
作者&投稿:郅柴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

make sure, be sure of ,be sure to do,for sure的区别
make sure 确认、核实、查证,通常用于祈使句,后面加从句 be sure of +名词、动名词,表示“确信...”“对...有把握”,表示主语对抽象事物很确定 而be sure to do 表示说话人对主语作出判断,认为主语一定会怎样、必然会怎样 for sure 是一个副词短语,比如 I know for sure 我心里明白,...

make sure of和make sure用法上的区别
make sure of和make sure 都有“确信”的意思,但它们的用法不同。1、make sure of +名词\/ 代词\/ 动名词。如:1).--I heard that Jim would come back next month.我听说吉姆下个月回来。-- Really ?Do you make sure of it.真的?你确信吗?2).Make sure of his coming before you ...

make sure的用法总结
make sure意为“确保”。make sure that...意思是说:“让that 从句里面说的事情做到万无一失。”make 是“使令性”动词,意思是“使、让”;sure 是形容词,意为“可靠的;稳当的;稳妥的;有把握的,万无一失的”。 扩展资料 make sure的用法 1、接that 从句及其从句的时态。make sure...

make sure的用法有哪些呢?
make sure 的用法:(一)接that 从句及其从句的时态。make sure 如果是现在时,或者祈使句形式(原形),that从句的时态应该使用现在时间范畴的时态,例如:一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时等。所以,你的句子A和C,都正确。例如:1. They want to make sure the newcomers don't get a look-...

be sure和make sure的区别
Ⅰ. be sure 指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为:“确信”;\\x0d\\x0amake sure 指“务必、务请、确保”将某事弄清楚。如:\\x0d\\x0a① I am sure that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的。\\x0d\\x0a② I have made sure that he is honest. 我已了解清楚他是诚实的。\\x0d\\...

make sure和be sure的区别
一、意思不同 1、be sure :确信; 肯定; 确定;例句:It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.土地的价值是无法确定的。2、make sure :尽力做到;深信;务必;务请 例句:We make sure our clients get the best that money can buy.我们确保客户买到最好的产品。二、用法不...

make sure和be sure的区别
make sure 网络释义 1. 务必 2. 查明,务必 3. 确保,确信 4. 弄明白 5. 查明,弄确实 make sure后面接宾语从句的用法,当从句中表示的是将来的事情时,通常采用一般现在时态来 be suer sure+of/about+动名词或名词,意为“确信……”;“对……有把握”。但在接名词时,be ...


“确保”的英文为“ensure”或者“make sure”。“确保”可以翻译为“ensure”或者 “make sure”。其中,“ensure” 的发音为 [ɛnˈʃʊr],“make sure” 可以读作 [meɪk ʃʊr]。“确保”在英语中可以使用动词 ensure 和动词短语 make sure 来表示,...

make sure的意思

前彬18978479041问: make sure of be sure about be sure of 的区别和意思 -
盐边县盐酸回答:[答案] sure of 确信,有把握例:I hope you are sure of your facts我希望你能肯定你说的都是事实2.make sure of 设法保证例:they scored another goal and make sure of victory.他们又进了一球,以确保得到冠军 ...

前彬18978479041问: make sure是什么语法 -
盐边县盐酸回答: make sure 意思是:确信、确定;后可跟从句;可以和of构成短语,make sure of: 查明,弄清楚.例如: 1. They want to make sure the newcomers don't get a look-in. 他们不想让新人有露脸的机会. 2. Make sure the draining board, sink ...

前彬18978479041问: make sure of be sure about be sure of 的区别和意思 -
盐边县盐酸回答: sure of 确信,有把握 例:I hope you are sure of your facts我希望你能肯定你说的都是事实 2.make sure of 设法保证 例:they scored another goal and make sure of victory.他们又进了一球,以确保得到冠军 3. be sure of / about 对……有把握

前彬18978479041问: make sure of有确保的意思吗,比如确保某人的安全 -
盐边县盐酸回答: make sure of是确信的意思,不是确保安全的意思.给你更多些发散内容,希望对你有用! make sure of和make sure 都有“确信”的意思,但它们的用法不同. 1、make sure of +名词/ 代词/ 动名词. 如: 1).--I heard that Jim would come back ...

前彬18978479041问: make sure of有这么一个搭配吗 -
盐边县盐酸回答: 有的,make sure of sth 确信,查明展开全部make sure of 本身是一个动词词组,尽力做到,保证查明 后面还可以接THAT从句.

前彬18978479041问: make sure of和make sure用法上的区别 -
盐边县盐酸回答: make sure of后面接短语或者相当于名词的词 make sure后面接宾语从句 例如:Can you make sure of winning? Can you make sure of it? Can you make sure whether he will come soon? 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx!

前彬18978479041问: make sure 的用法 -
盐边县盐酸回答: 都不是. 只有be sure to do 的用法. make sure 后面如果加名词,用make sure of ... Will you make sure of his return. 如果要加动词,只能用宾语从句形式,make sure that...Make sure that you pick me up at 5. 有问题欢迎+百度HI交流,或QQ478993577

前彬18978479041问: 谁知道"make sure "的几个结构? -
盐边县盐酸回答: make sure1)宾语从句make sure that2) of/about...: make sure of/ make sure about3) make sure to do有“弄清楚;查明”之意.

前彬18978479041问: make sure和 be sure在意思、用法方面有什么区别? -
盐边县盐酸回答: be sure意为“肯定;确定” sure+of/about+动名词或名词,意为“确信……”;“对……有把握”.但在接名词时,be sure of侧重指主语对某抽象事物的确信无疑;而be sure about则侧重指主语对某具体事物的确信无疑.例如: He is sure...

前彬18978479041问: make sure doing 用法 -
盐边县盐酸回答: 为您解答应该是make sure of doing sth 常用于祈使句,后面常接that宾语从句或of介词短语.这里doing sth是动名词短语,也可以用sth替换,名词或代词. 例如:— Make sure of his coming before you set off. — I make sure (that) he would come.Make sure后面接从句或to do 例如 Make sure to pick up a shovel before this weekend's snow storm. I'll make sure I ask him about it tomorrow.

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