cr compared to barren porphyry(Fig.34).

In spite of geochemical differences mentioned above, ore-bearing and barren porphyries have very similar Sr Nd Pb isotopic compositions.Ore-bearing porphyry has initial87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7063 to 0.7070 and εNd(t)values of -2.4 to -2.6.Its206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb and208Pb/204Pb ratios are 18.71 ~18.82 , 15.65 ~15.67 and 38.87 ~39.00 , respectively.These values for barren porphyry are 0.7065 ~0.7069 ,-2.0 to -3.0 , 18.72 ~18.73 , 15.65 ~15.66 and 38.87~38.93,respectively(Table 16;Fig.36).Similar isotopic compositions suggest a similar source region for ore-bearing and barren porphyries as discussed above.We thus consider that the geochemical differences between ore-bearing and barren porphyries could be attributed to different degrees of partial melting(see below for more discussion).

Fig.34 Plot of SiO2vs.selected major and trace elements and related ratios for the Yulong porphyries

Fig.35 F vs.Cl(a)and SiO2vs.(F+Cl)(b)diagrams for the Yulong porphyries

Fig.3687Sr/86Sr vs.εNddiagram(a)and207Pb/204Pb vs.206Pb/204Pb diagram(b)showing the isotopic signatures for the Yulong porphyries

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