
作者&投稿:呈重 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

曹可15686504704问: merrily sings the -
武都区灭特回答:[答案] 时钟在欢快得歌唱着.原文摘自于童谣“ The Clock Sings Tick,tick,tick,tick.Merrily sings the clock.It's time for study.It's time for play.So it sings all day long.Tick,tick,tick,tick.”

曹可15686504704问: merrily sings the clock是什么意思 -
武都区灭特回答: 时钟在欢快得歌唱着. 原文摘自于童谣“ The Clock Sings Tick, tick, tick,tick. Merrily sings the clock. It's time for study. It's time for play. So it sings all day long. Tick,tick,tick,tick. ”

曹可15686504704问: merrily什么意思啊? -
武都区灭特回答: 愉快地,高兴地

曹可15686504704问: 赞扬春天的英语诗歌 -
武都区灭特回答: 描写春天的英文诗歌赏析 spring 春 thomas nashe 托马斯·纳什 郭沫若翻译 spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king; then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring, cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing, cuckoo, jug-...

曹可15686504704问: 英文版描写春天的徘句诗 -
武都区灭特回答: Sound the Flute!Now it"s mute. Birds delight,Day and Night. Nightingale,In the dale,Lark in Sky,Merrily,Merrily Merrily to welcome in the Year. Little Boy,Full of joy.Little Girl,Sweet and small. Cock does crow,So do you.Merry voice,Infant noise,Merrily ...

曹可15686504704问: 各位大大帮帮忙!!求骆宾王"鹅"的英文版!!!
武都区灭特回答: 鹅,鹅,鹅, 曲项向天歌. 白毛浮绿水, 红掌拨清波. Ode to the Goose Luo Binwang Quack Quack,merrily sings the goose, Raising its head a tune from its mouth pours.

曹可15686504704问: 用英语翻译《关睢》这首情诗 -
武都区灭特回答: Merrily the ospreys cry, On the islet in the stream. Gentle and graceful is the girl, A fit wife for the gentleman. Short and long the floating water plants, Left and right you may pluck them. Gentle and graceful is the girl, Awake he longs for her and in his ...

曹可15686504704问: 外国描写春天的散文或诗歌 -
武都区灭特回答: 第一首:Spring(春天)Sound the Flute! 把笛子吹起!Now it's mute. 现在它无声无息.Birds delight 白天夜晚Day and Night. 鸟儿们喜欢Nightingale 有一只夜莺In the dale,在山谷深深,Lark in Sky 天上的云雀,Merrily 满心喜悦,...

曹可15686504704问: 初中生英语剧剧本+翻译 -
武都区灭特回答: 很久很久以前,在春天树林里住着一个熊家庭.这些熊们都很爱唱歌.他们常常在森林中嬉戏玩耍.有一天,一个小女孩在树林里迷路了.她来到了熊的家里.熊们都对她很和蔼.他们帮助她找到了回家的路. 剧中角色:熊爸爸 熊妈妈 熊宝宝...

曹可15686504704问: 赞扬春天的英语诗歌 -
武都区灭特回答: 春之歌英文诗歌朗诵会 (一) Spring song春天之歌 "Hello,dear Robin in the tree,“你好,树上亲爱的知更鸟, Will you sing a song for me ?你能给我唱支歌吗?” 'Yes,I will sing a happy song,“好的,我要唱一支快乐的歌, Cheerily cheerily ...

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