
作者&投稿:逮哈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Please consider this, thank you. (嗯这句话怪怪的我们好像不会这么说,你可以试试“I hope you can understand that the results of the makeup test is really vital for my study, if you allow me to take it on Monday I will be very grateful. Thank you very much! ")最后重启一...

make sth. up 和 make up for sth.的区别
2、make up for sth:补偿。二、用法不同 1、make sth up:纠正或改正不正确、不真实或有缺点的东西。正式用词,意义较抽象,侧重指彻底改正偏离正确标准或规则的东西。2、make up for sth:正式用词,通常指在局部范围内进行纠正,尤指对困难或棘手问题的解决。通过仔细阅读、反复思考后而进行改正...

Learning, I am not very hard, although the exam passed the make-up exam, no, but in all fairness, I didn't use very strength son. Like English, I didn't work hard, basic beginning I carry on the back the words, in the end, I will not back, always defaulted on debt...

“弥补”是make up for ,还是make up? 什么时候要加for?
make up 有破镜重圆的意思 ex.why don't you two kiss and make up?你们两个接吻,言归于好把!上个星期上外教课正好说到了这个 make up for: make up (to sb) for sth 一般表达 酬谢或报答某人(给对方带来麻烦或苦难)EX.How can i make up for the way I've treated you?我这样...

make up是什么意思?
"Make up for" 意思是 "来弥补\/抵消",通常用于表示某人做了某些事情,以弥补过去的错误或损失。例如:- I made a mistake on the exam, but I will make up for it by studying harder.(我在考试中犯了错误,但我会努力弥补它,通过学习更加努力。)- The company lost a lot of money in the...


Exam hard, low marks, something to ask for leave is very difficult to approve, reading year after year, every day make-up lessons like a monkey.人之初,性本善,不做作业是好汉,老师发现了怎么办,拿起椅子跟他干,干不过怎么办?电话呼叫奥特曼,奥特曼飞得慢,飞到凌晨三点半。Mans ...

【求人工翻译】中译英 日常口语短句 attention to...集中注意力做某事。比较初级用法。4.That's a wast of my time of study indeed.那的确是浪费了我的学习时间。5.I know that you know this matter.我知道你知道这件事情。matter 更实用些。6.participants in the oral exam.参加口语补考 7.When i nip up the ...

The first week of classes, hanged division last semester the make-up examination blacklist, I played in summer and patronize without a good book, make-up examination or hang.不过想想,没事,再考一次,下次我看了书一定过。But think about, ok, you take the exam again, next time ...

make up test papers 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thanks(thx)!

唱单19145001018问: "make - up exam"意思 -
兴海县头孢回答: 补考 make-up exam

唱单19145001018问: 补考用英语怎么说 -
兴海县头孢回答: make- up

唱单19145001018问: “补考成绩”和“重修成绩”英文怎么翻译 -
兴海县头孢回答: 补考成绩:Make-up examination achievement 重修成绩:Rebuild achievement

唱单19145001018问: 补考的英语词组是? -
兴海县头孢回答: Make up test/exam.

唱单19145001018问: make - -----exam -
兴海县头孢回答: make a exam

唱单19145001018问: 考查,考试,补考用英语怎么说啊? -
兴海县头孢回答: 考查: study;investigate.其它相关解释: <study up on> <review> <research> <vett> <quizzery> 这些解释没有一个能经得住严格的考查.None of these explanations can stand up under close examination. 考试: exam 其它相关解释: <...

唱单19145001018问: 用英语怎么说“补办手续、补假”等带“补”的话? -
兴海县头孢回答: 很多带有make up 如:make-up examination 补考 make up a missed lesson 补课 但不是绝对的,不像中文一个补字就搞定的 补休:compensatory leave

唱单19145001018问: (大学的)学分,(考试)成绩,重修,补考等词汇,英语怎么说? -
兴海县头孢回答: 学分:unit,credit (考试)成绩:result,success 重修:relearn 补考:make up (examination)

唱单19145001018问: 对不起我英语忘记补考了给我一次机会英语怎么说 -
兴海县头孢回答: I am sorry for forgetting making-up the examination,could you give me one more chance ?

唱单19145001018问: 期中 期末 总评 补考 重修 学分 怎么翻?? -
兴海县头孢回答: Mid-term期中 Period end期末 Total review总评 Make-up exam补考 Rebuild 重修 Credit学分

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